Council Housing News this March

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Providing a Lifeline

Need a bit of support whilst still living in your own home in Broxtowe? Why not try our Lifeline service?

The Lifeline unit is linked to an accredited Control Centre who you can contact 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you need assistance by simply pushing the button on the unit or your pendant.

We spoke to Fred who shared his experience of recently using the service:

Man on sofa

"In the middle of the night, I had an asthma attack. I pressed the button on the pendant which alerted the Control Centre. I was in bed, but could be heard from the unit if I shouted. They arranged an ambulance for me. My daughter was also notified and she drove to me and helped me get dressed and ready before the ambulance arrived. The service was effective and I was grateful to have it."

Our Lifeline service is for any resident living in Broxtowe, you do not need to be a tenant.

Would you, or someone you know benefit from a Lifeline? 


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Garden Competition Update

Garden Competition

As increasing temperatures nudge dormant plants back into life, the first signs of spring are just around the corner.

Whether your bulbs are ready to bloom or your sown seeds are yet to germinate, Housing are interested in your garden.

In 2025, Housing are running a Garden Competition to celebrate the wonders of nature.


1st: £50 National Garden Gift voucher     

2nd: £25 voucher


  • Best House or Flat Garden
  • Best Indoor Plant
  • Best Independent Living Communal Garden
  • Best Wildlife Garden
  • Prettiest flower


Deadline for entries close on Friday 13 June.

Judging will take place from 23 June. You will be informed of the exact date your garden will be visited closer to the time.

The judging criteria will focus on colour, variety, sustainability, creativity and effort.

For more information or to enter the competition, please email  or call 01159173935 with your name, address and a contact number.

Housing Garden Competition

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Gas and Electrical Compliance

Engineer checking boiler

As your landlord we have an obligation to conduct regular electrical and gas safety checks within all our properties.

If you are contacted with an appointment please could you reply if you are not available and book to rearrange.

For more information, please read last month's newsletter

Council Housing News this February

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Debt Awareness Week

Man looking worried

From 24 to 30 March, Debt Awareness Week 2025 will explore shame and stigma surrounding debt.

We want to help people feel comfortable asking for the help they need, and ease any worries they may have about being judged, or feeling ashamed or embarrassed.

The fact is, anyone can fall into debt - and for all kinds of reasons. This means, even if your money worries leave you feeling lonely, you're not alone.

Did you know Housing tenants have the opportunity to chat to one of our Financial Inclusion Officers?

Our Officers can help support you in many ways from help with Benefits, debts and budgeting issues.

They helped a tenant for at least three years regarding rent arrears and Council Tax debts.  She said  I would be lost without the help and support you give me. I can always call you if I need anything”.

They also help tenants understand the importance of priority debts.

Priority Debts

Rent arrears and Council Tax payments are the foremost ‘Priority Debt’, therefore tenants have to prioritise these payments over other creditors they have and they must take action to organise their finances accordingly; this includes renegotiating payments elsewhere to free up money to pay to their rent account first.

Our Financial Inclusion Officers can give general advice and signposting in this area.  However, if the tenant’s debt is complex they can receive specialist and accredited debt advice from Citizen's Advice Broxtowe or Stepchange

Financial Inclusion

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Stay Social in Independent Living

Humber Lodge

Independent Living is all about keeping active and living independently with your choice of level of support.

There’s a whole range of social activities for tenants to get involved in. From fitness sessions to reminiscence discussions and game clubs to crafting activities, we have four dedicated Activities Coordinators who plan a range of events and social sessions.

Interested? Find out more by visiting the

Independent Living Service

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Say No to Domestic Abuse

No More Poster

Domestic abuse isn't just physical. It's about someone you know trying to control your life. This could be a partner, ex-partner, or someone in the family. It can be financial, psychological, emotional or sexual.

Can you spot the signs?

• May be withdrawn
• Tread on egg-shells especially around their partner
• Constantly checking in with their partner
• Explanations for injuries that don't add up
• Cancelling or failing to show up to arrangements
• If you or someone you know is experiencing these signs please seek advice now.

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International Women's Day

International Women's Day poster

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Together, let's #AccelerateActionWhen we collectively inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world.

And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment. International Women's Day belongs to everyone, everywhere

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Fund a Community Project

Community Fund

Did you know we have a Community Fund that our Housing customers can apply for?

This enables groups to bid for small scale projects that benefit the Council’s Housing customers and the communities they live within.

We’re looking to support projects that:
- Improve health and wellbeing
- Tenancy sustainment and financial inclusion
- Neighbourhood improvements and empowering communities
- Reducing loneliness and social isolation

So get your thinking caps on, grab your neighbours and share ideas on what you could bid on for your community.

 Community Fund

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Where are Housing this March?

Meeting of Tenants

Tenant Panel

At the last meeting (12 February) the Panel had an interactive workshop from Andy Culshaw, Change Delivery Manager on asking the right questions to hold your landlord to account. 

We are trying to determine tenants' and leaseholder's top priorities regarding Repairs and Capital Works, so we can provide some answers to the most popular questions. We are developing a survey to gather this data. If you are interested in having a say, please email

Neighbourhood inspection

Neighbourhood Inspections

Our Housing Team conduct regular inspections of the estates and communal areas. We encourage tenants and leaseholders to attend so that we can gain a better understanding of the issues they may be experiencing within their community.

Last month, highlighted issues included litter in communal blocks in which the Caretakers were asked to attend to, and Grounds Maintenance were instructed to cut back overgrowth

This month join us at:

  • Chewton St, Newthorpe at 10:30am on Wednesday 12 March 

  • Broad Lane, Brinsley at 10:30am on Wednesday 19 March

  • Church Lane, Brinsley at 10:30am on Wednesday 26 March 

 Neighbourhood Inspections

Family Hub Poster

Family Hub Events

Housing attended the Chilwell family hub open event. Join us for the Eastwood launch:

Eastwood Family Hub, Chewton Street, Thursday 13th March, 1pm-3:30pm

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garden waste