I find it unbelievable that I’m writing about the end of an academic year, which seems to have come around even quicker than last year. As we approach the summer holiday period, the need for finding things to do for our children and young people rears it’s head again – we’ve tried to include some ideas within this bulletin.
Over the last few weeks, there has been a focus on the importance of parent/carer and young people’s involvement in decision making around SEND issues. This has included consulting with parents/carers about the Government’s SEND Green Paper, for which we ran two sessions (one face-to-face and one online). It was great to see parents putting forward their views on the proposals, and also putting forward their thoughts about other things that might need to change in the SEND system. Let’s hope that however the Government proceeds, they take on board the suggestions of those working closest with children and young people, including parents/carers.
Our AmbasSENDors, made up of young people in Coventry, have also been involved in supporting local initiatives, including supporting the Speech, Language and Communication survey (more details of that below). It’s so good to see young people talking about their experiences and giving their views.
As I always write in this space, we would love to hear about any young people’s achievements – if you are struggling for activities over the summer, how about writing to tell us about something inspirational that a young person has achieved recently – whether it’s that they have learned a new skill, taken part in a group or got a qualification, we’d love to hear about it. Just send them to sendnews@coventry.gov.uk.
Have a relaxing summer.
Chris Firth
A new five-year all-aged autism strategy for Coventry and Warwickshire has been adopted by Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council, and NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
This five-year local strategy has been co-produced with support from a wide range of people, including autistic people and their families and people working in services and organisations that support autistic people.
This has built a shared understanding of the experience of autistic people of all ages and their families in accessing support appropriate to their needs and getting a formal diagnosis of autism.
As part of the strategy, the Clinical Commissioning Group has also announced additional investment over the next two years to reduce assessment waiting times, and produce additional support and guidance.
Full details are available on the Council website, whilst updated FAQ’s around the process of assessment for children can be also be accessed.
Bookings are now open for the ‘Coventry HAF Summer Fun 2022 programme’ which is taking place from the 26 July until 4 September. Activities are now available to book via the Coventry HAF website. If you haven’t booked through the website before, you will need your child’s HAF code which is on the letter that has been sent to the homes of eligible families. You should have also received a brochure for you to browse over your favourite activities.
Find out more by viewing the Summer Fun 2022 Coventry HAF programme video on Youtube.
Coventry City Council want to hear from you to tell them what you think of the 'One Coventry Plan'.
This is a real chance for you to get involved and have your say on the 'One Coventry Plan' and make suggestions about how Coventry City Council can improve, and share your ideas on how revised priorities can be delivered successfully.
Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts on how Coventry can achieve it's priorities and what success could look like.
For people struggling to afford heating bills, 'Act on Energy' provides free impartial advice to householders and small businesses across Coventry and Warwickshire on energy efficiency and grants and projects available in your area to help keep you warm this winter.
To find out more visit the Act on Energy Website
Are you a young adult (18-25) with an autism diagnosis or think you may be autistic?
Coventry Mind's Young Adult Peer Support Groups offer the opportunity to meet and socialise with others, as well as gain information and understanding about autism.
Find out more at Coventry Mind Young Adult Autism Support Group
Sometimes families who have children or young people with disabilities/or health conditions benefit from a break from their caring responsibilities. Short Breaks give children and young people who have a disability the opportunity to join in with an enjoyable activity away from their parents/carers.
Short Breaks allow children and young people to take part in activities, make friends, develop independence and have fun. Short Breaks also provide parents/carers a break from caring responsibilities. You can find out more about the shortbreaks service and eligibility criteria on the shortbreaks webpage.
See the latest list of term-time and holiday activities on the community short breaks 'what's on' page.
Parents/carers and professionals are being asked for their views and feedback, about the services that provide support to children and young people, in relation to their speech, language and communication. They are keen to find out from parents and carers about experiences on how these services provide help and support and also separately, to get feedback from the professionals who work either directly or indirectly with children in a professional capacity. Please complete the relevant survey below to take part.
Parents/carers survey
Professionals survey
The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. The survey responses are anonymous.
The survey will close on 20 July 2022.
Child Friendly COV is a new project with the aim of making Coventry the best place it can be for children and young people to grow up and live in. If you have a child, or you are a young person who would like to take part in the survey please click on the link below. It is a very short survey and can be completed with individual children or young people, or with whole classes or groups.
