It feels like we have barely got the first round of Phase 2 Flying Start Childcare expansion under our belt, however we are delighted to inform you that we are now open for applications for children who are eligible to access Flying Start Childcare from September, this is for children with a date of birth between 01/04/2021 to 31/08/2021.
The preferred application period is from 24/04/2023 to 12/05/2023, although we will accept applications after this time. If you are working with a family with children with a date of birth between these dates, please could you encourage them to visit our website to check if they are eligible using the postcode checker.
 If you are providing Flying Start, Assisted Places, Supported Places, or Early Years Education you are required to complete weekly attendance registers.
To support you with this, we have published some guidance on our website. This includes information about how we generate the registers, completing the registers and what codes to use, and returning completed register using email encryption.
Early Years childcare provider registers guidance
We have also added this guidance to the Forms and links page we told you about in the April bulletin for easy access.
Childcare provider forms and links
 A few reminders about Childcare Offer for Wales:
For help and advice contact our national helpline on 03000 628 628
 An exciting opportunity has become available for a provider to deliver Flying Start pre-school provision in the community of Gellideg of the Cyfarthfa ward, Merthyr Tydfil. We would be keen for organisations to display how they could extend the business model beyond Flying Start childcare to meet the childcare needs of the wider community.
Please see below the links that take you directly to the advert that has been placed on Sell2Wales.
The main page is www.sell2wales.gov.wales but interested providers will be able to view the notice at https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/Search/search_mainpage.aspx by scrolling down to the notice listed as “Flying Start Sessional Care in the Cyfarthfa Ward of Merthyr Tydfil”.
The closing date is midday on Friday 19 May
If you have any queries, please contact Rebecca Powell via Rebecca.powell@merthyr.gov.uk or 01685 725269 or Sarah Ostler via sarah.ostler@merthyr.gov.uk or 01685 727396 01685 725269.
 Preparing for National Children’s Day – 14 May and National Smile Month 16 May - 16 June
Suggestion of activities:
Make your plate a happy face – arrange your snack into a smiley plate and don’t forget to label your body parts in Welsh and English.
You could sing the Mr Hapus song once your plates are completed to celebrate.
Discuss things that make you all the children feel happy and things that make them sad, and any other emotions.
Welsh words:
- Hapus – Happy
- Trist – Sad
- Grac – Angry
- Cyffrous – Excited
- Ofnus - Scared
- Gwenu – Smiling
- Trwyn – Nose
- Llygaid – Eyes
- Clustiau – Ears
- Ceg – Mouth
- Teimladau – Feelings
 Do you need an introductory course or refresher in speech, language and communication development?
The Communication Consortium has a free online short course for professionals working with a range of ages.
This was developed by The Communication Trust and is available on the Speech and Language UK website: CPD online short course (speechandlanguage.org.uk)
It will help you to:
- Understand speech and language development
- Support these skills day to day
- Spot children who might need more support
This is a great place to learn new things or refresh your knowledge!
For more information on interacting with young children, visit https://gov.wales/talk-with-me
Each year, Children in Wales in partnership with the End Child Poverty Network Cymru (ECPN), conduct the Child & Family Poverty Surveys.
As a professional working with children and families, please spend a few minutes to complete the survey below. Your experiences and views will help provide information about the impact poverty has on the children, young people and families in Wales.
Last year’s findings have been widely used, both locally and nationally, and also to inform Welsh Government’s refresh of their Child Poverty Strategy.
Survey for practitioners and professionals English
Closing date 16 June 2023.
Don't forget to have a look around our new website. It has lots of useful information and advice about early years, childcare and support for prospective parents or families with children from birth to 7 years. www.caerphillyearlyyears.co.uk/
We have a dedicated section for childcare providers where you can also view any previous e-bulletins you may have missed. Please let us know how you think this could be improved.