This month the impact of dementia on local businesses has been in the news particularly the economic impact when people have to give up work or reduce their hours to care for a loved one.
The Alzheimer's Society alongside the Centre for Economics and Business Research published a report stating that more than 147,000 have had to reduce their work hours or have had difficulty balancing work and caring. More than 112,000 people had to give up their job in the past year, with many retiring early because of their caring commitments. You can read the full report The Alzheimer's Society / CEBR.
October marks World Mental Health Day which is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health. The day is promoted by the World Health Organisation and is a global effort to create more understanding.
If you want to find out more about organisations within Coventry that are free and are all geared towards supporting wellbeing and promoting Mental Health you can view the list in more detail on Year of Wellbeing.
The Carers Trust Heart of England have many peer support groups that meet monthly to support carers:
Mental Health carers
We recognise that caring for someone with mental health needs can be very stressful and isolating. The Care and Share mental health carers' support group meets on the first Thursday of the month from 10.30am - 12.00pm and gives carers the opportunity to meet people in a similar situation and to share their experiences in an informal and supportive environment.
All carers
For any carer who appreciates time away from their caring role, meeting others in similar circumstances to having time to talk, share information, offer support and have a bit of a laugh. We meet on the third Thursday of every month 10.30am - 12.00pm - at the Penny Collard Centre.
Adult ASD carers
Would you like to talk to other carers who may be experiencing some of the difficulties faced when your child with an ASD grows into an adult with an ASD? This may be your opportunity, as a carer, to talk with other carers and to share your knowledge and experiences.
South Asian carers
The purpose of the Milan Asian Carers' Support Group sessions is to pass on information about various local services, provide art and craft activities, training, trips and outings, help to get carers involved in consultation with Health and Social Care Professionals and celebrate various religious festivals throughout the year. The group meets bi-monthly from 10.15am - 12.30pm at the Penny Collard Centre, Fleet Street.
Carers' outings and trips
An opportunity for you to take a much needed break from your caring role and responsibilities by enjoying a few hours away at various local functions or events.
Carer training
We provide group training sessions to help you to develop the confidence and key skills you need for your caring role. It’s an opportunity for you to exchange ideas, coping strategies and frustrations, and to discuss other issues with carers in similar situations.
Chinese carers
Our Chinese Carer Support Worker offers support in both Cantonese and Mandarin. The Chinese Carers’ Support Group activities include:- Lunch club, cultural activities, day trips, health seminars, exercise sessions, dancing, training and bike riding lessons.
The group meets at ‘The Penny Callard Centre’ Fleet Street at various dates and times throughout the year.
Luncheon Club
The Luncheon Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at various locations around the city to enjoy a good pub meal and a nice friendly chat. It’s a good chance to catch up with old friends or to make new ones.
Former Carers' Friendship Group
Are you one of the many relatives, neighbours or friends who used to care for someone with an illness, disability or who was elderly and frail: Someone who would not have managed without you? Would you like to meet other former carers? Then why not join this group to have a nice cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat. For more information about where and when the next meeting will be held,
Walkers' Group
The walkers' group meets twice a month. Starting at Pool Meadow Bus Station they travel to various locations around Coventry & Warwickshire to conduct their walks. Previous locations visited have included Kenilworth, Warwick and the Sowe Valley.
You can enquire about any of the groups by contacting the Carers Trust on 024 7663 2972 - Option 1.
Or if you're passing this information onto a friend or relative then you can download a group support leaflet.
Everyone forgets things from time to time.
Whether it’s forgetting why you went upstairs or the name of a celebrity, we’ve all done it. Small memory slips aren’t always a sign of dementia. However if you or someone else are noticing that your memory is getting worse and it is beginning to impact everyday life, it may be worth booking an appointment with your GP.
Seeing your GP can provide an explanation for your symptoms. There are many causes of memory loss which are treatable for instance, infections, vitamin and thyroid deficiencies and depression. At your appointment your GP will talk to you about your concerns and run through some simple checks. If the test results are unclear then they may refer you to a specialist for further checks.
Getting an early diagnosis opens up the door to support for people affected by dementia as it allows you to receive any available treatment and to plan for the future. With the right support in place, people living with dementia can continue to lead fulfilling, active and independent lives.
So, if you’re supporting someone that you think may be showing signs of dementia, or are concerned about your own memory please talk to a GP about your concerns.
Additionally, you can call our National Dementia Helpline on 0300 222 1122 or visit our website for more advice and support.
It might seem like summer is barely over but it's that time of year again when we encourage carers to receive their flu jab. If you receive carer's allowance, or you're the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill, you are entitled to a free flu jab. You can book your flu jab by contacting your GP surgery or arranging with a participating pharmacy.
Join Central Library for music at the library:
Tuesday 1 October
12.00 - 1.30pm
Spend a lunchtime at the library enjoying music from Three Spires Harmony as well as a cup of tea and cake. Relax and browse some of the latest books too.
It’s World Mental Health Day on 10 October
Coventry Libraries Service has collections of books specially selected to support Mental Health and Wellbeing.
One in four of us will experience a mental health issue in any given year so it's important to know that resources are available to support you or your loved ones when you need them.
Our Reading Well for Mental Health collection has been recommended by health professionals and can help people to manage their health and wellbeing.
The books in this collection are all available for free from libraries in Coventry and include information on approaches such as CBT and mindfulness, as well as common mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, OCD and others. The collection also includes personal stories and advice for carers.
To find out more about reading well for mental health visit our website:
Celebrate Black History Month with Foleshill Library
African Beauty Pageants: cultural costumes session - Saturday 12 October, 2.00 -3.00pm
Celebrate African Culture: Special Storytime and Hair braiding session - Saturday 19 October, 2.00 – 3.00pm
Sign up or view previous bulletins from our Carers' website.
If you have any comments or wish to contribute something to the next bulletin, please let us know by contacting us at