Firstly, a huge thank you to those of you who attended our Awareness Session. It was so pleasing to see you all there and for having the opportunity to tell about all about the changes with the expansion of Flying Start in the county borough.
Over 50% of our borough will now benefit from funded childcare through Flying Start so if you are not yet contracted to offer Flying Start placements at your setting, please register and we can support you to meet the quality criteria required by the scheme.
Application went live on 1 February. Don't forget, there is now a dedicated section on our website with all the information you need, including how to become a Flying Start provider and for existing Flying Start settings, access to the Individual Child Placement (ICP) form. There is also a section for parents including the postcode checker, key dates, the application form, and a list of Flying Start childcare providers in the Caerphilly county borough.
We mentioned in the awareness session that we will be setting up Caerphilly Connect accounts for you to access the ICP and that an email would follow with details of this. As the application closing date for places to start after Easter is not until 24 February, we will be sending you this information mid February.
As promised, below is a copy of the slides in PDF format.
If you have any questions, please contact the Early Years Hub on 01443 863232 or your Childcare Officer.
Our Early Years Advisory Team has recently expanded welcoming two additional members of staff, Kerry-Anne Lewton, Childcare Advisor and Laura Chislett, Advisory Lead.
The team work closely with registered childcare and play settings to develop inclusive provision, including child observations, role modelling strategies in setting, delivering training for staff teams, as well as providing resources needed for the child to access the environment.
The ALN training package has been successfully rolled out to all Inclusion leads within settings and we are currently working on a bespoke package to deliver to individual settings. Please enquire with your advisor for more information.
Alternatively, all childcare staff are encouraged to undertake a new interactive training course produced by the Welsh Government which will help all those involved in the system understand the new legislative duties and the rights to children, their parents/carers and young people.
The next inclusion lead meeting will be on Monday 6 March, 4.30pm-5.30pm. Here we will share any updates and good practice and answer any questions you have regarding the processes for children with AN.
Invites to follow.
 New modules have been developed to support all childcare practitioners as they implement the New Curriculum for Wales: Curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings - Hwb (gov.wales)
This latest suite of modules complements the previously published modules on Hwb: Repository - Hwb (gov.wales)
The new modules cover the following topics:
- Understanding the five developmental pathways and pedagogy
- Schematic development: patterns of repetitive behaviours that can be seen in children’s play
- Leadership in non-maintained nursery settings
And can be accessed here: Repository - Hwb (gov.wales)
 Suggestions of activities:
Why don’t you play some Welsh music in your setting for all to enjoy?
Why don’t you discuss the traditional Welsh costume and compare it to what’s worn by children today?
Have a go at making traditional Welsh Cawl with the children using vegetables.
You could read also ‘The Enormous Turnip’ by Kaytie Daynes, or ‘Y Feipen Enfawr’ via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQJ35L5_XmA
Don’t forget the Welsh cakes; you could make yours out of playdough if easier?!
 Children enjoy learning to talk with lots of different people, in lots of different situations. Include family and friends in fun activities to create lots of chatter for your child to join in with! Why not try and have a picnic, visit the park or go for a walk and chat about what you see/hear/do! Remember:
- Be face to face when you’re talking with your little one
- It’s easier for a child to babble and talk without a dummy or bottle
- Have fun and talk about what your child is interested in
Tips for interacting with a little one: Advice for speaking to young grandchildren and having the best conversations with grandkids - BBC Tiny Happy People
For more information on expanding your child’s talking: How to help your toddler talk - BBC Tiny Happy People
For more information on interacting with young children, visit https://gov.wales/talk-with-me
Don't forget to have a look around our new website. It has lots of useful information and advice about early years, childcare and support for prospective parents or families with children from birth to 7 years. www.caerphillyearlyyears.co.uk/
We have a dedicated section for childcare providers where you can also view any previous e-bulletins you may have missed. Please let us know how you think this could be improved.