Coventry libraries - latest newsletter

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coventry libraries and information service

Coventry libraries - latest newsletter

Library service update

library service update

Everyone is welcome to make an appointment or order a bundle of books. The library will contact you with your appointment time. Libraries are participating in the ‘Track and Trace’ scheme and will talk to you about this at the time of booking.

You can also call us to make a booking or collection: 024 7683 2314.

While other libraries are closed you can contact members of staff via e-mail at or phone 024 7683 2314 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturday 9am – 1pm.

Summer Reading Challenge still on!

reading challenge

Did your child start the online Summer Reading Challenge this year? Don't forget to finish the Challenge and download your certificate.

And you still have time to start the challenge if you didn't manage to in the summer as it runs until the end of September this year.

Fantastical Eerie-on-Sea mystery


Malamander by Thomas Taylor  - 8+

Nobody visits Eerie-on-Sea in the winter. Especially not when darkness falls and the wind howls around Maw Rocks and the wreck of the battleship Leviathan, where even now some swear they have seen the unctuous Malamander creep...
Herbert Lemon, Lost-and-Founder at the Grand Nautilus Hotel, knows that returning lost things to their rightful owners is not easy – especially when the lost thing is not a thing at all, but a girl. No one knows what happened to Violet Parma’s parents twelve years ago, and when she engages Herbie to help her find them, the pair discover that their disappearance might have something to do with the legendary sea-monster, the Malamander.

Polar explorer heads to Coventry Libraries


Coventry Libraries are really happy to receive the donations of Mark Wood’s books - Rock and ice and Solo explorer from Michael Mogan in all libraries across the city. It is a tremendous opportunity for families to have access to these books, to look at his expedition photographs and to read about the journey from Mark’s school days to reaching the North Pole. As Libraries continue to re-open at this time, we will ensure that they are available for all.

Mark is so proud to see these books go into the libraries throughout the City. “They are based on my journey from Coventry to some of the most extreme cold areas of our planet. My work is to inspire young people to think differently about themselves and the planet - so allowing young Coventrians access to these books through our libraries is incredible.”

Michael purchased additional copies to be given as prizes. To win, people are encouraged to tweet to Coventry libraries @covlibraries with the hashtag: #changeforcoventry with their pledges to help their local environment - and winners will be chosen at the end of September to receive their free copy.

Follow Mark’s journey.

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Facebook: Coventry Libraries and Information Service

Phone: 024 7683 2314