Coventry Education - updates for schools (week ending 22 March)

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Education improvement and standards web banner March 2019

Department for Education - updates for schools

Pearson - Policy Eye (week ending 22/03)

Top headlines this week:

  • T level contracts worth more than £30m up for grabs
  • Qualifications must have currency in the job market
  • Knife crime: truancy bigger concern than exclusions, says Hinds
  • Every school needs a dog as stress buster

Pearson - Policy Eye (week ending 22/03)

Message from the Director of Children's Services - Ofsted Focused Visit

Today marks the publication of the letter from Ofsted following our visit from the Inspectorate last month. The report is availbale for you to read, please reflect on how we might as partners further improve the outcomes we achieve for our children.

Ofsted looked in some depth at how we achieve permanence for children as well as the leadership of our service.

Here are some of their key findings:

  • We understand ourselves well, have responded to areas for improvement relating to permanence and senior leaders have a clear and accurate knowledge of their services
  • Children in Coventry are benefitting from increasing workforce stability and the vast majority of children are appropriately placed with their carers
  • Coventry invests in, prioritises and understands the value of quality assurance
  • While there is a concerted focus on achieving permanence for children in care, the quality of social work practice remains inconsistent

Overall the report is positive and recognises the good work being done in Coventry, whilst recognising that there is more to do.

It is likely that our next full inspection will take place within the next twelve months and therefore not only do we need to continue to focus on doing the things we know we do well, we also need to accelerate the pace so that children do not experience drift and delay or that families experience a statutory intervention when they no longer need one.

What I know, and what I see every single day, is that we have the skills, knowledge, empathy and determination to keep improving.

Thank you all once again for your continued hard work and focus on improving outcomes for our Children.

Best wishes,

John Gregg

Director of Children’s Services, Coventry City Council

2020 admissions policies

As the deadline to publish the 2020 determined admissions policies has now passed (15 March 2019), can we please remind you that this now needs to be published on your website.  All of the final up-to-date 2020 policies are available.

A separate email will go out to the Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools with a copy of the final determined Coventry Primary Admissions Policy for 2020.  If there are any queries please do not hesitate to contact Erin Rée within the School Organisation Team on 024 7697 5445. 

CPOMS survey

At the DSL meeting held on 12 March the work taking place in relation to CPOMS was shared with attendees. Several schools both primary and secondary have recognised the issue that legacy categories are having upon being able to easily access CPOMS incidents from previous schools after pupils’ records have been transferred.

A working party have met twice; one of the meetings was with representatives from CPOMS. CPOMS are happy to work with Coventry schools to try to overcome the issues caused by the legacy categories. The working party are happy to continue to work on behalf of schools across the city but would like some assurance from a large majority of schools that use CPOMS that continuing to pursue this work is needed and that any proposals/changes made to improve CPOMS usability would be supported.

Please can you complete this short survey, the deadline for submitting the survey is: Monday 25 March 2019.

I promise that completing the survey should not take any longer than five minutes at most.

National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership

Due to popular demand, Coventry Teaching Schools' Council are putting on an additional cohort of the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) starting in June 2019.  This programme is for those who are, or are aspiring to become, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities. This nationally recognised senior leadership development programme will provide the skills, knowledge and confidence you need to be a highly effective senior leader in a school.

Modules include leading teaching and curriculum excellence, strategy and improvement, increasing capability, leading with impact, managing resources, and working in partnership. There is also a final assessment.

NPQSL is a qualification that provides national recognition of your leadership development and professional achievement as a senior leader.

To book your place, please complete and return the NPQSL booking form or please contact Carol Harris for further information.

Sign up or contact us

If you have any comments, please let us know by contacting