in this issue:
As always, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in keeping the children of Coventry safe. I hope you are well and managing under the current, difficult circumstances.
Any information that is relevant and useful for schools during this time is being circulated to headteachers through a daily briefing email. Please see recent briefings for the most up-to-date information about the ongoing Covid-19 situation.
Due to the government restrictions regarding COVID-19, Positive Parenting are having to postpone the start date of courses scheduled for May 2020. They are writing to parents and emailing referrers this week to confirm this.
Positive Parenting are not able to say currently when these courses will take place but they will email stakeholders with further details as soon as they are able to.
In the meantime, please continue to send in your referrals so that they have an idea of how many parents will need support when they are able to reschedule the groups.
Until then please check their website for useful online information and updates.
If you have any questions please email or telephone 024 7678 6949.
We would like to welcome the new LADO Mark Goddard to the service. Mark, an experienced LADO, has joined us from Leicestershire and is now in post.
If you need to make a LADO referral, or need to contact Mark, please visit the LADO page on the Coventry City Council website for full details and/or email
Message from Sharon Bolesworth, Service Manager at Positive Choices:
As of 24 March 2020 the Positive Choices office will no longer be open and the team will move to home working. In light of the current situation with COVID-19 there will be changes to the way that we deliver our service to young people, parents and professionals. Positive Choices will be delivering all interventions and group work packages via a variety of digital platforms including our social media forums and our YouTube (Positive Choices Coventry) channel which will be free and available to all not just our service users.
We are still accepting referrals and are in contact with all of the service users currently open to the service. I have attached a poster with all of the contact numbers of the team to either be displayed and shared with families that may need support-if email is preferred can also be shared.
Positive Choices are still available to attend any conferences via video link, available for telephone consultations and can still provide a virtual co-location if required.
To stay up to date with what we are offering please like, follow and subscribe to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube channel.
Free online safeguarding training
I have had several requests for suggestions of free online safeguarding training for DSLs and staff to complete. I have drawn up a list that you can access to supplement your training.
DSL refresher training
The document Coronavirus: Safeguarding in Schools, Colleges and other Providers states, “It is acknowledged that DSL training is very unlikely to take place during this period (although the option of online training can be explored). For the period COVID-19 measures are in place, a DSL (or deputy) who has been trained will continue to be classed as a trained DSL (or deputy) even if they miss their refresher training.”
If you were booked onto the April, May or June DSL Refresher courses, you will be eligible for priority booking on our September and October dates. Please email Natasha Leese for further information about course dates.
West Midlands Police have created a document and campaign in response to the increasing numbers of domestic violence incidents that are occurring as a result of Covid-19. Please see briefing document with useful information and details on how you can support the campaign.
If you have any questions or queries about safeguarding, please contact our Safeguarding in Education Adviser.
Elizabeth Kent Telephone: 024 7697 7320 E-mail: