Welcome to the latest edition of the Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme newsletter. During these challenging times, companies are seeking new ways to survive, evolve and expand. Growth opportunities from adopting low carbon energy efficient approaches within your business operations could be one such good route to explore. Our next GreenTalk Live webinar on 18 June could help with this strategy as it is on how remote energy audits can work for your business. Our energy audits are free to all SMEs based in Coventry and Warwickshire. Businesses have the potential to make big cuts to their energy, water and waste bills simply by changing their energy habits and we can advise you how to do this with an energy audit. To find out more, book on now - more details below.
If you have any comments, news or suggestions, please get in touch. To keep up with our latest initiatives and news, then do follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
The Green Business Programme team continue to be available to give you support and guidance on funding opportunities and advice on how to save money on energy, waste and water bills and maximise low carbon opportunities, so please get in touch. It goes without saying, we send you our best wishes during these unprecedented times and please stay safe.
Bernie, Bethany, Clare, Daniel, Denise, Faustina, Matt and Sara.
Coventry City Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Bret Willers as its Head of Climate Change & Sustainability. Bret will be responsible for creating and driving strategies and programmes to help the Council to continue to be a driving force in tackling climate change in the City and surrounding region.
Bret will work to spearhead the Council’s low carbon strategy and help to lead partnerships for the development and implementation of a climate change and sustainable development strategy for the City, helping to reduce its impact on the environment along with its carbon footprint.
Bret said: “We simply cannot stand still when it comes to protecting the environment and creating growth and employment opportunities that are truly sustainable. I’m incredibly excited about leading this effort across Coventry to help drive progress towards a more sustainable future and build a better region and lifestyle for all our residents, businesses and communities.”
If you want to find out more about the current work that Coventry is undertaking on climate change projects then please take a look at our website. Please engage with us and send in your thoughts on how we can address climate change in the region either through our Let's Talk portal or you can email us.
ActOn Finishing in Torrington Avenue, which is the UK’s leading surface finishing technology provider in the healthcare, aerospace, automotive and motorsport sectors, has transformed its test laboratory after receiving support from the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub.
ActOn Finishing received £9,000 from the Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme, which is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which resulted in the conversion of all lighting throughout the site to LED lighting to improve the visual aspects within many of their production processes, leading to around 32 tonnes of Co2 emission savings per year and reduced energy costs.
As lots of businesses in our region continue to work and communicate online during COVID-19, the Green Business Programme team at Coventry City Council are now adapting to new ways of working through remote energy and environmental audits. This webinar will provide businesses with the details on how a remote energy audit can work in practice with an explanation of what we would need to look for so businesses can still engage with us remotely and provide us with the information for us to provide recommendations to produce a full report of the findings.
Most companies can save 10% on energy without spending anything! A reduction in your utility bills can be a catalyst for cost savings and business improvements. This could not only help your business run a leaner cost base, providing a more competitive market position, - but also help nurture an environment of innovation.
Find out more and register
Our colleagues at Coventry University are running a week long free online workshop that matches concise, straightforward explanations with hands-on exercises and tutorials to teach new users of SketchUp the software's core features and functions. Participants will gain practical hands on knowledge of the essential elements and will be given simple training exercises and examples to complete as part of the course.
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Check out the latest blog from our very own Bernie McCullagh, Energy Advisor on the Green Business Programme. Bernie shares some top tips for saving energy at your business and in your home.
Download this vital fact sheet now and don't forget to get in touch with us if you would like a free remote energy audit or want to speak to one of our energy advisors.
The Economic Development Service has an instrumental role in the delivery of the Council's ambitions and in particular the vision to promote the growth of a sustainable Coventry economy.
We are currently recruiting to a Stakeholder Engagement Manager post. This position will play a key role in a local energy partnership project, leading delivery of the project's stakeholder engagement work package. The project is funded by Innovate UK and involves partners from WMCA, University of Warwick and WPD.
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Coventry City Council's Transport team have partnered with EO Charging for purchasing and installing electric vehicle chargers. Did you know that Coventry has the most charging points of any city outside of London? Did you also know that there are £350 grants available for businesses who want to install charging points at their premises and up to 40 chargers can be claimed per company? Claim the grant before the funding runs out.
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E-scooters are set to appear on West Midlands' streets in a ground breaking trial to help get the region moving once all lockdown restrictions are lifted. The Government has chosen the West Midlands for the trial, whilst bolstering the fight against climate change.
Why not share this newsletter with your colleagues and ask them to join the Green Business Programme Network to be the first to hear about our upcoming events, latest initiatives and case studies from local businesses who have benefited from grants and support as part of the Green Business Programme.
Our privacy notice outlines how we keep your data safe and secure.
Our Economic Development Service also produce a monthly business newsletter, please subscribe if you wish to receive the latest news.
To help make your business more energy and resource efficient and make the most of low carbon opportunities please contact us:
Follow us @cwgreenbusiness or join our LinkedIn group to share discussions and case studies.
The Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is delivered by Coventry City Council, Coventry University and Coventry University Enterprises Ltd.