In this Newsletter:
Tenant Satisfaction Measures - The Results!
In April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) aimed at driving up standards and to improve the quality of social housing by ensuring housing providers are accountable for the services delivered to customers.
All social housing providers are required to ask a set of standard questions at least once a year that relate to their level of satisfaction.
Between November 2023 and January 2024, 1,153 of you took part in a survey carried out by Acuity Research.
- Overall Satisfaction - 66%
- Satisfied the home we provide is well maintained - 71%
- Fire Safety Checks - 18.5%
- Satisfied we listen to your views and act on them - 48%
- Satisfied with our approach to handling complaints - 25%
- Satisfied we make a positive contributions to neighbourhoods - 56%
You can read the full response to all the questions and our actions for improvement on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) webpage.
Housing Strategy Consultations
 Have your say on Broxtowe’s new Housing Strategy 2024-2028
We want your views on our strategic plans for all types of housing in Broxtowe.
Please share your views with us by attending one of our workshops:
- Housing Strategy Consultation on Thursday 18 July from 5:30pm – 7pm at Chilwell Community Centre, NG9 4HX
- Housing Strategy Consultation on Wednesday 24 July from 5:30pm – 7pm at St Mary’s Church Eastwood, NG16 3BS
- Housing Strategy Consultation on Tuesday 6 August from 5:30pm – 7pm at Middle Street Resource Centre, Beeston, NG9 2AR
- Housing Strategy Consultation – w/c 19th August date TBC at Chayah Development Group, 2 Church Street, NG9 8GA
We will also be offering two drop in sessions where Officers will be able to assist you to complete the consultation survey:
- Tuesday 6 August from 12pm - 2pm at Council Offices, Beeston, NG9 1AB
- Thursday 22 August from 12pm - 2pm The Glebe, Linwood Crescent, NG16 3HD
You can request a paper copy of the survey, or arrange for our officers to call you to go through it on the telephone.
For further details, please contact the Housing Strategy team on or via telephone on 0115 9173935.
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We're Recruiting to Our Tenant & Leaseholder Complaints Panel
Are you passionate about complaints?
Can you work with us to make sure we get it right?
One of the key areas you identified for improvement in the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) survey was complaints handling. We have listened to you, and we are committed to working together with you to make positive changes.
Why are we setting up a new panel?
- To ensure that we use feedback to shape and improve our services.
- To look at trends and learning from complaints and ways we can improve.
- To develop and maintain positive and empowering relationships between tenants and leaseholders and the Council.
- To provide assurance that we are meeting the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code.
What is expected of the Panel?
The Panel will meet on an adhoc basis (when complaints are made), and will review a random selection of closed complaints and the responses received. You will be expected to provide feedback and how you feel we should have responded from a tenant/leaseholder perspective.
You would work closely with the Council’s Complaints and Housing Engagement teams to ensure that you develop a good understanding of the complaints process, which will enable you to scrutinise the service.
The first meeting will be on Wednesday 24 July from 1-3pm at Broxtowe Borough Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AB. Transport can be arranged.
Please email for more information or call 0115 917 3935.
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Discount Market Sale Homes
 Under the Government’s ‘Discount Market Sale’ scheme at the Old Mill Farm site in Brinsley, the Council is currently working with David Wilson Homes to offer a mixture of 1, 2 and 3 bed homes for sale.
Discount Market Sale is a low cost homeownership product, where a new build property is purchased at a discounted price (20% less than the market value).
To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
- Your household income is less than £80,000 per year
- You cannot afford all of the deposit and mortgage payments for a home that meets your needs
- You have a right of residence in the UK
- You have a local connection to the borough of Broxtowe Borough Council
To see which properties are available, visit David Wilson Home’s website - Old Mill Farm.
We will also be sharing some information about this at Brinsley Nursery and Primary School Summer Fayre on Saturday 13 July from 2-5pm.
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Housing's Community Fund Returns
Whether you are a tenant, leaseholder or member of a community group, if you have an idea for a project that can benefit the Council’s Housing customers and the communities they live in, we would love to hear from you.
