Insight Bulletin October 2020

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Insight e-bulletin Oct 2020

In this issue:

COVID-19 dashboards

Source: Insight,Coventry City Council; Public Health England

View COVID-19 (Coronavirus) data for Coventry and surrounding areas on the set of dashboards. Local statistics on the number of cases, the number of associated deaths, outbreaks, testing and healthcare are regularly updated here.

There is a lot of information on the local response, including guidance on test and trace.

Covid Dashboard Oct

Public Health Annual Report

Source: Public Health Team, Coventry City Council 

Resetting Our Wellbeing is this year's Public Health Annual Report which brings together statistical figures, performance reports and evaluations from the Council and partners, and interviews with over 20 colleagues across teams and organisations, to give a record of Coventry’s state of wellbeing in 2019/20, and to offer a reflection on the city’s approach to improving wellbeing last year and in our early COVID-19 response. 

More exciting information is available on this dashboard

Retail Unit Vacancies Quarter 3 Report

Source: Insight, Coventry City Council

The latest report on the Retail Unit Vacancies has been published

This Survey is based on a visual inspection of a defined set of 374 shops in the prime retail area of coventry city centre.

More detailed information on the Enterprises in coventry is available on the below Economy and employment dashboard

Empty shop report