We are able to access funding via the Welsh Government’s Playworks Holiday Grant during this financial year (2023-2024) for programmes that support holiday hunger. In Caerphilly County Borough we are piloting a new scheme to give children from the most vulnerable families access to holiday play opportunities. This is a pilot for Spring Half Term with a potential to run through following holiday periods, if funding is available.
The Play Inc project is targeted at Primary School age children (reception to year 6). Childcare settings must be registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) for delivery during school holiday hours to apply to be a part of the project. The project aims to offer specific children opportunities to engage in play and recreation activities.
Play Inc has two strands, one to support school age children with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and the other to support school age children from vulnerable families.
 Expression of Interest
Caerphilly Early Years and Childcare services are inviting Expressions of Interest from childcare providers who are registered with Care Inspectorate Wales and deliver childcare during the school holidays.
If you are interested in being a part of this scheme, please complete the Expression of Interest form and email it to earlyyearshub@caerphilly.gov.uk.
Application should arrive no later than 3pm Wednesday 10th January 2024.