Take part in the 'Child Friendly COV' Survey.
If you would like to find out more about Child Friendly Cov, please email: ChildFriendlyCov@coventry.gov.uk
On 29 March the Government published the SEND Review: Right support, right place, right time, a consultation on the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision system in England. The consultation sets out proposed reforms to the SEND and alternative provision (AP) system that seek to address three key challenges.
You can access the Green Paper via the GOV.UK 'SEND and AP green paper: responding to the consultation' webpage.
For more information, accessibility resources and to take part in the consultation visit the SEND Review Campaign webpage.
The consultation closes on 22 July 2022.
The Government are currently consulting on "whether they should have an additional four weeks after review meetings to finalise any changes they propose to a plan and should have to circulate material for a review meeting a week earlier than currently".
For more information or to take part in this consultation visit the DofE 'Reviews of Education, Health and Care plans: proposed timescales' webpage.
This consultation closes on 12 August 2022.
Contact have released a ‘Helpful Guide’ to support parents and carers navigate the complicated SEND system. The 92-page booklet has advice and information you'll need about accessing support for your family — from your child's early years through to their adulthood transition.
The booklet is free and you can order your copy today on the Contact website.
Do you have a diagnosis of autism? Are you looking for support with anxiety? Take part in research into the treatment of anxiety.
STRATA are inviting people with a diagnosis of autism to take part in the STRATA study - the largest study on the treatment of anxiety in autistic people.
STRATA has been co-produced with experienced clinicians, researchers, and autistic people. You can take part from anywhere in the UK.
To read about the study and how to take part, visit the STRATA study webpage.
If you have any questions or want to discuss the study, please contact the research team strataresearch@covwarkpt.nhs.uk or 0116 223 1171 or complete the Expression of Interest form on the link above.
Even the world's strongest man needs emotional support. Kidscape had a fantastic day with a Year 6 class recently exploring what strength really means - including a surprise visit from two Strongmen, thanks to their partners at 'Giants Live'!
Kidscape shared it was a fantastic way for the children to learn that even the world's strongest man needs a helping hand now and again, especially as they prepare the transition to secondary school.
Visit the Kidscape Facebook page to find out more.
Does your child have a vision impairment? Would you like them to make new friends?
Coventry Sensory Team are running a TenPin Bowling trip for children aged 7-11 years old who have a vision impairment on Tuesday 5 July 2022 at 5pm for £3.50 per person.
Venue: Tenpin Coventry Crosspoint Business Park, Olivier Way, Coventry, CV2 2SH
RSVP to lucy.radford@coventry.gov.uk by 1 July 2022
See poster below for more information.
Act for Autism, in collaboration with Coventry and Warwickshire MIND, are offering a series of free workshops dedicated to supporting family members and carers of autistic adults and children, and professionals working with autistic individuals.
For more information and details of the range of workshops, and to book, please visit the eventbrite page
If you have any queries or questions regarding the Act for Autism courses, please call 024 7663 1835 or email autismsupport@cwmind.org.uk
Kidscapes FREE ZAP workshops help young people aged 9-16 and their parents/carers who have been impacted by a bullying situation. The core focus is to teach young people how to be assertive, a proven technique for preventing and tackling bullying situations.
Kidscape have shared that the success of this approach is shown in the positive outcomes and the fantastic feedback received from the families who attend.
98% feel more able to be assertive
96% of young people feel more confident
96% of young people report improvements in mental health
You can find out more below!
To find out more or book onto a ZAP workshop visit the Kidscape ZAP workshop webpage
Witherslack group have a virtual SEN conference which will offer practical advice to parents and carers supporting children and young people with ADHD.
Wednesday 13 July 2022 presentations from 10am onwards.
Book your place on the Witherslack Group website.
The 'Together with Autism Conference' is part of the Coventry and Warwickshire 'Autism Strategy' launch. You can find out more about this within the 'local news' section of this bulletin.
Tickets will be released on Eventbrite at the end of June. Look out for more information on the Eventbrite webpage.
The Chat Central's July and August 2022 schedule is now out, and they are still running their weekly City Walk every Wednesday 11am-12.30pm, meeting outside the Transport Museum.
