Welcome back, everyone! I hope you managed to enjoy the summer, despite the weather that kept our countryside so green. As you know, we face some real challenges in the coming year, particularly with tight budgets both at home and at work. It’s crucial that we hear the voices of our communities through the many consultations currently underway.
Despite these challenges, I am confident that together we can still make a difference for our families. Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work.
Network Meeting for Maintained Setting Leaders
Date: Monday, 1st October
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Ty Penallta
Inclusion Leader Meeting
Date: Monday, 11th November
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: Microsoft Teams
Network Zone Meeting for All Setting Leaders
Date: Monday, 25th November
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: TBC
 The latest Caerphilly Early Years and Childcare training timetable is now available to view on our website. Click the link below for details and to access the training request form.
 Aneurin Bevan University Health Board is working to give all babies and children across Gwent the very best start in life. As part of this work, they want to hear from people thinking about having children, expectant parents, and parents/ carers across Gwent.
Click the link below to head to their web page and complete a short survey.
Best Start in Life Engagement Survey
We are delighted to announce that our Play in the Park sessions throughout August were a tremendous success! Despite the unpredictable British summer weather, over a thousand children attended the Play in the Park sessions, each receiving a free healthy packed lunch.
The feedback from families has been overwhelmingly positive, and it was wonderful to see so many of you there taking part. Thank you for your support.
From 23rd September to 11th October, we are inviting parents with children who live in a Flying Start postcode and were born between 1st September 2022 and 31st December 2022 to apply for their Flying Start childcare place.
Please support the eligible families you work with to apply within this preferred application window to ensure they do not miss out on their place.
Applicants will receive their approval email during the week commencing 6th November.
For more information and to use the postcode checker, visit our website: https://www.caerphillyearlyyears.co.uk/flyingstart
 Applications are open for parents to apply for a Rising 3’s place for their child for both spring and summer terms 2025.
The closing date for applications: Friday 25 October 2024
Notification of Outcome: End of November 2024
Please can you encourage parents to apply for their place with you (or school) if that is their preference by visiting the council's website at https://www.caerphilly.gov.uk/schooladmissions.
 Applications are now open for children turning 3 between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025 to apply for their nursery place.
Closing Date for Applications: 21st February 2025
Notification of Outcome: End of May 2025
Please discuss this with eligible families you are working with to ensure they apply. Also, remind parents that they will need to re-apply the following year for reception class.
Parent can apply here: https://www.caerphilly.gov.uk/schooladmissions
Re-eligibility checks 9th September
Families receiving Childcare Offer for Wales Funding will receive an email from the Welsh Government on 9th September.
This email will ask them to confirm if there have been any changes to their circumstances.
Families must respond by either confirming there are no changes or following the instructions in the email to update any changes. This needs to be completed by 7th October 2024, or their funding may be at risk.
Please ensure the families you work with are aware of this email and take action before the deadline.
For more information on Welsh Governments continued eligibility checks please visit their website, via the following link
Reminder to confirm New Parents’ Agreements by First Week of Term
Don’t forget! Childcare settings providing childcare through the Childcare Offer need to confirm new parents’ Agreements the Thursday of the 1st week of term.
🔗 Sign in to your Childcare Offer Wales account
For help and advice contact our national helpline on 03000 628 628📞
 It’s that time of year again – UK Active’s National Fitness Day is just around the corner, taking place on the 18th of September! This year’s theme, “Your Health is for Life,” serves as a powerful reminder that staying active isn’t just a one-time effort, it’s a lifelong commitment.
As childcare providers, you play a crucial role in fostering healthy habits in children. One fun and easy way to get kids moving is by participating in 10@10: 10 minutes of running, jumping, dancing, or any exercise they enjoy at 10am.
We would love to hear how you got involved. Let’s get moving and make this National Fitness Day a memorable one for the kids!
National Fitness Day
You can help your little one start to be interested in books anytime, even if they aren’t ready to read or look at a whole story yet. Instead of reading the words, why not try:
- Finding a book about something they already like. For example, put a book about transport near their toy cars in case it might interest them.
- Talk about the pictures. Whatever your little one looks at on the page, tell them what it is.
- Make your own book about your child using photos or drawings. Seeing themselves and the people they know in a homemade book might make it more exciting to look at the story.
- Use funny voices for characters to make it really fun and exciting.
You can find this strategy in the 10 tips to help me learn to talk booklet: Talk with Me Ten Top Tips Booklet, English Version (gov.wales)
For more information on interacting with young children, visit https://gov.wales/talk-with-me