Welcome to this month's Carers' Bulletin, we hope you and your loved ones are well.
With the Government's changes from 1 April, in regards to free lateral flow tests and support in the community no longer being provided, we have included some information that we hope you find helpful. Alongside this, we have information on where and how to book your first and second COVID-19 vaccinations as well as a booster if you have not yet had chance to take up this opportunity.
We take a look at how Young Carers Action Day was celebrated with a visit to a very wet and cold Coventry Building Society Arena to watch Coventry City FC and also their Bonkers Bingo session. There is information below about how you can join in more of their activities.
With increasing fuel bills we have information about the organisation "Act on Energy" that you can call to discuss your concerns and seek support. One big piece of advice is to take a meeting reading today (31 March 2022) and a picture of your meter for future record, this will help if there are any issues further down the line.
We are also sharing details of two webinars that are available to anyone who cares for or supports a person with a learning disability and/or autism.
This bulletin also includes information about all the activities that you and your loved ones can participate in, some are in person and some are being held virtually, so hopefully you will find something that suits you, with lots of dates for your diary.
For those who celebrate, we would like to wish you a Happy Easter.
Thank you for taking the time to read what is a very full bulletin. Take care.
Here at Young Carers Coventry we recognise that everyday should be about Young Carers so when Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) comes around we like to make sure our Young Carers are recognised.
This year’s Young Carers Action Day theme was ‘Taking Action on Isolation’, in line with this we were fortunate enough to receive some match tickets from Coventry Building Society to allow our Young Carers & Young Adult Carers to attend Coventry City v Hull City at the Coventry Building Society Arena. Although it was a very wet and windy evening this did not stop our young carers/young adult carers and their families attending and enjoying their night. We would like to thank Coventry Building Society for this opportunity!
“Thank you for allowing me to come to the football, I had a fab time”
“It’s a shame that Coventry lost, but I really enjoyed the evening”
 To continue Young Carers Action Day, on Thursday 17 March we hosted an all ages Bonkers Bingo session. This activity bought young carers aged 5-17 together for a fun filled evening, with our own twist on Bingo getting the Young Carers up on their feet dancing and doing little activities which were all associated with the different bingo numbers. In line with the theme of Young Carers Action Day of taking action on isolation one of the actions when a number ending in the number 8 came up, was that the Young Carers were to find a ‘mate’ and learn one new fact about them, this helped the Young Carers to get to know someone they may not have spoken to before. Bonkers Bingo was a very successful evening with the winners of the games receiving prizes such as cinema vouchers so that they can go and enjoy a film with whomever they wish. Thank you to everyone that attended and we look forward to doing more sessions like this soon!
One of our biggest aims at Young Carers Coventry is to reduce any social isolation that Young Carers may face due to their caring role, this is why we run two activities a week for all our Young Carers so that they can come along and have some time for themselves and get to meet new people and build friendships. Our activities run 5 - 7pm on a Monday and Thursday evening for our varying age groups. (please see the activity timetable below)
Monday evening for 11 - 17 year olds
Thursday evening for 5 - 11 year olds
If you would like to find out more information about our service and the activities we run please head over to our website, you can also email Peighton our Young Carers Activity Co-ordinator or call 07428 670040.
She looks forward to hearing from you.
 The young carers team offers a mixture of activities, ranging from getting together to watch a movie to more practical activities such as baking and gardening. They also run youth groups for 5 - 10 year olds and 11 - 17 year olds. Places for all activities are limited so book soon, so you're not disappointed.
They would love to see you!
For more information and to book a place please visit the Young Carers website.
Calling all Young Adult Carers age 16 - 24.
Do you care for anyone? A family member or a friend?
We have a pair of tickets to give away to a young adult carer + their guest for the BBC Radio One Weekend in Coventry on Saturday 28 May!
Ed Sheeran, Anne-Marie, Calvin Harris, Sigrid, Aitch and KSI are some of the hottest acts to be performing!
All details are on our Facebook page.
So, to be in it to win it, follow these instructions:
Like our Facebook page and post, comment who you would take and share the post. You can enter multiple times.
*Open to registered and newly registered young adult carers only. Register today.