You can view the chat central website for more information on events and activities.
Please email chatcentral@vacoventry.org.uk or text/call 07541 343 491 if you would like to attend, or just go along!
Watch a video about their recent tennis project to find out more about how they work and how clients can benefit from Chat Central
Coventry School Nursing are offering free hearing screening sessions for reception children via Eventbrite.
The next sessions will be held on:
Tuesday 12 July 2022 Woodside Hub or Wednesday 13 July 2022 MoatHouse Leisure Centre
Tuesday 2 August 2022 Moathouse Leisure Centre or Tuesday 16 August 2022 Mosaic Hub
If you have any questions contact the School Nursing Team on:
Have you been to one of SENDIASS' online coffee mornings?
They're an opportunity to meet up with other parents, have a chat (or just a listen) and support each other. Stay as long (or as little) as you are able - no pressure!
Coffee mornings take place regularly so look out for future dates!
You can find out more information about SENDIASS events via the SENDIASS website events page.
Below are the upcoming dates for the 'Autism Café'.
Sessions run from 2pm-4.30pm.
- 23 July 2022
- 20 August 2022
Venue: St. George's Church, Barker Butts Lane, Coventry, CV6 1EA.
Admission fees apply. For more details please contact Sue: susankivi@yahoo.co.uk
P3 are running drop in advice sessions on a fortnightly basis in the family hubs across the city. If you need help with: Housing/tenancy issues, independent living skills, money management/benefit advice, health and well-being or general advice and support, contact P3 on 08081 962660 or visit your local family hub to find out more.
You can also check out the School Nursing latest newsletter.
The new quarterly timetable from ‘Recovery and Wellbeing’ is out now. You can view the broad range of sessions on offer between July and September 2022 on the Recovery and Wellbeing Courses Timetable and Enrolment Webpage.
Courses include: ‘Understanding and Supporting Children and Young People with Emotionally Based School Avoidance’ and ‘Understanding and Supporting Children who Self-harm’, amongst others.
The Coventry Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.
The SEND Local Offer will cover services available to the public across education, health and social care:
Education: such as nurseries, playgroups, schools and colleges as well as support services like Educational Psychology and SEN services
Health: children's and adult services including GPs, therapists and hospital services
Social care: such as short break services and children's and adult disability services.
Rise is a family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire.
Rise aims to build resilience and empower children and young people (as well as the adults in their lives) to know where to go for help and advice.
It’s made up of a number of different services, each led by mental health specialists.
Find out more about RISE
View their latest newsletter
Kooth is an anonymous digital counselling and support service for children and young people aged 11-25 years providing access to emotional wellbeing and early intervention mental health support. For more information visit the Kooth webpage.
The Family Hubs can help you find and get help from different services in the area and will be able to give you information, advice and support.
If you need additional support please contact your nearest Hub directly to find out if there is anything they can do to help.
Home is supposed to be one of the safest places for us, but if you are experiencing domestic abuse then home could be frightening. If someone is in immediate danger and their life is threatened, they should dial the police on 999.
Coventry Haven - ensure safety and empowerment for women and children who are subjected to Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) in any form. They offer a range of services including a SafeToTalk Helpline 0800 111 4998 or 024 7644 4077
National Domestic Abuse Line (REFUGE) - Refuge supports women, children and men experiencing domestic violence with a range of services including a 24-hour helpline 0808 2000 247.
Young Minds - a national charity which supports children and young people with mental health and well being. They have specific resources for young people around COVID-19, and also offer support to parents.
Childline - Childline is available to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, they have trained counsellors to support you. The helpline is 0800 1111 and is available 24hrs 7 days a week.
Samaritans - Coventry & District Samaritans is an independent charity, run entirely by unpaid volunteers. They provide a free 24-hour helpline for people who are upset, troubled or who are feeling suicidal. Call 116 123 at any time of the day or night or email jo@samaritans.org
In addition to their normal services Samaritans has set up a confidential support line for NHS workers and volunteers in England. This operates from 7am to 11pm every day. NHS staff can, of course, still use the 24 hour helpline if they prefer.
If you would like to view copies of or previous ebulletins you can do so via the SENDIASS website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us sendnews@coventry.gov.uk
Alternatively, you can keep up to date through SEND IASS's;