After many months of planning and designing from the team, we are excited to announce that our new website is now live. We hope you love it as much as we do.
You can visit the website at https://www.caerphillyearlyyears.co.uk. The website provides information and advice about early years, childcare and support for prospective parents or families with children from birth to 7 years.
There is also a section dedicated to provide information for existing and prospective childcare providers including working in childcare, the support we provide, training and professional development, and more. Please let us know if you have any ideas on how this could be improved.
The website has been designed to be mobile friendly, bilingual and accessible to those using assistive technologies. We have worked hard to use plain English throughout the site so that visitors can easily understand the services we offer and find information quickly.
As our service develops and grows over the coming months and years, and we will continue to update and add information to ensure is continues to meet the needs of families.
For any questions or information about our services please contact fis@caerphilly.gov.uk
 Idris Davies School have a childcare facility on the school site to support the delivery of Flying Start, wrap around, and potentially after school and holiday childcare places to the children and families of the local area.
We are inviting expressions of Interest from childcare providers who are registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to occupy this provision. We are open to existing providers who wish to develop new satellite provisions, new providers and to childminders who wish to register as a group-based provision for 2 year olds and upwards.
We anticipate this provision being registered ready for delivery from Autumn 2022. Please call Claire Williams for more information on 07766 303557 or email willic23@caerphilly.gov.uk.
Closing date Wednesday 22 June 2022.
 Play for health and wellbeing webinar
30 June 2022 (10:00am - 12:30pm)
Online via Zoom
Research shows that children’s play, especially when not overly structured or directed by adults, has a range of benefits to children of all ages. Playing helps children to develop resilience and skills that are beneficial in adulthood. Equally important are the immediate benefits to children’s physical and emotional wellbeing.
The webinar will:
- Highlight the ways playing can improve health outcomes for children
- Explore how we might support more children to play, and more often.
This is a FREE event
This work supports the ‘Building a Healthier Gwent’ ambition, where ‘In 2030 the places where we live, work, learn and play make it easier for people in our communities to live healthy, fulfilled lives’.
The event is aimed at practitioners working directly with children and families as well as those operating at a strategic level in subject areas which have an influence on play, including Education, Planning, Roads/Transport and Leisure. It is for colleagues working in Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Newport and Torfaen.
To book your place visit: https://www.playwales.org.uk/eng/events
A partnership webinar, delivered by Play Wales with Aneurin Bevan Gwent Public Health Team
The Caerphilly Quality Standard (CQS) is a quality assurance tool that ensures settings are providing a service that is over and above the requirements as set out by CIW and the National Minimum Standards (NMS). Caerphilly Early Years have recently updated the CQS to ensure it is in line with the latest regulations and current practices.
Any childcare setting can sign up to undertake the CQS, however all settings that are contracted to work with Caerphilly County Borough Council will be required to have an up to date CQS in place as a minimum. This includes settings that offer Flying Start Placements, delivery of Early Years Education, Childcare Offer for Wales and Assisted and Supported Places Placements.
Your Childcare officer will contact you shortly to get started or you can contact them directly to express your interest.
It has been acknowledged that there are many issues around attracting, recruiting and retaining workers into the Childcare and Early Years workforce at present. Welsh Government are working with Local Authorities (including Caerphilly) and organisations to focus on maximising the support available to the sector and to address this situation. A support document has been produced which you may find useful at this challenging time:
220513-Overview-support-Childcare-Playwork-en.pdf (careinspectorate.wales)
The next step for Welsh Government is to review and refresh the 10 year Childcare Play and Early Years workforce plan which will be undertaken later in the year.
We recognise that some childcare settings are having difficulties updating their information on Dewis.
Therefore, we will be holding a training session on Wednesday 29 June 2022, 6-8pm.
Click here to book
You can help your little one start to be interested in books anytime, even if they aren’t ready to read or look at a whole story yet. Instead of reading the words, why not try:
Finding a book about something they already like. For example, put a book about transport near their toy cars in case it might interest them.
Talk about the pictures. Whatever your little one looks at on the page, tell them what it is.
Make your own book about your child using photos or drawings. Seeing themselves and the people they know in a homemade book might make it more exciting to look at the story.
Use funny voices for characters to make it really fun and exciting.
For more information on interacting with young children, visit GOV.Wales - Talk with me.