Bulletin 241
5th July 2022
Government consultation on childcare: regulatory changes
Look out for information on the new government consultation on the childcare regulatory changes.
Latest Covid Figures for Cheshire East
The Covid figures are now being updated on a less frequent basis - for the latest figures see the link below.
Please update your settings details through the Provider Portal
Please ensure you regularly review the Provider Portal which will update your Live Well profile and keep your setting information for parents up to date. If you have any vacancies, have changed session times, prices, or updated the services you provide please include this information on the Provider Portal.
Please contact the Family Information Service on 0300 123 5033 if you require any further help or support.
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements |
Latest Ofsted updates
Cheshire East has had 12 Ofsted reports published in June.
Ofsted has highlighted the importance of promoting an awareness of different cultures and beliefs; allowing children to take risks and develop resilience in their play, whilst also having robust risk assessments in place; and ensuring that correct ratios are being followed.
Communication and language is still very much a key focus, including have good back and forth conversations with children and allowing them plenty of time to respond to questions.
EYFS Learning and Development |
Briefing for Ukraine Families and New Arrivals in Schools
The Education team would particularly like to invite schools expecting or welcoming Ukrainian new arrivals or settings with EAL experience to attend and share knowledge and ideas - at all Key stages.
We will introduce our new support worker who will be working with schools to support our Ukrainian guests.
The section will also include; • Sharing knowledge on the Ukrainian education system with ideas for welcoming a new Ukrainian student at primary and secondary level and resources and ideas for schools. • Share good practice to support schools with new arrivals. • Discussion of how our support worker can best support all Cheshire East Schools
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 5th July 2022 1.30pm- 2.30 pm.
Please use the Registration link to register for the event Webinar (microsoft.com).
If you need any help accessing the webinar or the registration form, please contact the School Admissions team.
Eye Spy by Ruth Brown
Continuous Professional Development |
Would you like bespoke training for your setting?
We are able to deliver any of our courses or some bespoke training either onsite or online dedicated to your setting. This type of course may be more attractive for settings wanting a number of their practitioners to attend training as we can schedule it for a date and time that best suits e.g. during a team meeting, in the evening or on a training day and we can tailor the training to suit your specific needs. Dependent on numbers this can be a more cost effective option for you.
For more information or to discuss this further please email us at earlyyearsandchildcareteam@cheshireeast.gov.uk
Spaces still available for the following training
'Lets Talk 2's - revisited' 5 July 2022 18.15-20.30
'Owner, Manager and Early Years Lead Network' 13 and 14 July 2022.
Please book on via the Early Years Training Shop.
Autumn Term Data Entry – Portal Access
Please note that the Provider Portal will now be available for you to submit your Autumn term data on 30 June 2022. This is a change. The portal will close again on Friday 29 July 2022 to enable us to calculate your interim payments.
FEEE – Afghan and Ukrainian children
Afghan and Ukrainian children aged 2, 3 and 4 years old living in Cheshire East are entitled to 15 hours early education irrespective of the immigration status of the child or their parent(s). To claim FEEE funding for children from Afghanistan or Ukraine, please add their details to the Provider Portal in the usual way. Should the Provider Portal be closed, please email the FEEE Team (FEEE@cheshireeast.gov.uk) who will update your funding claim.
In addition, please also complete the short form (link below), enabling the authority to monitor take-up of the free entitlement. Please complete this form each time an Afghan or Ukrainian child starts or leaves your setting. If any Afghan or Ukrainian children currently attend your setting, please retrospectively complete this form and continue to use the form as you have any new starters or leavers.