source: Insight, Coventry City Council and DCLG
The links above are a further release of the Indices of
Deprivation 2015 showing all of the data for small neighbourhoods in Coventry. There is an index for each of the domains of deprivation; employment, income, health, education,
crime, access to services and the living environment. The pattern of
deprivation by neighbourhood in Coventry in terms of each of these
domains can be viewed by clicking on the first link above (use the 'Data List' button to switch between domains).
There are also data for supplementary domains, the Income
Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) and the Income Deprivation
Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI) which can viewed and downloaded
using interactive map reports listed above.
source: Insight, Coventry City Council
The city centre healthcheck includes various key performance indicators measured over the second half of 2015, click on the link above to read the report. Some of the key messages include: overall footfall is up, particularly in the evening; car parking has also increased.
Every year the Coventry Business Improvement District commission a Christmas survey to understand awareness and impact of Christmas marketing activities, attractions and events. You can read the results of the survey by clicking on the link above.
You can also get a visual summary of city centre insights by clicking on the link to the infographics.
For further information, you can contact the Insight team at