In this issue:
Source: Insight,Coventry City Council; Public Health England
View COVID-19 (Coronavirus) data for Coventry and surrounding areas on this set of dashboards. Local statistics on the number of cases, the number of associated deaths, testing and healthcare are regularly updated here. Also you can find the new tab on the number of vaccinations by neighbourhood.
There is a lot of information on the local response, including guidance on test and trace.
Source: Office of National Statistics
The census is a survey that happens every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The next census takes place on Sunday 21 March 2021.
The answers to the census questions will help organisations make decisions on planning and funding public services in your area, including transport, education and healthcare.
The last census took place in 2011. Many people and organisations used information from the 2011 Census in a variety of ways. Local authorities use census data to ensure the sizes of social groups interviewed in its own consultations are representative of the demographic make-up of the area. Data is also used to inform decisions on how to fund local housing improvements and to help people from ethnic minority groups learn more about dementia etc.
In coventry we have 7938 unpaid carers and we wouldn't have known about it without the last census data.
You are required to complete census by law and it is important that all of us fill this in as this is the only way we get accurate statistics.
You could fill the census today and don't have to wait till 21st March 2021.
Complete the census and more information.
Source: National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network, LKIS
The National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCVIN) and PHE’s Local Knowledge and Intelligence Service (LKIS) collate and produce intelligence resources to help health professionals make or influence decisions about local services.
They have produced cardiovascular (CVD) prevention packs for a number of years. These packs describe progress in meeting the PHE national ambitions for hypertension and AF detection and treatment.
Slide packs are available for each Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) in England, and they can be accessed through the PHE Fingertips webpages.
According to the pack, Coventry and Rugby CCG smoking prevalence is slightly higher (17.2%) than the National value (16.5%) especially Woodend Health Centre and Malling Health Centre in Foleshill has much higher value(>28%) than average. Similarly prevalence in obesity, The Gables medicentre and Willenhall Primary Care centre have higher value(>16.5%) than average.
Source: Public Health, Coventry City Council
Coventry and Warwickshire (Public Health) are developing a joint mental health needs assessment to better understand mental wellbeing, support and care needs particularly in light of the impact of COVID-19.
The findings of the needs assessment will inform future service provision and commissioning plans and the wider health and wellbeing strategies.
As part of the process we are requesting that staff and partners share and promote the opportunity for local residents, and those working in the area, to participate in providing us with information about mental health and wellbeing.
The joint Coventry and Warwickshire survey is available on Ask Warwickshire (Easy read version) along with further details about the survey.
The survey is open between 22 February – 26 March.
Please consider responding to this survey yourself and support by circulating the survey details and encouraging engagement in this important piece of work for Coventry and Warwickshire.