The new Carers’ Strategy was endorsed at
Health and Wellbeing Board on 17 October 2016 and formally approved by Cabinet on
1 November. We are now awaiting final confirmation from
all organisations involved that they are signing up to the strategy after which
it will be formally launched.
The strategy has been developed through a multi-agency approach
including health partners and voluntary sector organisations that play a key
role in supporting carers. Carers and other stakeholders have also been
engaged to ensure the strategy reflects what is important to them and the
support carers find most effective. It supports the four priorities in
the National Carers’ Strategy and under each priority a number of improvement
areas have been identified:
Identification and recognition - early identification, quality
information, advice and support at the right time, treated as equal expert
Realising and releasing potential - training and information that helps carers
stay in or gain employment; consider and respect the needs and wishes of the
carer to work or study, carer-friendly employers and education providers
A life alongside caring - access to preventative support, building
resilience and support in emergencies, access to assessment and support to take
Supporting carers to stay healthy –support to stay healthy and care safely,
access to health services and regular health checks, support to help reduce
emergency hospital admissions and the need for urgent care
Overall, the aim is to get a consistent and joined up approach
across Coventry to make the most of available resources.
are also working on the implementation plan for year one which will be
available soon. In the meantime you can
view the updated version of the strategy on the Council website.