Tilda are proudly sponsoring the Eat Them to Defeat Them 'Caterers Challenge' competition for the 5th year, encouraging schools to get kids eating more vegetables.
Abercarn Primary School recently took part in the 'Caterers Challenge' where they made a special rice dish called Rainbow Rice, which was designed by the pupils and created by Mrs Watson. It consisted of boiled rice, roasted peppers, roasted carrots, roasted onions, beans, peas, and spices to add to the flavour.
The older pupils were asked to develop a recipe alongside Mrs Watson with a brief of using as many exciting vegetables as possible. The younger pupils in infants were shown picture cards and asked to select which they think should be used in the recipe, so it was a whole school effort. Mrs Watson was fantastic at encouraging the children to try vegetables they’ve never had before and to make vegetables exciting in her dishes. The children had the rainbow rice at lunchtime, and they absolutely loved it.
All pupils are given ‘Eat Them to Defeat Them’ stickers when they try a new vegetable. Mrs Watson has a fantastic salad bar and giant fruit platter everyday which encourages the children to try new things, as a result more of the children have fruit now as a dessert instead of a pudding or ice cream.