Welcome to this extra Carers' Week Bulletin. Carers' Week is a week to shout loud and proud about the role of unpaid carers.
This years Carers' Week is around raising the visibility of caring in our society and making sure that those who do care feel valued and their choices respected.
Pete Fahy – Director of Adult Social Care & Housing: “Not only do carers provide on-going care for a loved one, carers make on-going sacrifices to make sure they can care, giving up time, work and sometimes valued relationships.
At Coventry City Council we are dedicated to supporting carers well, we work closely with the Carers' Trust Heart of England to achieve this. We are supporting Carers' Week because it's an important opportunity to raise the visibility of caring, something we are all likely to do in our lifetime but often when people take on a caring role it can be hard to know where to turn for support and it can feel like an isolating experience'.
This week is Carers' Week, which celebrates and raises awareness of caring. Carers' Trust Heart of England are holding a number of events and fun activities, plus opportunities to find information and support for people with caring responsibilities.
if you are a carer in Coventry, did you know you're entitled to your own Go CV+ Card? The Go CV+ Card gives you all the benefits a Go CV card but with additional discounts and the highest level of discount. This sometimes means for free! There's a lot going on in the city and the pass can give you access to a range of leisure and arts services.
You qualify either by being eligible for Carers' Allowance or registering with the Carers' Trust Heart of England and then creating a Go CV account.
Read more about Go Cv+.
This week the Carers' Trust Heart of England are doing daily podcasts around all things to do with Carers' Week. There is also a really good podcast talking about Lasting Power of Attorney. Check out the podcasts: The Carers Podcast
It’s simple! Just add your email address in the top right hand corner and click GO!
You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at carers@coventry.gov.uk.