Bulletin 239
21st June 2022
Final chance to complete Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Parent survey
The deadline to complete the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment parent survey has been extended to 24 June. Please encourage your parents to complete this important survey.
Drowning Prevention Week
Look out for information about Drowning Prevention week, including a water safety lunch and learn event.
Information on the early years experts and mentors programme
You can self-refer by applying for support from the early years experts and mentors programme. Applications to receive support in the autumn term must be submitted by Friday 24 June.
Latest Covid Figures for Cheshire East
The Covid figures are now being updated on a less frequent basis - for the latest figures see the link below.
Cheshire East Council 2022 Childcare Sufficiency Assessment - Parents and Carers Survey
Cheshire East Council are updating their Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA), which seeks to find out whether local parents and carers can access the childcare of their choice. By completing this survey parents and carers can help Cheshire East know what works well or what could change when it comes to choosing and using childcare.
The survey deadline has been extended until 24 June 2022 – please can providers share the link below with parents on a regular basis until then. It is really important that we get as big a response as possible.
Please promote to parents and carers that if they complete the survey they can be entered into the prize draw to win a family ticket to the opening night of ALADDIN at Crewe Lyceum Theatre. The Pantomime is running from Friday 16 December 2022 to Sunday 8 January 2023. The Pantomime graphic can be used to promote the survey and prize draw on your social media pages.
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements |
Latest updates from local Ofsted inspections
- Ensure that staff suitability has been checked eg childminder assistants, other people living in the house, correct committee or trustees, and correct registration.
- Inspection priority is currently still the following categories – Inadequate, Requires Improvement, post-registration inspections and last cycle inspections.
- Please check through section 3 of the EYFS to ensure you are meeting the safeguarding and welfare requirements, including providing regular supervision, promoting hygiene, correct ratios. There is a safeguarding and welfare requirements audit available - for a copy email earlyyearsandchildcareteam@cheshireeast.gov.uk
- Providers are being asked questions that are probing their safeguarding depth of knowledge – tattoos related to extremism, faith-based abuse, whistleblowing, peer on peer abuse.
EYFS Learning and Development |
Information on the early years experts and mentors programme
The early years experts and mentors programme will support practitioners, leaders and whole settings through bespoke support, delivered face-to-face and virtually.
The offer will include:
- leadership support
- coaching for leaders
- mentoring for practitioners
- whole-setting support
The programme will roll out across England from September 2022.
You can self-refer by applying for support from the early years experts and mentors programme. Applications to receive support in the autumn term must be submitted by Friday 24 June.
If you would like more information on the programme, or to receive future communications on the programme directly, please email the early years team.
There are 3 different roles within the programme who will provide support to settings: Mentor, Expert & Area Lead. All roles will focus on helping children recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, including narrowing the gap between disadvantaged children and others. There will also be a focus on embedding the changes that were brought in with the new EYFS Framework 2021.
The majority of settings who will receive support through this programme will be Private, Voluntary or Independent (PVI) nurseries. In some cases, we will also support maintained nursey schools and school-based nurseries if appropriate.
Continuous Professional Development |
Cheshire East Safeguarding Children's Partnership
Cheshire East Safeguarding Children's Partnership provide a variety of training courses for professionals, including ICON and Safer Sleep, Critical Thinking and Professional Challenge and Signs of Safety. Further information is available on the link below.
Latest training information
Please see the table below with the training for the rest of the summer term. To book your place on any course or network, please log onto the Early Years Online Shop below.
Cheshire East SEND conference - 11th July
The Cheshire East SEND conference is on Monday 11 July from 9am-4.30pm at Cranage Hall. There will be external speakers, workshops, surgery slots and display stands on the day; and lunch will be provided.
Please note that the cost is £100 per delegate but for EY settings there is a reduced cost of £50.
Contact inclusionqualityteam@cheshireeast.gov.uk to book your place.
FEEE – Afghan and Ukrainian children
Afghan and Ukrainian children aged 2, 3 and 4 years old living in Cheshire East are entitled to 15 hours early education irrespective of the immigration status of the child or their parent(s). To claim FEEE funding for children from Afghanistan or Ukraine, please add their details to the Provider Portal in the usual way. Should the Provider Portal be closed, please email the FEEE Team (FEEE@cheshireeast.gov.uk) who will update your funding claim.
In addition, please also complete the short form (link below), enabling the authority to monitor take-up of the free entitlement. Please complete this form each time an Afghan or Ukrainian child starts or leaves your setting. If any Afghan or Ukrainian children currently attend your setting, please retrospectively complete this form and continue to use the form as you have any new starters or leavers.