In this Newsletter:
Tenant Satisfaction Survey
 All social housing providers are required to ask their tenants a set of standard questions at least once a year that relate to their level of satisfaction, as part of the Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
Acuity Research and Practice Ltd. (known as Acuity) will be contacting our tenants over the next few weeks via letter, email or telephone for their views on the Housing services provided to them.
We received 1,153 responses last year, and you can view the results here.
We would love to hear your views on our current service - so however you receive the survey, please add your voice!
And like Yvonne, you'll have the chance to win a £50 shopping voucher!
Congratulations Yvonne! Yvonne was a runner up in last year's Tenant Satisfaction Survey prize draw and won a £25 shopping voucher.
'I fill out all the surveys that the Council send out. I'm generally happy with Housing Services.'
We asked how Yvonne will spend the voucher as she said 'I will treat myself to some clothes from Marks & Spencer for Christmas!'
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Rent Free Weeks
There are two rent free weeks coming up in December!
If your rent account is up to date and you are not in arrears or have a payment plan in place, you will not need to pay rent for the following weeks:
- w/c 23 December 2024
- w/c 30 December 2024
Please ensure that if you are in rent arrears or have a payment plan in place, you continue to make payments for these weeks.
The Housing Income Team are here to help! If you need to talk to us about your rent account, the sooner you do this, the easier it will be for us to help you.
0115 917 3658
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Right to Buy Discount Change
 There have been some changes announced to the maximum Right to Buy discounts from the government.
Tenants who apply on or after the 21st November 2024 will have a maximum discount cap of £24,000 or 70% of the value of the property, whichever is the lower rate.
For example, if a property is worth £205,000 and the tenant has a tenancy for 40 years (which would entitle them to a 70% discount), their discount of £143,500 would be capped at £24,000, meaning the purchase price would be £181,000.
Tenants who have applied before this date will not be affected and will benefit from the current maximum cap of 70% or £102,400, whichever is the lower.
For more detailed information see
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Winter Fire Safety
 Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service provide a range of tips and guides available to help ensure you keep fire safe this winter in and around your home.
You might plug in strings of fairy lights that have not been used for a year. Please check that cables and plugs are in good working order and that sockets are not overloaded.
There are things to be aware of when using alternative ways of keeping warm.
Electric blankets – store flat, rolled up or loosely folded to prevent damaging the internal wiring. Unplug blankets before you get into bed, unless it has a thermostat control for safe all-night use. Never use an electric blanket if you have an airflow pressure relief mattress, or use emollient creams.
Wheat bags – continual heating and drying of the wheat bag may overheat it to ignition point, let the bag cool down completely before heating. Place a cup or bowl of water in the microwave with the wheat bag to reduce this risk.
Portable heaters – Switch off when not being used and before going to bed. Do not leave unattended. Make sure that they have a British or European safety mark.
Ensure all heating methods are completely cool before storing.
For more tips and advice, visit the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue website.
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Rough Sleepers
Do you know what to do if you spot someone sleeping rough in Broxtowe this winter?
Please contact us on 0115 917 3439.
We work closely with Framework Housing Association’s Street Outreach Team, to try and positively engage with and advise rough sleepers with in the Broxtowe Borough.
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Could Mediation Work for You?
As a Housing Department, we fund the Broxtowe Mediation Project. This is a partnership between Broxtowe Borough Council, Citizens Advice Broxtowe and Broxtowe Youth Homelessness.
There are 8 volunteer mediators who offer their services to the project and there is an employed co-ordinator to manage the team.
Between April and October 2024, there were 18 referrals made into the project.
Case Study
A referral was made for two next door neighbours with adjoining homes. One party was described as noisy and intimidating when approached about the noise.
Shuttle mediation was used to resolve the issue without both parties having to meet face to face. Shuttle mediation is where the mediator has separate meetings / calls with each party and relays feelings and concerns to the other party. As a result of the mediation, both parties felt able to resolve and move on from the situation. This agreement allowed our housing team to close the case involving these neighbours.
If you feel mediation would benefit you, please contact your Housing Officer or Independent Living Co-ordinator.
Did you know that you can report Anti-Social Behaviour to us in various ways, including at our new Housing Drop Ins, online form, over the phone 0115 917 3400, in-person or by email
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My Home is your Home
 Our Activities Coordinator, Lindsay discovered a remarkable coincidence between herself and a resident at one of our Independent Living Schemes, Kate.
During conversation at a social activity they discovered that Lindsay lives in the house that Kate used to live in about 50 years ago. It had been her parents’ home in the 1960s and they lived there for 15 years before her mum sadly passed away. The discovery gave them both goosebumps!
Lindsay showed Kate some photos of the house including the cherry blossom tree in the garden and it brought back floods of memories for her. What’s more, Lindsay’s solicitor had left lots of old documents and paperwork about the previous owners and deeds of the house. As luck would have it, there was plenty of information relating to Kate’s parents and even her own late husband.
Kate had never seen her mum’s death certificate before and it brought her a little bit of peace seeing it even so many years after her passing. Each document told a little snippet of her family history.
