In this Newsletter:
New Online Repairs Form Live
If you require any non-emergency repairs to be made to your home, why not report your repair online?
Housing Repairs have developed a more user friendly and accessible online form to report repairs through. It is available on the website and we would encourage people to use this option as it will save time phoning in. The form will be picked up in a timely manner and necessary jobs booked in.
 For any emergency repairs (such as loss of power, unsafe electrics, only WC not flushing or loss of heating/hot water), please telephone on 0115 917 7777.
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Damp and Mould
 If you spot damp or mould in your home, you need to act fast. Mould is a health hazard and needs to be treated before it causes harm to you or others in your home.
Condensation is the most common form of damp in homes. Mould growth can be caused when excess moisture in the air comes into contact with a cold surface, such as a window or wall and tends to be worse in winter.
Everyday activities like cooking, having a bath or shower and drying clothes can create moisture in your home. When doing these activities try and open a window or use the extractor fans.
See below a chart comparing costs of running extractor fans with other household goods.
You can report Damp and Mould to repairs by emailing damp& if possible please attach photos to the email. You can also call repairs on 0115 917 7777 option 2.
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Gas Servicing
 As your landlord, Broxtowe Borough Council has a legal obligation to ensure that gas appliances and pipe work in your home are checked for safety at least once every 12 months.
Our in-house Gas Safe Registered Engineers will carry out these vital checks to ensure they are safe for you and your family to use.
With winter approaching, if you are due a service get it booked in to reduce the chances of the boiler breaking down. If for any reason you are not able to keep the appointment, please contact Housing Repairs, who will be happy to rearrange this for you.
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Electrical testing
 It is extremely important for the Council to ensure that your electrics are safe, with a legal requirement for us to test every 5 years.
This involves checking the fuse box (consumer unit) testing the circuits, inspecting the light fittings and inspecting the plug sockets.
If the electrical inspection passes, a certificate is issued and a sticker placed on the fuse box saying when the next inspection will be due by.
If you are contacted by either Dodd Group or SDT Electrical Services then they are working on our behalf to get these electrical tests complete.
Did you know that Dodd Group offer generators to those who need electric due to a medical need!
When they make contact with you, please try and arrange a mutually convenient time for them to attend. To assist us with the safety checks, please ensure the following:
- someone over the age of 18 is in your property the whole time we’re there
- the area in and around your appliances is clear to give us easy access
- there is money in your electric meter, as we will need to test appliances
All electricians will be carrying ID. If tenants want to verify the surveyor or need to reschedule the appointment, call Dodd Group on 01902714079 or SDT Electrical on 07951683888.
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Disrepair Claims
 We understand that some of you have been approached by legal firms about making a claim against us for disrepairs.
We would like to make you aware that these companies may not be what they seem. They may not provide you with full information upfront and they could put you at serious financial risk, even under ‘no win, no fee’ agreements.
If you’d like to discuss any issues you may have in your home, please get in touch. Your repairs will be completed quicker if you speak to us, as the disrepair process can take a long time. It’s important to us that you’re happy with the services we provide. We’ll do everything we can to support you and look after your home.
If you have been approached by a Disrepair Claim Company, please speak to us before you sign any agreement to make a claim.
If you do have any repairs you need to report, please contact us on 0115 917 7777.
If you are dissatisfied with any repairs services you have received from us, you can submit a complaint by email:; in person or in writing to: Broxtowe Borough Council, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB.
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Pension Credit
 What is Pension Credit?
Pension Credit is a means tested benefit for people over state pension age who have a low income. It comes in two parts (Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit) and it is separate to the state pension.
Other help you can get by claiming Pension Credit?
- Pension Credit can help with health costs, such as free NHS dental treatment. If you care for someone you might qualify for Carer Addition, and if you have a disability, you may qualify for an extra amount known as Severe Disability Addition.
- Pension Credit can help with housing costs. You probably won’t have to pay Council Tax (unless other people live with you), and you may get your rent paid by Housing Benefit.
- Pension Credit can help with other costs. If you’re 75 or over you can get a free TV licence. You would be eligible for a cold weather payment during particularly cold weather. You would be eligible for the Winter Fuel payment to help with heating costs during the colder months.
Are you eligible to claim Pension Credit?
There are different eligibility requirements for each part of Pension Credit and more information can be found at You could also contact Citizens Advice for further information by visiting or calling 0800 144 8848.
Our Financial Inclusion team offer free, impartial advice to tenants making sure you're claiming all you're entitled to.
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Get Ready for the Garden Competition
 Next year, Housing will be running a Garden Competition to celebrate those taking pride in their local area and bringing a bit of life and colour to the community.
For your chance to get involved remember to plant your bulbs and prepare the beds now to reap the rewards in the growing season. See the link below for some inspiration.
