Childcare Provider Special Bulletin - Coronavirus LFD Testing

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Childcare Provider Special Bulletin - LFD testing


LFD testing update

The offer of testing is voluntary, however following the reduction in restrictions over the summer months, we are encouraging learners in year 7 and above and staff in childcare, schools and colleges to continue to test regularly using LFD test kits, so infections can be identified before going to school or socialising with others and unknowingly spreading the virus to friends or family. 

Having considered the data we recommend that settings continue LFD asymptomatic testing offer for a further three weeks. At which time, officials will again review the available data and communicate any changes. This decision has been reached in order to support the primary aim of maximising the amount of days pupils/children spend in school/childcare by contributing to the reduction of possible in setting transmission and to allow the collection of more robust data.

Settings are asked to continue to order their resupplies of LFDs in the normal way - a reminder of how to order LFD test kits is included below.

LFD test kit ordering reminder

Settings are now able to order LFD tests via this link:

Settings will require their UON, which can be obtained from the Education and Childcare asset banks:

Childcare: Published Assets (

If there are any issues, please contact the mailbox -

Updated SOP

The ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ (SOP) document has recently been updated to include the following:

  • Updated guidance on self-isolation as a household contact;
  • Addition of Clinical Effectiveness information;
  • Update to Testing Technology indicating that all LFD test kits in use currently are all free from natural rubber latex, including the swabs, and are suitable for those with latex allergies.

 The updated SOP is available on the above asset banks.


The Covid Education and Childcare Testing Team
