Cheshire East Step up process
We have been working closely and quickly across Children’s Social Care and Early Help to support children and families receiving the right intervention at the right time and ensure that ‘demand’ for Children’s Social Care intervention is only being used for those children and families that require it.
As part of this work, we have made some immediate changes to the way in which children are ‘stepped up’ to Children’s Social Care.
We will no longer hold ‘step up’ meetings for internal services and partners to escalate children to children’s social care. Where Partners feel a child requires a referral to Children’s Social Care, they will go through ChECS to have this ‘threshold’ discussion.
Changes have also been made recently within our Early Help and Prevention Service which will support children and families receiving swifter support following a contact. Early Help JAM’s (Joint Allocation Meetings) are now being held twice weekly to reduce any unnecessary delay.
Within the front door there have been several changes, the most significant to date being that the phoneline now gives the option to speak to Early Help Brokerage (EHB) or ChECS. The initial number remains unchanged 0300 123 5012 (option 3).
We are already seeing the impact of this with partners and families selecting ‘Early Help’ appropriately, thus reducing the demand on ChECS.
We are reviewing the Step Down arrangements from Children’s Social Care currently and will update you in due course but for now, that process remains the same – If social workers are unable to identify an appropriate Lead Professional for the Early Help Plan, they will continue to take their case to the Step Down meeting.
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass has been up and running for 4 months now!
We are running a shorter version of the briefing session for providers who have not yet managed to attend on Thursday 13 October at 12pm on Teams. Please book on via the online training shop. You can also request a recording of the briefing to watch.
Please ensure that you have put your Key Adult details onto the Portal and that you have kept the information up to date.
Safeguarding Scenario
The latest safeguarding scenario has been added to our website.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022
Keeping Children Safe in Education has been updated. The Early Years Foundation Stage states:
'All schools are required to have regard to the government’s ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ statutory guidance, and other childcare providers may also find it helpful to refer to this guidance.'
Some of the key changes are as follows:
- five-day deadline for transferring safeguarding records
- Online checks for new staff
- The term “child-on-child abuse” replaces “peer-on-peer abuse”
- Greater emphasis on domestic abuse
- Increased focus on Governors safeguarding responsibilities
New Prevent information webpage
There is a new GOV.UK Prevent guidance page. This will provide clear, accessible information about the Prevent programme, advice on how to make a referral and the types of support offered through Channel.