Hello. Welcome to August’s jam-packed bulletin. Each month we are amazed at how much information and support we are able to promote from organisations across the city. We do hope that it provides you with helpful guidance and information of who to turn to during difficult times and hope that you do not feel alone. We have included details about some new groups that Carers Trust Heart of England are running, an Autism conference in September as well as mental health support for men.
With Autumn fast approaching, there is the opportunity to have a Covid-19 booster alongside a flu jab. We encourage people to take these up when you can, to help protect yourself and your loved ones.
September is World Alzheimer’s month and this year’s theme is post diagnosis support. We have provided information below, so you are aware of what this organisation provides, alongside the Admiral Nurses. They are also encouraging people to take part in a Memory walk at the War Memorial Park in October, so if you feel like some fresh air in a wonderful setting please sign up.
The cost-of-living crisis is having a huge impact and as a Local Authority we have put together a list of resources and information on our website. Please do take a look to see what support you can access. We have also included information about support with shopping at Iceland and Carers UK have further detailed information.
Coventry City Council would like to encourage people to have their say regarding the One Coventry Plan and/or by attending the Stakeholders group. We have included details of how you can get involved and share your thoughts.
We hope you find this month’s bulletin helpful, if you have any feedback or comments, please do let us know by dropping us an email, We would love to hear from you.
Take care.
On 15 July, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) issued advice on the next COVID-19 booster campaign, to take place this Autumn.
There is a criteria as to who will be offered a booster of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine this autumn:
- residents in a care home for older adults and staff working in care homes for older adults
- frontline health and social care workers
- all adults aged 50 years and over
- persons aged 5 to 49 years in a clinical risk group
- persons aged 5 to 49 years who are household contacts of people with immunosuppression
- persons aged 16 to 49 years who are carers
You should be offered an appointment between September and December, with those at highest risk being called in first. You should have your booster at least 3 months after your last dose of vaccine. Please accept the invitation for a booster as soon as you are invited, to help keep you and your loved ones safe.
Appointments will be available from the National Booking Service shortly.
If you are eligible for a flu vaccine, you may be able to have them at the same time – if not please go ahead anyway, you can catch up with the other vaccine later.
Walkfit and healthy habits!
What is WalkFit?
- 15 minutes of walking to music daily (No jumps)
- Health & Nutrition Tips
- Accountability and support with Nicola
- 15 minutes of walking outside (optional but good for the body and mind)
- Tracking your steps and sharing your wins
Getting fit in a fun and easy way at home.
This is a brand new group and concept of indoor walking using great music to help you get started on your fitness and health
Benefits of WalkFit
- Low-impact, low risk of injury and walking can help develop and keep bones strong. Improve your general health - WalkFit can help raise good cholesterol levels and decrease bad cholesterol levels and help to lower high blood pressure. This in turn will help lessen the risks of illnesses like type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers and strokes.
- Stress Management- Regular WalkFit helps redirect your focus and concentration away from stressful environments and situations and release tension. Endorphins released in the brain through exercise result in a more relaxed disposition and calmer state of mind and can help reduce symptoms associated with depression, anxiety and self-esteem.
- Group Dynamics - WalkFt in a group, online is an amazing experience. The music, the camaraderie, the friendships and the other attendees all make exercising in a group joyful and fun.
For further details or information about how to join please email Rebecca Waite or call her on: 07522 200 141.
“A Confident You in 2022” is a 14 Day Online Programme for Beginners, to ease you into a ‘Fun’ exercise class and feel confident in the skin you’re in.
All the workouts are pre-recorded so you can access them when it suits you!!
Do you want…
- To improve your mood?
- A workout that’s suitable for beginners?
- To workout at home?
- To exercise without worrying about childcare?
- To feel more confident in yourself?
- To invest in yourself and take care of YOU?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this programme is for you!
What is included?
- 7 short Burlexercise Workouts including cardio and Resistance
- Supportive Facebook Group (non-essential so don’t worry if you’re not on Facebook!)
- BONUS – Whole Routine ‘Together Online’
- Health Tips
What equipment do you need to participate?
- A small set of hand weights – if you don’t have these you can use tins of beans or bottles of water instead.