*Winner to be announced live Friday 29 April*
*Tickets are non transferable*
#carerstrustheartofengland #YourFuture #ItsYourTimeToShine #BBCRadioOne #BBCRadioOneWeekend #edsheeran #ksi #AnnaMarie #calvinharris #AITCH #supportingeachother #meetingnewpeople
Time for you! is a free service helping carers to make social contacts and increase involvement in social activities. We know that carers can become isolated and lonely as a result of their caring role. The purpose of the service is to offer a reliable relationship to you if you have found it difficult maintaining social connections as a result of your caring role. You will be matched with a trained volunteer ‘befriender’ who will arrange to either phone or visit you once a week for a period of 12 weeks. For more information on Time for you or to register an interest in receiving this service contact Michelle Sawyer or Michelle Cooke at Carers Trust Heart of England.
Friday 8 April at 12.30pm
Come and join the Carers Trust Heart of England at Bond's Hospital for a BBQ and an afternoon of National Hunt Racing from the Aintree Grand National Festival.
This is a free event and will be held at Bond's Hospital Lounge, Hill Street, Coventry. CV1 4AX.
The BBQ will be starting at 12.30pm and finishing at 1.45pm. Then it’s an afternoon of racing on the big screen, with a non-profit betting tote if you fancy a small flutter.
There will be tea, coffee, and soft drinks available, but if carers wish to bring along their own alcoholic drink they are welcome to do that.
Unfortunately, there are limited tickets to this event and will be issued on a first come first served basis.
To express an interest in attending, or for any other information about this event please email Rebecca Waite or Paul Nicholls
Alternatively you can contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 Option 1
 For any information about any of the groups above please contact Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972 option 1 to discuss.
A Carers' Clinic will be held every second Wednesday of the month at Earlsdon Library.
The next session is planned for 13 April 2022 at Earlsdon Library.
To book a slot contact Rowan Preston.
The Admiral Nurse Service is provided by Dementia UK and the Coventry and Rugby GP Alliance. They cover the following areas: Coventry, Rugby and North Warwickshire.
They are a group of specialist Dementia Nurses who help support those who support persons with Dementia. They refer to these individuals as carers. They understand how difficult it can be for carers and therefore try to help when things get tough.
They have a set of criteria, essentially when the needs of carers become great enough for specialist support from qualified nurses and are always keen to have a conversation to see if you meet the criteria for your own specific Admiral Nurse. Even if you don't quite meet the criteria, they have an advice line that is manned by one of their specialist Nurses Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm. You can call them for advice and guidance of any sort, and they will try and answer you or guide you to the right place for answers.
For further information please see their website or call them on 0300 303 3131
Date and time:
Thursday 28 April at 10am – 12noon
Sessions will be held virtually.
These sessions are open to anyone who cares for or supports a person with a learning disability and/or autism.
The session will cover the following areas:
- Understanding swallowing and the structures involved
- Understanding causes of eating and drinking problems (Dysphagia)
- What is aspiration and some health risks linked to swallowing problems/aspiration
- Signs of concern
- The Role of SLT
- Ways to help manage risk
- How you can help everyday
- Food and fluid textures summary
- How to make eating a pleasure not a pain
If anyone is interested in attending any of these sessions, please email to book a place.
Dates and times:
Thursday 5 May at 10am – 11.30am
Thursday 19 May at 1.30pm – 3pm
Sessions will be held virtually. (Please note that both sessions will contain the same content as each other)
These sessions are open to anyone who cares for or supports a person with a learning disability and/or autism.
The session will cover the following areas:
- Importance of bowel health
- Monitoring
- Recognising differences, signs and symptoms
- Polypharmacy & STOMP
- Diagnostic overshadowing
- Treatment pathways, how to help (MCA)
- Evaluating and maintenance (AHCs/health screens)
- Screening
If anyone is interested in attending any of these sessions, please email to book a place.
MENtalk is a weekly group session designed to bring men together to improve their wellbeing, delivered by mental health specialists, professional sports coaches, and expert activity instructors.
The men who have attended the sessions have given fantastic feedback to SBitC, for instance:
“You have helped in so many ways I’m not sure you realise how awesome this project is from a person to have lived with this illness for so long.”
“I can honestly say that each session has made me feel better, at first I didn’t know what to expect so I was a bit apprehensive about what to say and how I would feel. As I have attended more sessions I am feeling a lot more comfortable and have been able to open up.”
