Coventry Music Final Newsletter 2020-21

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Coventry music

Coventry Music Education Hub updates

The official newsletter of the lead organisation of Coventry Music Education Hub.

Follow us on Twitter and check out our website for all the latest news.

Included in this update:


thank you

Have a great Summer and thank you to everyone who has been part of Coventry Music


As we reach the end of another school year it is amazing to look back and see what has been achieved. This year is no exception! In fact everyone who has been supporting young people to continue musical learning this past year has been phenomenal. Thank you!

Over the past year we have faced many challenges which our wonderful Coventry Music team have overcome – with online rehearsals, digital resources, Microsoft Teams lessons, Zoom workshops and so much more – all on top of regular music lessons across schools.

Next year we will be moving into our new home at Draper’s Hall, creating a purpose built rehearsal space for our students. For all of our students rehearsals will be FREE for the next academic year as we look to rebuild and develop new and exciting music groups – including some community based groups for those of all levels of ability.

Thanks to our wonderful team the future is looking great for young musicians in the city.

sign up now

Sign up is now open for all our current students and new students for September 2021.

If you are a current student then you should have received login details for our new platform SpeedAdmin, where you can check and update your details and register for next academic year. If you haven't received these details please email us at

For anyone that doesn't currently learn with us but is interested in doing so then visit our website for more information about what we offer, pricing and links to register your interest to learn with us.

Watch this space in September for lots of exciting new groups, as well as old favourites returning again face-to-face and hopefully lots of events and opportunities too.

haf logo

Coventry Music delivering summer music workshops with holiday and food providers across the city.

Many of the Coventry Music tutors are going to be visiting lots of different summer workshops to lead workshops in samba drumming, body percussion and rhythm games, safe singing activities and much more for children who are taking part in the holiday and food sessions.  Workshops are going to be running in all different parts of the city with our tutors who usually deliver 1:1, small group or whole class lessons in schools during term time.  It will be lovely to meet many different young people in this more relaxed, informal setting of a holiday workshop to have fun with music and discover new musical talent!

Find out more about HAF project

string group

String Ensemble back to rehearsing face-to-face

The string ensemble has been meeting live again, after 15 months of online rehearsals. It has been great to see everyone and for us all to play together instead of taking it in turns on Microsoft Teams! We’ve put together some of the repertoire that we recorded when working online, and we’re looking forward to starting some new music too. From September, we’ll be rehearsing on Tuesdays at the refurbished Drapers’ Hall, next to the Cathedral ruins; if you play a bowed string instrument at grades 2-6 level please get in touch if you would like to join the group, we’re always looking for new members.


coventry Moves

Coventry Moves Together by Vicky Clayton - Music Engagement Officer

On Saturday 5 June, residents of Coventry and Warwickshire were invited to join with their neighbours, tune in to various local radio stations and enjoy the world premiere of Coventry Moves Together, a brand new piece of music created by composer Dan Jones, and featuring the voices of Coventry school children. 

A different stream of music was broadcast by each radio station and when listened to simultaneously a musical tapestry unfolded and the children's words were heard across the airwaves loud and clear. 


One of the schools involved was Longford Park Primary School and, on the Wednesday after the original broadcast, the children from years 1-5 listened to the piece again in their classrooms. The children who had been involved could pick out their voices and were rightly proud of their moment in the spotlight. Their classmates were beaming as they recognised their friends' voices and conversations flowed; largely about the creative process and where the piece fits into the larger City Of Culture picture.


"I am so proud of our children who were involved in this project. What a great little piece of history." Danielle Farrelly - Deputy Head Teacher


"I heard myself, my voice sounded loud and I told everyone I wanted to be a nurse when I grow up" Prabjhot - Year 2


"I knew it was me but my voice sounded different, I think that was because of the microphone they used" Charlie - Year 2


"I was a bit shy when we did it, but I am glad I did. I can listen to it forever"  Alycia - year 4


Listen to the full recording here: 

power up

Stringcredibles Power Up Project

Sadly, our staff string quartet’s participation in the Stringcredible’s Power-Up project has been postponed due to Covid-19 safety, but we will still be performing live at Joseph Cash and St Laurence’s primary schools at the end of term, and look forward to taking lots more live string music out to Coventry schools next year. The Power-Up project will return in the autumn, and will mean more schools performances from our staff quartet, as well as training up an ‘apprentice’ quartet, taken from the senior players of the string ensemble. Please contact Cathy Scott-Burt if you would like to book a performance for your school!

Junior Arts Council News

The Junior Arts Council is meeting online again this term, hopefully for the last time before we can host all our creative arts reps in Drapers’ Hall! School reps will be reporting back to the council about their schools’ creative arts recovery, and Liz Coomb from Sound Connections will be consulting the reps and teachers about a new vocal strategy for Coventry Music.

artsmark silver

Congratulations to Moat House Primary, Eastern Green Primary and Whitmore Park Primary on gaining their Silver Artsmark this term.

It has been brilliant to see schools continuing their Artsmark journey, despite all the restrictions and we are confident there will be many more Artsmarks awarded in the city over the coming months. Please contact Cathy Scott-Burt if you would like to find out more about our next Development Day in the autumn, or if you would like to join the next cohort of schools applying for Artsmark status.

music theory

Theory Class students pass with merit

Congratulations to all our Grade 5 theory class members, who all got excellent passes with merit in recent online theory exams. Also congratulations to Drew, Felicity and Freya from the string ensemble, who all passed grade 3 exams this term with merit or distinction! We’re so proud of all the children and young people who have kept up their engagement with music and their practice and learning over the last year.