- A phone, tablet or computer to access the workouts
Explanation of burlexercise and some of the moves
- Cardio – Burlexercise Resistance – legs, arms and abs
- Warm up, cardio & start of a routine
- Warm up, cardio, go over 1st half of routine – then add 2nd part
- BONUS – Warm up – whole routine
For further details or information about how to join please email Rebecca Waite or call her on: 07522 200 141.
A Carers group is going to be held at Herald Lodge Care Home, Canley, Coventry CV5 6AR. The first Tuesday of each month starting 6 September, 2:30pm to 3:30pm
This is open to carers and cared for. There will be a coffee shop area available for carers to chat, have a coffee and socialise. Also there will be staff from the care home providing an activity for the cared for and supporting them where needed.
For further details or information about how to join please email Rebecca Waite or call her on: 07522 200 141.
 Would you like to feel more motivated with better energy levels?
Want to feel relaxed about sleep, with less sleep anxiety?
Join our 4 week sleep course with Dr Liz Sparkes to learn how to improve your sleep quality and feel well rested. This course will support you to begin to bring in gentle practises to help calm and soothe the mind and body. Preparing the body to relax for sleep and enabling a clearer mind for deeper sleep.
The course will cover:
- compassion practices
- deep relaxation
- techniques for ease
- enhancing sleep
- working with change and emotions
Taking place on Zoom and starting on Wednesday 7 September between 6pm-7pm, please contact Anna Luczyna by email or call her on 024 7663 2972 (option 1) for further information and to sign up to these sessions.
5 September 2022
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
1:30pm - 3pm
6 September 2022
Care and Share
(Mental Health Carers Support)
Bonds Hospital (Hill Street)
10:30am –
6 September 2022
Herald Lodge – Carers Social Group
Herald Lodge
Canley Road Coventry
2:30pm – 3:30pm
7 September 2022
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
7 September 2022
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
9 September 2022
Across the Spectrum – Group for carers of Autistic Individuals’
(Carers looking after Children and Adults)
Penny Collard Centre
2pm – 3:30pm
12 September 2022
Males Carers Group
St Paul's Church (Foleshill Road) CV6 5AJ
12noon - 1:30pm
14 September 2022
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
14 September 2022
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
8 September 2022
African & Caribbean Carers Support Group
Zoom (meeting ID 845 8314 1140 passcode 976587)
1pm – 2:30pm
9 September 2022
Milan Social Group
(Drop-in Session for BAME carers)
Penny Collard Centre
11am – 1pm
20 September 2022
General Carers Social Group
Penny Collard Centre
10:30am – 12noon
21 September 2022
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
21 September 2022
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
15 September 2022
LGBTQ+ carers
Zoom (meeting ID 826 3675 5756 passcode 775796)
1pm – 2:30pm
19 September 2022
BAME carers Drop-in clinic
Broad Street Hall (Broad Street) CV6 5BG
9:15am – 1:15pm
27 September 2022
Across the Spectrum – Group for carers of Autistic Individuals’
(Carers looking after Children and Adults)
7pm – 8:30pm
28 September 2022
Yoga and Relaxation
11:30am – 12:30pm
28 September 2022
Carers Tea @ 3
3pm – 4pm
For information about any of the groups above please contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 option 1 to discuss.
Every year Carers UK, one of the biggest charities supporting carers ask carers to complete their annual survey to help understand the reality of caring in the UK. They have used their survey findings in the past to drive change, influence legislation and ensure that carers are on the national agenda. If you have the time please fill in the survey.
The closing date for completion is 11 September 2022.
The results are published in November during Carers Rights Day (24 November 2022).
As you are aware the cost living crisis is significantly impacting on so many people, and because of this Iceland have introduced a 10% discount Tuesday. This means that individuals who are 60 and over, can shop on a Tuesday, and receive this discount off their shopping. There is no minimum spend and applies across all your shopping, all you need is to show a senior buss pass, driver’s licence or a senior railcard as proof. You can receive this discount in either Iceland or The Food Warehouse.
Alongside this they are also issuing £30 gift voucher for pensioners. When this was launched there were 40,000 vouchers available which are to be claimed by 16 September 2022.
