In this Newsletter:
Merry Christmas from Housing
 Broxtowe Housing wish you all a peaceful Festive Season and a Happy New Year!
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Tenant Satisfaction Survey
 Have you responded to the Tenant Satisfaction Survey from Acuity yet?
We would love to hear your views on our current service - so however you receive the survey, please add your voice!
Last year, you told us that:
- You were dissatisfied with our complaint handling. As a result of this, we set up a Complaints Panel with tenants and leaseholders to discuss how complaints are handled and highlight any improvements to be made.
- You wanted us to improve our communication with you and listen to you. We have now introduced a Housing Magazine, with Issue 1 dropping through your letterboxes shortly. We have also introduced a set of Service Standards for Housing, approved by our Tenant Panel.
- You struggled to contact Housing Repairs and was frequently cut off. We made amendments to the call wait time, reducing the amount of time you spent in a queue. We will shortly be implementing a new call system for Housing Repairs to make further improvements to your experience.
- You did not agree that we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods, and you were dissatisfied with our handling of Anti-Social Behaviour complaints. We have introduced regular ‘Housing Drop-In’ sessions around the Borough, giving you the opportunity to raise any queries or concerns with us in person. These are in addition to our ‘Neighbourhood Inspections’ where you can join your Housing Officer and others on a walk to identify any concerns or issues that need dealing with.
- You were dissatisfied with the cleanliness of our General Needs communal areas. We introduced a three-weekly communal cleaning programme to address this.
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Independent Living Christmas
 Independent Living schemes across the Borough have been celebrating Christmas, with lots of festive cheer and activities taking place throughout December.
A duo from Northeast Producers entertained with a pantomime production of Annie at 4 different Independent Living schemes for over 50 tenants. The comedic costumes and audience interaction prompted plenty of laughter and applause from all.
A Christmas Fair allowed tenants with a passion for creating to showcase their wares and other tenants the chance to purchase Christmas gifts for their loved ones that you can't get on the high street.
Christmas carols around the piano was a hit. Both staff and tenants sang along with all the classic tunes to get them in the festive mood.
Festive craft activities have remained popular, with tenants
making wreaths, tree decorations, Christmas cards and even icing gingerbread hearts.
Sycamore Dining have provided Christmas dinners across a number of schemes, with the proceeds being donated to Nottinghamshire Scouts.
Did You Know?
We have 22 Independent Living schemes across the Borough, with communal facilities for tenants to socialise in and enjoy activities. Our dedicated Activities Coordinators run a variety of activities each month and work with tenants to deliver, or support, a packed programme tailored around tenants’ needs.
Independent Living is available for anyone over 60 with a connection to the Borough, whether you are looking to downsize, want more social interaction or after a move closer to family.
More details of how to apply for Independent Living accommodation and what the service can offer are available on our website.
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Worried About Your Bills?
 You are not alone. Our Financial Inclusion Team are here to help, with advice available to all our tenants with the aim of improving income and living standards.
Our Financial Inclusion Service offers free, confidential and impartial advice and advocacy to tenants on benefits, making sure you’re claiming all you’re entitled to and helping with benefit forms. They can also help with debts from preparing financial statements and offering budgeting advice, to advice around debt management.
Contact the team at or call 0115 917 3658.
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Could Lifeline Work for You?
 Need the comfort of knowing you can call for support whilst still living in your own home? Why not try our Lifeline Service?
The Lifeline unit is linked to an accredited Control Centre who you can contact 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you need assistance by simply pushing the button on the unit or your pendant.
Get started by visiting Lifeline.
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Brew Monday
This Brew Monday, 20 January 2025, Samaritans are reminding everyone to reach out for a cuppa and a catch-up with the people you care about.
Samaritans say:
“The third Monday in January is sometimes referred to as ‘the most difficult day of the year’, but this is a myth. We know there is no such thing as ‘Blue Monday’, we all have our good days and our bad days and those aren’t for the calendar to decide.
So we say it’s time to stop this myth about Monday being ‘blue’ and instead start a conversation over a brew! Reach out and connect with family, friends, colleagues and loved ones.
We can always make time for a cuppa and a catch up. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Monday morning or Saturday night, or if you’re drinking green tea, black coffee or orange juice. If you’re sharing a cuppa and listening, you’re doing it right.”
Visit the Samaritans Brew Monday web pages for everything you need to have a Brew Monday, including:
- How to be a good listener
- Hosting a Brew Monday event
- Planning a virtual Brew Monday event
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Where are Housing this January?
 Thank you to everyone who came and chatted to us at the Broxtowe Christmas Lights Switch on events. It was great to hear your feedback and share ideas on how you can help us shape Housing services.
Please see below where you can catch the Housing team in January.
 Tenant Panel
Andy Culshaw, the Change Delivery Manager will be joining us and we will also be discussing the Housing Ombudsman Annual Complaints Review.
If you are interested, come along on Wednesday 15 January from 9:30am - 12pm at the Council Offices, Beeston, NG9 1AB
 Tenants and Leaseholders' Complaints Panel
You are invited to our Complaints Panel on Wednesday 22 January from 10am - 12pm at the Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston.
We will provide examples of complaints that have already been through the process to encourage discussion around the Council's response and alternative remedies.
By bringing your views and experience, we hope to learn from complaints to improve our services and empower tenants and leaseholders.
Scrutiny Panel
We are focusing on reviewing the Repairs element of the Voids process, which includes the ‘Lettable Standard’. This is the minimum standard that our properties will be let at.
Join us for our third meeting on Thursday 30 January from 10am- 12pm at the Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AB.
Please let us know if you’d like to pop along by emailing or calling 0115 917 3935
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Housing's Community Fund
If you have an idea that could help build a better community, don't hesitate. We are seeing a wide range of applications being submitted and we don't want you pass up this opportunity.
Housing can award grants of up to £1000 per application.
For more information, guidelines and the application form, see the link below.
If you have not applied for something like this before and would like to discuss it, please contact Housing Engagement on 0115 917 3935 or
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Energy Savers Week 2025
 In response to the issues with the energy market, Citizens Advice and the Energy Saving Trust are sharing information and advice to help people manage their energy bills.
From 20 - 26 January 2025 the focus is to share a winter heating checklist, to help consumers keep warm and spend less this winter.
Discover how you can use these low-cost energy efficiency tips around your home.
Green Doctor
Learn about the different ways the Green Doctor can help you reduce your energy bills, stay warm and discover great ways to avoid future costs.
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Christmas Bin Collection
New Year New Goal
 Could you help make Broxtowe a cleaner place by joining our Clean and Green Campaign?
We are asking individuals, community groups, schools and businessesto take collective responsibility for keeping the Borough clean and tidy and encourage everyone to recycle more.
One way that can do this is by setting up Community Clean Teams to organise events like litter picks or as an individual by doing your bit to keep the Borough tidy.
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