Sessions include many different activities and are tailored to the interests of those that attend (it’s not just football!!). The Coventry sessions take place on Thursdays from 12noon - 2pm at Moat House Leisure Centre, CV2 1EA
For more information please email Robert Chandler or call 07845 812639.
Lateral flow tests
All lateral flow test sites in the city have now closed.
This is a result of the government ending free symptomatic and asymptomatic testing for the general public at the start of April.
Find out more information about the closures on our website.
The Government has outlined that free tests will be limited to a small group who are symptomatic, such as those working in "high risk closed" environments, patients in hospital and people who are eligible for Covid-19 treatments because they are at a higher risk of getting severely ill from the virus. They are yet to say who this applies to but as soon as we have information we will share this with you. To find out more please see their website.
Getting your free COVID-19 vaccine in Coventry has never been easier. Just visit a walk-in vaccination clinic. No need to book, there's a choice of locations at walk in clinics open after 5pm. Find local clinics.
In February, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised a spring dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for:
- adults aged 75 years and over
- residents in care homes for older adults
- individuals aged 12 years and over who have a weakened immune system
The NHS will contact those who are eligible to make a spring booster appointment, so people should wait until they hear from the NHS. The NHS will prioritise those whose clinical need is greatest, as it has throughout, starting with those who have had a bigger gap since their last dose, then working through the cohort to invite others who have waited less time. Everyone who is eligible will be offered a top up between three and six months over the Spring and early Summer. You can also check the NHS website for further information.
Also remember basic hygiene, such as covering your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze, is a simple way we can continue to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Coventry and keep each other safe.
We are pleased to inform you that SENDIASS has partnered up with Coventry ‘Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning Team’ (SEMHL) to run a FREE online session for parents/carers to provide an opportunity to learn more about challenging behaviour within children. This session will give more insight into some of the reasons for challenging behaviour within children, a look at preventative strategies, de-escalation, managing crisis and what to do after an episode of challenging behaviour in order to repair and rebuild relationships.
This session takes place virtually on Tuesday 5 April 2022 at 10am - 12noon
Your child does not need a diagnosis to attend this session.
You can find out more about SEMHL and their services by visiting their website.
For more information contact us via an email or phone 024 7669 4307 to book your place and quote ‘SEMHL’.
The Adult Social Care Stakeholders group meets every other month to discuss any updates and influence improvements across Adult Social Care. The group is made up of people in receipt of care and support services, carers and third sector organisations. There is a range of interests and expertise across the group.
Since the beginning of the pandemic we have been meeting online but our aim is to move back to face to face meetings hopefully for our next meeting in April, we usually meet in the main Council House. If technology permits, we hope that people can join us virtually if they wish.
Who can attend the group?
We welcome anyone who has recent or current involvement with Adult Social Care and has a drive to see improvement in services. Please contact GetInvolvedasc@coventry.gov.uk
Are there other opportunities for people to involved in shaping Adult Social Care?
We know that a meeting doesn’t suit everyone and we’re trying to develop different ways to get feedback. If people are unable to attend the group we can still provide meeting minutes for those who want to remain informed.
What type of activity have the group been involved in?
The work of the group has been quite varied, from involvement in evaluating tenders, to providing scrutiny through peer reviews. We have also had key representatives involved in recruitment. The group also play a pivotal part in the development of our local account.
When is the next meeting?
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 26 April 2022.
If you’d like to find out more about the group contact GetInvolvedasc@coventry.gov.uk
Has talk of the Energy Crisis worried you? What does the ‘price cap’ mean? More people than ever are likely to experience fuel poverty this year and, with the cost of living increasing, we are going to see a those who have never worried about their bills getting into debt and really struggling.
If this is something that is playing on your mind, Act on Energy can help.
Act on Energy are a local independent charity set up to help residents who are experiencing problems with their energy bills, whether that is not being able to afford to pay the bills, issues being faced with the energy supplier, or the need for a new more efficient heating system, we can help.
Call our freephone line now on 0800 988 2881.
2 April is National Autism Awareness Day this aims to help people's understanding of Autism and to help them to know what they can do to make life easier for those affected by it.
For more information and resources please refer to the National Autistic Society and Autism West Midlands.
Local author Adam Wood will be visiting Willenhall Library on Thursday April 7 at 2pm for a free talk about his book 'Watchmakers revenge' He will also be doing book signing! |
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You can also sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at carers@coventry.gov.uk.