To qualify you must be of state pension age, live independently (but not necessarily alone) or with a carer, and you rely solely on your pension or other benefits to make ends meet. You can apply for more than one voucher per household, so if you are a couple, you can both apply.
If you meet these criteria, you can call the Summer Cheer hotline on 0800 098 7877 to request your voucher. The telephone line is available from 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday. It is a first come, first serve basis, so please act quickly to make sure you don’t miss out.
The gift voucher can be redeemed alongside a Tuesday 10% discount.
Did you know September is World Alzheimer’s Month and on 21 September it is Alzheimer’s day?
During the month the aim is to spread awareness and knowledge about Alzheimer’s Disease and all types of dementia. The campaign this year focuses on post diagnosis support with the aim to highlight the importance of support for those with a diagnosis as well as their loved ones.
If you require support or further information, you can take a look at the Alzheimer’s Society website. They have a practical guide for carers that you can download or order by post.
If your loved one has a diagnosis, and you feel you need some support you can contact the Admiral Nurses who are qualified specialist nurses. They have set criteria, but they are happy to have a conversation to see if you meet the criteria for your own specific Admiral Nurse. Even if you don’t quite meet the criteria, they have an advice line that is manned by one of their specialist Nurses Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm. You can call them for advice and guidance of any sort, and they will try and answer you or guide you to the right place for answers. Their number is 0300 303 3131.
Please do not feel alone.
A Memory walk brings people together to complete a sponsored walk to help raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. Everyone is welcome and its free to register. You can walk for a loved one, grandparent, friend, or parent, but the money you raise will support people living with dementia.
Once you have registered, you will receive a fundraising pack and a t-shirt to wear on the day. The aim is to raise £160 per person, or as much as you can, so they can support as many people as possible. The closing date for registration is 5 October 2022 at 4pm.
The walk in Coventry takes place at the War Memorial Park on 9 October 2022. You will need to arrive by 10am as the walk begins at 11am and you can choose to complete the 2km or 6km walk. Once you cross the finish line you will receive a medal and a well-earned rest.
If you would like further information, please see the Alzheimer’s Society website which provides details about how to register, access to the site as well as a frequently asked questions list.
Good luck!
This course which covers Dysphagia is for carers of people with a Learning Disability. It is a virtual session and being held on:
Date: Thursday 29 September 2022
Time: 10am – 12:00noon
This course will cover:
- Understanding swallowing and the structures involved
- Understanding causes of eating and drinking problems (Dysphagia)
- What is aspiration and some health risks linked to swallowing problems/aspiration
- Signs of concern
- The Role of SLT
- Ways to help manage risk
- How you can help everyday
- Food and fluid textures summary
- How to make eating a pleasure not a pain
If you are interested in attending this session, please send us an email.
Would you like to cope better, feel more in control of your emotions and be more resilient?
Hope aims to teach you how to become more relaxed, improve your confidence in setting positive goals, learn stress and fatigue management skills, and explore any worries you experience.
Hope are offering free online courses developed with Carers Trust Heart of England, throughout September and October. It is accessible at any time for you to complete whenever you’re able.
There are a number of courses which may be useful for you and those you care for, such as, anyone living with a debilitating condition or long-term health concern. All are provided free and can be viewed on their Hope for the community website.
September 14 2022 - Hope Programme for Long Covid
September 21 2022 - Hope Programme for Carers
October 5 2022 - Hope Programme for Multiple Sclerosis
October 12 2022 - Hope Programme for Long Term Conditions
They look forward to welcoming you.
The energy crisis is a very real issue. We know that for many people, the huge increase in energy bills is already making life incredibly tough.
What’s more, energy bills are set to rise even more in October. Latest information suggests that your bill could be more than £3,500 a year and the New Year could see another hike with some estimates suggesting typical bills could be more than £4,000.
But taking action now before the winter sets in is really important. And there is help at hand.
Act on Energy – here to help
Coventry City Council has partnered with Act On Energy – an energy advice charity with more than 20 years’ experience. They can help people across Coventry to keep warm and well this winter.
