The New Curriculum for Wales specifically for Non-funded Non-Maintained settings was published on 10 January 2022.
To support your knowledge and learning of the new curriculum we are offering grants to cover the hours it will take to access the Welsh Government on-line modules. The application form for this grant has been circulated in recent weeks and if you haven’t already done so, we would urge you to take up the offer of the grant. We have decided to extend the deadline for those non funded non maintained settings that are yet to apply for a further 2 weeks until 11 March 2022.
While not funded to deliver the Foundation Phase, Welsh Government Ministers have recognised that all non-maintained childcare settings are required to deliver care in line with the pedagogy of the Foundation Phase/new curriculum and should receive support to address the learning and development needs of children in their care. This is a significant step in ensuring high quality provision and equity for all children. Doing the modules is seen as best practice and will be looked for by CIW in inspections.
Alongside the hard copy of the new Curriculum, this grant will pay for staff time for childminders and staff in all settings to access the on-line modules. This has all been circulated in the most recent Bulletin and in the letter that accompanied the mail-out of the new Curriculum last week.
CWLWM partners are delivering an introduction to the new Curriculum in workshops at the end of March – so keep an eye out for these as these will be a good eye opener. This will be advertised very soon