Book on to our Rhyme Time Roadshows
Spring Term Training
Here are some of our upcoming CPD opportunities this half term:
DSL Cluster – 28-Feb-23 9.30am or 6.30pm on Teams
Attendance at each termly cluster is highly recommended to keep your safeguarding knowledge and skills up to date. One of our Locality Support Officers will be talking about Early Help Assessments, as well as our usual updates. At these meetings there will be opportunities for discussion with other leads, networking, sharing of effective practice/materials, input from other agencies, updates on new legislation/initiatives etc.
Ofsted: Preparing for your Inspection - a session for Childminders 02-Mar-23 6.30-8.30pm online
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from 2 HM Ofsted Inspectors who will deliver invaluable inspection feedback and address some key challenges faced in Early Years, specifically focusing on the role of the Childminder in order to help you to prepare for your own inspection. During the 2nd half of the session, updates from the Cheshire East Early Years team will be delivered including the launch of the new EY training hub and our Rhymetime Roadshows.
Explore the EYFS 07-Mar-23, 4pm to 5.30pm – online
Explore the EYFS Part 1 ‘The Learning and Development requirements’ and Part 2 ‘Assessment’ of the Statutory Framework. It looks at the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and offers useful links and information to take back to the setting when considering curriculum, assessment and Ofsted expectations.
Difficult Safeguarding Conversations, 08-Mar-23, 9.30am to 11.30 at Oakenclough Children Centre
This two hour training course aims to provide practical advice to enable practitioners to feel more confident in starting conversations about safeguarding concerns. The course will look at parent partnerships, professional curiosity and the practicalities of having difficult safeguarding conversations.
First Steps to Reading, 08-Mar-23, 1pm to 3pm – online
In this session Megan Dixon will explore how settings and practitioners can provide rich and stimulating opportunities for children to develop their early reading skills. She will explore the essential pre-reading skills, such as phonological awareness, letter awareness and concepts about print, that children need to develop and practical strategies for helping children learn them.
Learning Language in the Outdoors, 10-Mar-23, 1pm-2.30pm – online
How does being outdoors make you feel? In this session Cheshire East Chatters discuss the research behind learning in the outdoor environment and introduce their new group activities booklet containing lots of exciting, practical activities to support children's communication skills in your outdoor space, all attendees will receive a copy of the booklet.
Julian Grenier - Session 5 for SENCOs 15-March-23 9.30-11.30am – online
During the final session of our Leadership and Management programme which is focusing on the role of the SENCo, Julian Grenier will discuss embedding the 7 key features of effective practice and how they benefit children with additional needs, early identification and intervention, inclusive practice in action, the unique child recognising progress and leading by example.
Making Sense of Autism, 16-Mar-23, 9.30am to 11am – online
Participants will be able to identify the four key areas of difference that need to be taken into account when working with children on the autism spectrum, know the importance of understanding the individual child on the autism spectrum and their profile of strengths and weaknesses, identify the key areas to help children on the autism spectrum build positive relationships with staff and their peers.
To book your place please log onto the Online Shop Early Years and Childcare Training Resources (
If you have signed up for our new Early Years Training Hub you can log in and book your place here Chess Early Years Training Hub (
We recommend you logon on a weekly basis to check as new CPD opportunities are being added all the time.
If you have any queries, please email