Mental Health Awareness Week - Day 4 - Give to others

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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event encouraging people to think about their own mental health and wellbeing, and how aspects of daily life can affect it. 

Today’s tip is about giving to others.

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Give to others

Research suggests that acts of giving and kindness can help improve your mental wellbeing.

It could be small acts of kindness towards other people, or larger ones like volunteering in your local community.


  • See the ‘50 random acts of kindness’ resource on MyLearning
  • Help someone with their garden.
  • Give someone a pot plant – remind yourself that we need nurturing just as much as seeds do.
  • Share photos for others to enjoy on the council’s photography group on Yammer. There is a competition each month and this month the theme is ‘Wildlife’ which ties in with the Health and Welling Awareness theme of ‘Nature’. Get sharing your photos or just add a ‘like’ for the one you’d like to win.
  • See if any local cafés have a Pay it Forward scheme, where you can pay for a future drink/food for someone who can’t afford it.
  • Spend time outside or virtually with friends or relatives who need support or company.
  • Support your local foodbank.

Do you need help?

An Employee Health and Wellbeing helpline is available for Cumbria County Council staff.

Sometimes we all need someone to talk to.  The health and wellbeing helpline is available for you to have a safe and confidential conversation.

You can get support by:

  • Calling the telephone support line - 01228 226119 (the support line operates Monday to Friday from8am to 7pm, excluding bank holidays).
  • Email
  • Frontline staff can get support specifically tailored for them by texting FRONTLINE to 85258 or calling 116 123.
  • The Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123 or online at