Coventry Music student's excellent performance at Music Festival


One of our tutor's Natasha Clark has asked for us to shout about one our student’s achievement, Naomi Menezes, who is a violin student and currently attends our String Orchestra.

Natasha said, "I am very proud to let you know that Naomi participated in Leamington Spa Music Festival and came 2nd out of 6 in the Grade 5 category with a solo piece.

Her play was outstanding and musical."


inclusive choir

Young people aged 25 and under are invited to join Soundabout's choir for all abilities that focuses on ensuring people with severe and profound learning disabilities and their families are able to share their voice. The choir is open to everyone. They are looking for members of all abilities and ages, both with and without learning difficulties. The choir aims to be fully inclusive. Come and join something special.

The West Midlands Inclusive Choir is open to all young people aged 25 years old and under, and their families, focusing on ensuring people with severe and profound learning disabilities and their families are able to share their voice. The choir celebrates that everyone has their own way of sharing their voice. Here are a few examples of ways young people could join in: 

  • Using Makaton signing 

  • Singing or other vocal noises 

  • Making sounds with an instrument or sound maker  

  • Using technology e.g. an iPad or EyeGaze  

  • Movement and dance 

The choir currently meets on zoom on alternate Saturdays from 11am-12pm. In the autumn the choir will also begin offering face to face sessions in Coventry. 
See the choir’s most recent recording.

For more information and to sign up please visit;  

Or contact or 01235 797 474.  

urban arts event poster
NYC auditions

Auditions and Open Events for the National Youth Girls’, Boys’ and Training Choirs

These choirs are for talented singers aged 9-18 across the UK. Auditions are taking place this October and November and auditions booking opens on Tuesday 7 September, 12 noon, and closes on Friday 10 October 2021.

We’re running two free online Open Events ahead of auditions on Friday 10 September and Friday 1 October (4-6pm), offering the chance to meet the NYCGB team, take a look behind the scenes and find out what it's like to be in one of our choirs. These events are open to all young people, their parents and carers, singing teachers, choir leaders and music professionals working with young people aged 9-18.

Please help NYCGB to reach as many young people as possible with these opportunities, by sharing them with young people you know and via social media, sharing/retweeting our relevant auditions and open event posts. 

More detailed information can be found on their website.

NYJO Academy Big Band auditions are open

nyo big bandnyo big band application

Complete an application form.

nyo hope

NYO’s Hope Exchange, is a summer-long celebration of hope through music, performed by hundreds of dedicated young people across the country. 

There are lots of ways for your community of young people to get involved! 

Throughout the summer, the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain will be exploring the music of hope and spreading musical optimism through a nationwide series of concerts, workshops, digital events and school residencies.  

Discover NYO's Hope Exchange Playlist & Medley 

They’ll be sharing their message of hope through music on our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. Musicians are working to put together NYO’s Hope Exchange Playlist, a collection of music bursting with optimism which we’ll be sharing on NYO’s social platforms in the coming days and weeks. 

On their Instagram page this week they’ll be kicking off NYO’s Hope Exchange Medley Performances and asking: what piece of music inspires hope in you?  

Free tickets for 19s and under 

The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain will be performing in Saffron Hall, Southbank Centre, Birmingham Symphony Hall, Leeds Town Hall and at the BBC Proms.  

Tickets are free for anyone aged 19 and under!  

There are tickets available for the following performances: 

31 July at Southbank Centre – with French horn player Annemarie Federle   6 August at Birmingham Symphony Hall – with violinist Nicola Benedetti   8 August at Leeds Town Hall – with violinist Francesca Dego 

Find out more and buy tickets 

Watch and Listen to NYO 

NYO’s Hope Exchange will go out to the nation on BBC TV and Radio 3 in August, as part of the BBC Proms. Performing in the Royal Albert Hall, NYO is joined by violinist Nicola Benedetti who will perform Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto No. 2, alongside works by Laura Jurd and Jessie Montgomery.   

Spread the Word 

NYO would love to reach as many young people as possible with their messages of hope, and to hear from young people in return. Please share the details of NYO’s Hope Exchange via email or via social media and with your friends and families.


Future 100

Hosted by Jaguar, BBC Radio 1 DJ and presenter, the Future 1000 is a free programme to introduce 1000 female, trans and non-binary students into electronic music by 2022. 

This initiative is an inclusive space for students of all backgrounds, structured around modules on DJ-ing, music production, presenting and industry skills, giving students the support they need to start their journeys into music.

Find out more

career wordle

Looking for some music career advice?

Check out our great video on what next in the music industry: A Future in Music video

and these great resources from Discover! creative careers: 


bbc open space

Interested in music, presenting, radio production, event production, sound recording or engineering?


Experience training sessions, hands-on experience, masterclasses and mentoring to develop your skills, your voice and your ideas with Open Music.

All whilst getting the chance to work with the BBC Concert Orchestra, BBC Proms & other BBC teams in building, shaping, delivering (and possibly performing in!) a BBC Prom in 2022.

Apply for Open Music now

song competition pg 1song competition pg 2
city of culture orchestra pg1city of culture orchestra pg2newcity of culture orchestra pg3
music and drama expo

Find out more and sign up here:

Dates for your diary

New Academic Term starts on 6 September 2021.

Watch our website for events

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If you would like these monthly updates to include what your organisation is doing for the children and young people of Coventry, please sign up or contact