Act on Energy can offer expert advice on:
- Energy efficiency tips to reduce your bills
- Grants and funding for energy efficiency measures
- Grants for replacement heating systems
- Help with fuel bills and Energy debt
- Billing issues with your supplier
The advice is free– simply call on 0800 988 2881 or check out the website: Act On Energy
As well as advice over the phone, home visits can also be arranged, and even free small measures can be provided such as low energy light bulbs.
Some funding schemes require certain criteria to be met – but others don’t, so it’s well worth giving them a call now to see how they can help you. Don’t leave it until the after the summer and the autumn price rises to seek help.
Our top 10 tips – get into the habit now!
Here are some quick tips that people can do around the home to help save energy. The more people save – the less they’ll pay. It’s a good idea to get into the habit now while energy bills tend to be at their lowest.
- Turn your thermostat down by 1 degree. Most people won’t notice the difference – and an extra jumper can always help. The ideal room temperature is 18-21 degrees, but do consider if this is warm enough for anyone who has a vulnerability. Do it now before you need to switch the heating on! This could save you up to 10% a year on your bill.
- And while we’re on heating….set your timer to come on 15-30 minutes before you need it and switch off 30 minutes before you leave or go to bed.
- Switch to low energy lightbulbs. Yes, we know people have been banging on about this for years, but it really does work. LEDs use about 90% less energy than standard bulbs. They are more expense to buy – but last up to 12 times longer.
- Wash your clothes on the lowest heat setting. 90% of a washing machine’s energy is used to heat up the water. And dry them on a line – tumble driers use a lot of energy.
- Insulate a hot water tank – it will pay for itself within 6 months.
- Reduce your shower time – it’s easy to lose track of time so try setting an alarm for 3-4 minutes.
- Thick curtains help to keep the heat in. Keep them tucked behind radiators and pull them at dusk to avoid heat escaping through glass.
- Draught proof your home – check doors, letterboxes, windows, loft hatches and floorboards. Move furniture away from radiators to let warm air circulate. Keeping the heat in is key – a third of heat can be lost through the walls so think about cavity wall and loft insulation. There may be grants available our team of experts can advise.
- Be savvy in the kitchen – only boil the amount of water you need, when you need it. Keep a lid on it – trap the heat in your saucepan. Use the dishwasher only when it’s full. Turn the oven off a few minutes’ earlier and use residual heat to finish cooking. Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly for maximum efficiency (and while we’ve got you…keeping a fridge or freezer door open for just a minute means it’ll take three minutes to cool down again)
- And finally, contact us for free on 0800 988 2881. Our energy experts are waiting to help.
We want to hear from people who live, work or study in Coventry, we need your views on the city’s priorities for the next eight years.
The One Coventry Plan provides our vision until 2030. It outlines how we will work together with our partners and communities across the city to achieve our priorities.
The plan is more focused on the needs and aspirations of our communities than ever before. We have listened to, and reflected on what people have been telling us and considered the key issues facing the city. We will build on learning from our citywide response to Covid.
We describe the way that we work together with residents and partners as our One Coventry approach. The approach helps bring people and organisations from across the city together to work as one to make the biggest, positive difference to the lives of those who live and work in the city.
Visit Let’s Talk Coventry to read the draft One Coventry Plan, find out more about our priorities, give us your views by filling in our short survey and register your interest to attend one of our workshops.
This is a real chance for you to get involved and have your say on the One Coventry Plan.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
If you’d like any more information or you have any questions, please drop the One Coventry team an email.
 The Adult Social Care Stakeholders group meets every other month to discuss any updates and influence improvements across Adult Social Care. The group is made up of people in receipt of care and support services, carers and third sector organisations. There is a range of interests and expertise across the group.
Since the beginning of the pandemic we have been meeting online but our aim is to move back to face to face meetings in the near future, we usually meet in the main Council House. If technology permits, we hope that people can join us virtually if they wish.
Who can attend the group?
We welcome anyone who has recent or current involvement with Adult Social Care and has a drive to see improvement in services.
Please contact Getinvolvedasc@coventry.go.uk
Are there other opportunities for people to be involved in shaping Adult Social Care?
We know that a meeting doesn’t suit everyone and we’re trying to develop different ways to get feedback. If people are unable to attend the group we can still provide meeting minutes for those who want to remain informed.
What type of activity have the group been involved in?