Look out for more information about the competition in the coming months!
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Housing's Community Fund
If you have an idea that could help build a better community, don't hesitate. We are seeing a wide range of applications being submitted and we don't want you pass up this opportunity.
Housing can award grants of up to £1000 per application.
Funding can be granted for a variety of projects and activities including workshops, practical equipment and community events. This can be anything from repair workshops and community gardens to digital initiatives and artistic projects.
For more information, guidelines and the application form, see the link below.
If you have not applied for something like this before and would like to discuss it, please contact Housing Engagement on 0115 917 3935 or
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Wear a White Ribbon
 Broxtowe Borough Council is a White Ribbon accredited local authority, working to end male violence against women. We’re helping to promote the campaign and encourage professionals and members of the public to:
'Never excuse, commit or remain silent about male violence against women'
We encourage all men to make the White Ribbon promise. By doing so, you’re becoming part of a wider movement to end violence and helping to make a difference to the lives of many people.
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Buy Nothing New November
 From the water and energy used in production to the fuel used in delivery, every new item we buy has an environmental price tag. That's why, during November, we're running Buy Nothing New Month.
We're calling on Brits to boycott Black Friday and the culture of impulse buys that goes along with it. Instead, we want to waste less, make the most of the stuff we own, and cut our carbon footprint by buying nothing new — excluding essentials like food and medicine — throughout November.
Are you up to the challenge? Join Buy Nothing New Month, and let's make this a November to remember.
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Where are Housing this November?
Tenant Information Network
Join us for our next Tenant Information Network on Wednesday 13 November at Eastwood Town Council, NG16 3NP from 5.30pm - 7pm.
Hear what's currently happening within housing. We will be sharing information about damp & mould and support for winter.
Winter Special - Repairs Team
We’re also pleased to announce that a member of the Housing Repairs team will be attending to share information about repairs over winter.
Scrutiny Panel
Scrutiny just means reviewing an area of service that the Council provides. We’re inviting tenants to come and review our process surrounding empty homes ready to be let ("voids"). This covers from when a tenancy ends to when a new one begins, for example:
- How long should it take?
- Are the policies up to date?
- Chat to the Voids Manager about the process
- Have a visit at a current empty home
We will then assist you to work together to make recommendations to help improve the service. You do not need any prior knowledge or experience to get involved, just the interest to have a go!
Our first meeting is on Thursday 7 November from 10am – 12pm at Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AB.
Please let us know if you’d like to pop along by emailing or calling 0115 917 3935
Eastwood Housing Drop In
Come to our 'Housing Drop-In' offering tenancy and rents advice.
Council tenants are invited to meet their Housing Officer, Income Collection Officer and a Lettings Officer in their local area to discuss issues and ask questions around their tenancy.
- Thursday 14 November 2024 from 8:30am - 10:00am at Eastwood Citizen's Advice, Wellington Place, NG16 3GB
Broxtowe Christmas Light Switch Ons
- Stapleford Christmas Lights Switch On - Saturday 23 November
- Eastwood Christmas Lights Switch On - Tuesday 26 November
- Beeston Christmas Lights Switch On - Saturday 30 November
Come visit the Housing stall to find out more about our services. We can share information on
Independent Living, Lifeline, Homechoice and ways tenants and leaseholders can shape services.
You can also enjoy Christmas stalls, community groups, street entertainment, food, fair rides, face painting, live music and more. Santa will also be back to meet children in his Christmas Grotto, with the return of accessible sensory sessions and walk-in sessions.
Neighbourhood Inspections
Broxtowe Borough Council tenants and leaseholders are invited to Neighbourhood Inspections with Housing Officers in their local area.
Have your say on what matters most to you, such as highlighting areas that may require improvement, ensuring areas with Council housing in the Borough are kept tidy, fly tipping is removed and repairs are reported.
This month, join us at:
- Ribbesdale Court, Chilwell, 10am, Friday 8 November
- Clifford Avenue, Beeston, 10am, Tuesday 19 November
- Babington Court, Chilwell,10am, Wednesday 20 November
- Church Street, Eastwood, 10am, Wednesday 20 November
- Trenton Close, Stapleford, 1pm, Thursday 28 November
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Be heard in Broxtowe’s Budget Consultation
 Broxtowe Borough Council has launched its annual budget survey, asking local residents, businesses and community and voluntary organisations to share their thoughts on Council services and how they think the budget should be spent.
To have their say, local people can complete the online survey until 19 November 2024. There is also a chance to win one of six £50 Love2Shop vouchers for all participants who wish to enter a prize draw.
The survey asks for views on the wide range of services provided by the Council, including Housing, Waste and Recycling, Garden Waste, Health, Leisure, Business Support and more, as well as suggestions on how to increase income, reduce costs to help balance the budget.
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