Housing can award grants of up to £1000 per application. Funding can be used to hire equipment, buy materials, pay for labour and book venues.
Think community spaces, workshops, artistic projects or local events.
Cllr Skinner supported tenants at Ribbesdale Court, Chilwell to apply for some planters.
She explained "We ordered some very sturdy ones made from recycled plastic and enough compost to fill them. Residents helped to assemble them, fill them with compost and plant them up. We are currently growing peas, beans, onions, beetroot and potatoes. We hope to expand on this and get more people involved."
Please see the link below for more information, guidelines and the application form.
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Where are Housing this July?
Thanks to all of you that came to chat to us at Hemlock Happening last month. There were more stalls than ever before and an attendance of 9,000, which broke last year's record of around 7,000!
We shared information about the Council's financial incentive for tenants to downsize, the upcoming shared ownership properties and the new Broxtowe Homechoice portal.
We engaged with lots of people in the community, providing advice and taking queries to pass over to various teams. 37 children came over to play Connect Four, Hula Hoops and receive activity packs.
If you missed us please come and see us at:
- Chilwell Play Day on Tuesday 3 July at Inham Nook, NG9 4GY from 12pm - 4pm
Brinsley Primary School Summer Fayre on Moor Road, Brinsley, NG16 5AZ on Saturday 13 of July from 2pm-5pm
- Caring Roadshow in Stapleford Care Centre, Church Street, NG9 8GA on Tuesday 16 July from 10am - 2pm
Chilwell Play Day
Housing will be attending the Playdays across the Borough, where kids of all ages can enjoy a diverse range of activities including face painting, circus skills, cool science, inflatables, arts & crafts, puppet shows, fairground rides and much more.
There will also be various stalls with food, sweets and ice cream plus free public parking is available on site.
Neighbourhood Inspections
Broxtowe Borough Council tenants and leaseholders are invited to Neighbourhood Inspections with Housing Officers in their local area.
Have your say on what matters most to you, such as highlighting areas that may require improvement, ensuring areas with Council housing in the Borough are kept tidy, fly tipping is removed and repairs are reported.
This month, join us at:
 Bulky Waste Action Days
Broxtowe residents can take advantage of a series of free bulky waste removal days to help dispose of large items like furniture and fridges over the next few months.
The Council has organised three free bulky waste days as part of their Clean and Green campaign.
This month the Environment team will be in Eastwood on Wednesday 10 July, 9am-12pm:
- Greenhills Road car park, 9am-10.15am
- Princes Street area, 10.30am-12pm
Refuse teams will be on hand to collect the following:
- Furniture.
- Mattresses.
- Electricals including TVs, kitchen appliances.
- Broken toys and play equipment.
If you would like further information regarding the waste days please contact
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Have you thought about Lifeline?

Our Lifeline Service is available for all residents of the Borough, providing round the clock support and linked to a Control Centre who can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Ideal for those who want the comfort of knowing you can call for support whilst still living in your own home. The Lifeline unit plugs straight into a telephone socket and includes a discreet alarm you can wear as a pendant or wristband.
It starts from as little as £4.13 a week.
For more information and to apply online visit
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Broxtowe Mediation Partnership
This partnership offers free and impartial support to individuals to help them explore ways in which their conflict may be resolved. |
It's a safe, neutral and non-judgmental environment where you feel safe to talk through issues with a view to long term resolution.
This is a partnership between Citizen Advice Broxtowe, Broxtowe Youth Homeless and Broxtowe Borough Council.
Find out how you can access the service by visiting
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Plastic Free July
 Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
The Council is committed to creating a resident behaviour change around high carbon disposable items such as single-use plastics as outlined in it's Climate Change and Green Futures Strategy 2023-27.
There are loads of ways to make small changes that have a big difference.
Instead of buying single use coffee cups and bottles, why not opt for a reusable one! You can often save money by taking your own coffee cup to takeaway drinks at cafes.
Choose to refuse plastic shopping bags and bring your own bag or use a box. Avoid plastic wrap by storing leftovers in reusable containers.
For more tips and information about the challenge see
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