The work of the group has been quite varied, from involvement in evaluating tenders, to providing scrutiny through peer reviews. We have also had key representatives involved in recruitment. The group also play a pivotal part in the development of our local account.
When is the next meeting?
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 25 October 2022 at 10.30am - 12.30pm.
If you’d like to find out more about the group contact GetInvolvedasc@coventry.gov.uk
Dive right in to an e-book. Have you read any of these books? Let us know what you thought. Browse and download from the full Collection.
Big Jubilee Read update
Full programme of events is now available online.
Over the six broadcasts,13 authors from the Big Jubilee Read booklist from across the world, from nine different countries in five continents and across seven time zones talk about their work, their literary inspirations and their favourite books from the Big Jubilee Read list.
The Alzheimer's Society, Carer Information and Support Programme Coventry (CrISP) is a group for individuals who are caring for someone with dementia in a supportive environment delivered by trained local staff and supported by volunteers.
CrISP provides information on all aspects of caring for a person with dementia in a group learning environment. Carers are able to share experiences and find out more about local and national services that may be of help. CrISP also aims to improve the knowledge, skills and understanding of people caring for a person with dementia, by providing effective support and up to date and relevant information.
The programmes run on a first come first served basis and numbers are limited. It is recommended that you attend all four sessions which run over four weeks.
The next sessions in September are being run at St Barbara's Church Hall, Earlsdon, Coventry CV5 6AG.
On Tuesday 13, 20, and 27 September from 2pm - 4:30pm
For further information please email or call 0333 150 3456 and ask to speak to a CrISP facilitator in Coventry.
We recently started our online mental health course for men (MENtalk).
This is proving to be extremely popular with men who feel anxious about joining new groups in person or have been socially isolated. Robbie will deliver these workshops online every Monday at 1pm. New beneficiaries are welcome at ANY time. To join please use the link below.
Microsoft Teams meeting. Join on your computer or mobile app
Join the meeting
Learn More | Meeting options
Topics include:
- Understanding anxiety
- Managing depression
- Cognitive behavioural approaches
- A compassionate mind
- Sleep, exercise and stress
- Guest slot from our Independent Mental Health Advocate to discuss the support available with a focus on managing medication, navigating NHS services and receiving financial/housing support.
Paul’s story
Here’s a case study from Paul, one of our MENtalk beneficiaries who’s been able to return to work following our support and regular attendance at Coventry sessions:
“When I first joined MENtalk I wasn’t in a great place mentally. Even after my first session I was still undecided, but I went back and was very glad I did. Both Sky Blues in the Community coaches were really approachable and made me feel welcome; as did all the other guys who were involved. I really enjoyed each session and they really helped me with my mental health, so I started to look forward to going every week. I’ve made friends and also completed a leadership qualification while I was involved. Even though I’m now back in work, I really miss the Thursday sessions. MENtalk has helped me a great deal and really helped me through a tough time.”
For further information, please email Robbie Chandler
Dementia Active sessions bring men together who have a diagnosis of Dementia, to participate in gentle sports and physical activities combined with social opportunities delivered in local sports halls.
The session consists of a variety of activities for participants of all abilities. These include badminton, table tennis, soft archery, indoor bowls, basketball, and football. Plus, we have games that are less physically demanding like giant Jenga, cards and other board games.
The idea is to give men the opportunity to practice their hobbies or learn skills in a safe, friendly environment with plenty of professional support, while giving their carers the opportunity for some respite. Participants are welcome to attend with carers/family members or friends and we encourage them to join in also, which helps create a positive atmosphere at sessions.
DEMENTIA Active is now delivered in Coventry, Warwick and Nuneaton. For more information and to refer, please contact Jack Clemons
 On Saturday 10 September, carers, parents and professionals are invited to attend the Together with Autism Conference at Whitley Academy, Abbey Road, Coventry CV3 4BD from 10:00am - 16:00pm. Here, the autism strategy will be launched and you can participate in workshops, listen to talks and meet representatives from local services.
A previous conference took place in April 2022 and received positive feedback, with a video showing some of the day now available online: Together with Autism Conference - Warwick 2022 - YouTube.
Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
For queries and further information please send Act for autism an email.
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at carers@coventry.gov.uk.