Kate said 'it meant so much to me, reminding me of all the happy times living in that house.'
Interested in our Independent Living Service? Find out more on our website.
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Where are Housing this December?
It's not December but don't forget to visit the Housing team at the final Christmas lights switch on in Beeston.
Saturday 30th November, Beeston Square from 12 - 6.30pm!
Tenant Information Network
Join us for our next Tenant Information Network on Thursday 12 December at Trowell Parish Hall, NG9 3QA from 5.30pm - 7pm.
It's a Winter Special - Repairs Team
We’re pleased to announce that a member of the Housing Repairs team will be attending to share information about repairs, damp & mould and Gas Safety.
It will be Christmas Jumper Day so we welcome all that have some festive clothes to dress accordingly!
There will be a donation box for Save the Children at the meeting. Or you can donate using the code BBCXMAS to 70050.
Scrutiny Panel
The task and finish group got together for their first meeting to look at the Voids process and scope out the area they would like to review. They've chosen to look at the repairs process when a property becomes vacant and ready to be let to a new tenant.
Join us for our second meeting on Thursday 12 December from 10am- 1pm at Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AB.
Please let us know if you’d like to pop along by emailing or calling 0115 917 3935
It's also Christmas Jumper day and Broxtowe have signed up to raise funds for Save the Children. So please wear a jumper, come along and make a donation if you can.
Beeston Housing Drop In
Come to our 'Housing Drop-In' offering tenancy and rents advice.
Council tenants are invited to meet their Housing Officer, Income Collection Officer and Repairs Officer in their local area to discuss issues and ask questions around their tenancy.
- Monday 9 December 2024 from 10am - 11:30am at Hope House, Beeston, NG9 2RF
Neighbourhood Inspections
Have your say on what matters most to you, such as highlighting areas that may require improvement, ensuring areas with Council housing in the Borough are kept tidy, fly tipping is removed and repairs are reported.
This month, join us at:
- Plumptre Way, Newthorpe, 10am, Wednesday 4 December
- Sherwood Rise, Newthorpe, 10am, Friday 6 December
- Priory Road, Newthorpe, 10am, Thursday 12 December
- Valley Road, Chilwell, 10am, Thursday 12 December
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Housing's Community Fund
If you have an idea that could help build a better community, don't hesitate. We are seeing a wide range of applications being submitted and we don't want you pass up this opportunity.
Housing can award grants of up to £1000 per application.
For more information, guidelines and the application form, see the link below.
If you have not applied for something like this before and would like to discuss it, please contact Housing Engagement on 0115 917 3935 or
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Energy Saving Tips
 There are things we can all do to be more energy efficient. Many are completely free and can save you money too!
Follow these helpful energy saving tips to see where you can make savings:
- Turning your thermostat down by just 1°C can save you as much as £80 per year.
- Layer up. Wearing more jumpers, socks and slippers around the house and putting an extra blanket on the bed means you won’t be tempted to turn the heating up.
- Take it slow. To save energy try using a slow cooker to cook throughout the day – they only use about as much energy as a light bulb.
- Only fill your kettle up with the water that you need
- Ninety per cent of a washing machine’s energy expenditure is spent heating the water, so if you wash your clothes at 30°C, you can save a third on your washing bills.
Visit our website for more energy saving tips around the home.
Struggling to pay your bills?
Visit our cost of living webpage to see what assistance may be available to you.
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Call B4 You Serve Landlord Event
 Free event for landlords with properties in Broxtowe. Have your say on how the local authority can support YOU as a landlord!
If you're feeling a bit unsure about the future with the upcoming changes in the Renters' Rights Bill' there will be a talk on the Bill and what those changes might mean in practise for landlords.
There will also be a talk from 'Call B4 You Serve', using case studies to demonstrate the range and variety of their service. There has never been a better time to be informed as a landlord.
Thursday 12 December from 1-3pm at Coney Green Business Park Wingfield View, Clay Cross, Chesterfield Derbyshire S45 9JW
To reserve a place email:
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Recycling This Festive Season
 With Christmas approaching, many households have more waste to dispose of. Do you know what can be recycled in your green-lidded recycling bin and glass bag or red-lidded bin?
Ensuring the permitted items are only disposed of, will ensure that waste collected can go be recycled. Wrong items can mean that a whole lorry load is un-recyclable. The most common items that make a load un-recyclable are:
- Glass
- Tetra paks (or cardboard cartons)
- Incorrect plastics (anything other than bottles, yoghurt pots or butter/margarine tubs)
- Pizza boxes
- Bagged waste - keep your recycling loose, clean and dry
If you live in an area where you have communal bins, please ensure you are using the correct bin for the waste being disposed of and the areas are kept clean and tidy.
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Bank Holiday Opening Hours
 You can find the Council opening hours over the festive period by visiting the Bank holiday web page.
What to do in an emergency?
If you have an emergency housing repair when the Council Offices are closed, please call 0115 917 7777.
Please only use this service for real emergencies. Visit our website for more information on Emergency Out of Hours Repairs.
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