Applications are open for parents to apply for a Rising 3’s place for their child for both spring and summer terms 2022. The closing date is Friday 22 October for both terms.
Please can you encourage parents to apply for their place with you (or school) if that is their preference by visiting the council's website at https://www.caerphilly.gov.uk/schooladmissions.
 Now that the new Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal Act Wales 2018 (ALNET) is here, we want to update you on the additional needs support we are offering the childcare sector in Caerphilly:
Training – we are continuing to offer the full regional Additional Needs module training. If you have not yet completed this, visit the Workforce Development website and login to your account to book your place. Alternatively, email fis@caerphilly.gov.uk. This is essential training that outlines the new Act, the new terminology and the new processes that need to be followed as well as outlining what you are required to do under the Act. There is also an on-line module you can look at ALN Welsh Government E-Learning Modules, but this doesn’t replace the full course we offer which we strongly advise you complete as soon as possible if you haven’t already. The Welsh Government ALN Act Guide explains the transformation programme, including what, why, how and when things are changing.
Setting Additional Needs Readiness Survey – if you have not yet completed the survey, please contact your childcare officer who will arrange a time for you to complete it.
Advice and support - If you have children in your care and need advice and support, please contact us at Early Years. We can provide a range of support depending on needs of the child, such as modelling appropriate strategies, training courses or even limited short term financial assistance if we feel it necessary.
Additional Needs Surgeries - We will also continue to offer regular Additional Needs Surgeries for you to drop into if you have any queries that you need answering in a supportive environment. Please keep your eyes open for the dates these will be held.
Remember, this is a new Act and the processes will feel a little different for you all, but we are here to help and ensure that every child who has emerging or identified additional needs is cared for and supported in the best way possible.
 We want to tell you about a study being completed by the Welsh Government that all childcare providers will be asked to take part in.
The Welsh Government has commissioned Swansea University to complete a study to gain a consensus among experts and practioners on how to identify, address, or mitigate any negative implications of the pandemic on children under the age of 5.
Late September/early October, you will receive an email from the research team at Swansea University containing early headline findings. The email will include a link to a survey where you will be asked for your views on the feasibility of the approaches being proposed. Your responses will help shape the final report and inform policy decisions.
Findings will be published on the Welsh Government Research and Statistics webpages in November 2021.
 The next 5-year statutory Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) is due to be submitted to the Welsh Government next year. Much of the data regarding the number of registered providers, the services they offer, fee levels, occupancy rates, waiting lists and information relating to their staffing is provided to local authorities by CIW, based on the responses to the Self- Assessment of Service Statement (SASS).
For various reasons, some registered settings did not complete and return a SASS to CIW (for example, newly registered settings were not required to do so). However, local authorities will need some of this information from both registered settings who did not complete the SASS, and from unregistered settings (who are not required to do so) in order to ensure that their CSAs present a complete and accurate picture of all the childcare in their area.
For that reason the Caerphilly Childcare Team will be contacting some childcare settings with a series of questions relating to their service in order to ‘fill in the gaps’ and ensure that the Caerphilly CSA fully reflects the current picture of childcare across the borough.
As the CSA is the key strategic planning document for childcare provision, it is essential that the baseline data accurately captures the full range of services on offer, as this will affect funding decisions over the next 5-year period.
If your setting is contacted, we would really appreciate it if you could spend some time working with members of our Childcare Team to ensure we have the information required to produce a comprehensive and meaningful CSA.
To create consistency for all of our providers we have streamlined some of the Early Years childcare payment rates with effect from 3 September 2021.
You will receive payment as follows:
Assisted Places
Day nurseries and childminders: £20 per half day
Sessional providers: £13.50 per session
Supported Places and Additional Support for children funded through Flying Start, Childcare Offer, Early Years Education:
Staff rate: £12 per hour
Early Years Workforce Audit 2021
Many thanks those of you who have taken the time to complete our Early Years Workforce Survey.
This survey is important because it will help us understand the skills and qualifications that our childcare workforce have, and the qualifications and training needed over the next 2 years.
If you have not yet completed the survey, we would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete the online form below by Monday 20 September.
 Many thanks
In the August bulletin we told you about the Childcare Offer Small Capital Grant that re-opened on Monday 6 September.
All settings registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) who are offering Childcare Offer places for 3 and 4 year olds, or who intend to offer places, can apply. This grant can be used to purchase IT equipment ONLY.
Please complete the application form below and read and sign the terms and conditions. Return both documents to greenn1@caerphilly.gov.uk.
Application form (Word version)
Terms and conditions (Word version)
The final closing date for applications is Friday 22 October 2021.
Applications received after this date will be not be considered. Funding is limited so we encourage you to apply early.
If you are not currently registered to deliver Childcare Offer places on behalf of Caerphilly or would like any further information about this grant, please email greenn1@caerphilly.gov.uk.