The Council is urging residents to share their views on its draft strategy for ensuring everyone, aged fifty-five and over, can live safely and age well within their local communities and own homes.
Gadgeteers are go at libraries this summer
 Libraries are calling for children under 12 to sign up and get reading this summer, as part of the Summer Reading Challenge 2022.
Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay visits Northwich
Crowds will line the streets of Northwich on Sunday 17 July to enjoy a celebratory festival of activity to welcome the Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay during its global tour.
The 16th official Queen’s Baton Relay is a tradition that connects and excites communities across the Commonwealth during the build up to the Games, which begin on 28 July.
Chester Zoo's roundabout landmark to sail away
 The time has come for the iconic Noah’s Ark on the roundabout outside Chester Zoo to sail away.
The Council has been in discussions with Chester Zoo to remove the Ark, which has been on the roundabout for many years where the entry road joins the A41.
Thousands of children set to benefit from Holiday Activities and Food programme
Children aged 5 to 16, who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals, are invited to take part in an action-packed summer holiday this year, as part of Edsential's Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF), coordinated on behalf of the Council.
Museum event shares cookery tips from the past to help balance household budgets
The Council's Archives and Local Studies team is presenting 'Seasons Eatings', a growing and cooking event, at Grosvenor Museum on 9 July as part of Festival of the Future.
They will be joined by a representative of the North-West National Allotment Society, John Irwin, who will offer tips, tricks, and expert advice on how to grow ingredients - all while on a budget.
New play area is now open at Marbury Park
 A new play area has now opened at Marbury Country Park, Northwich, following a joint project between the Council and the Friends of Anderton and Marbury (FoAM).