Dear Childcare Provider,
To receive Childcare Offer for Wales payments for care provided from w/c 9 January 2023, you will need to have:
- Registered your setting online and been approved by your local authority: Register your childcare setting to get the Childcare Offer Wales | GOV.WALES
- Activated your online account: Activate your childcare setting to get the Childcare Offer for Wales | GOV.WALES
- Confirmed online Agreements submitted by parents. To do this, sign into your account and view your dashboard. Further information is available here: Providers manage agreements for the Childcare Offer for Wales | GOV.WALES
If Agreements with new parents have not been confirmed by midday 13 January 2023, childcare provided during w/c 9 January will not be funded by the Childcare Offer.
If you are aware of parents who wish to receive the Childcare Offer but have not yet submitted an online Agreement, please remind them that this must be submitted and confirmed by you.
To claim payments you will need follow these simple steps:
Sign into your account
- Access your timesheets and input Booked and Actual Hours (see below)
- Review and submit for payment
- Receive your payment reference
- Receive your payment within 3 working days (depending on your bank’s processes)
- Receive remittance advice by email
Agreement Hours are the maximum number of hours a parent will need in any one week. These hours will be pre-populated into timesheets.
Booked Hours are the hours the parent books from week to week within that maximum. Settings will always be paid on Booked Hours. In the interests of transparency, parents will be able to view the Booked Hours for which the setting claims.
Actual Hours are the hours the child actually attended.
More detailed guidance is available here: Providers get help with the Childcare Offer for Wales | GOV.WALES
Training videos are available here: Training and live events on the Childcare Offer for Wales national digital service for providers | GOV.WALES
Please note, payment claims for those in receipt of the Offer prior to 9 January 2023 should be made via the old LA system – please see attached.
If you need more help contact your local authority's Family Information Service.