In this Newsletter:
Upcoming Property Checks
 The Council will be arranging for various contractors to visit you in the coming months.
These visits will be to carry out surveys, and will enable us to understand our housing stock better.
We need to understand the condition of our homes to help us make decisions on how and when we carry out planned works, such as kitchens, bathroom renewals, roof replacements and other modernisations works.
These visits are to carry out:
- Energy Performance Certificates
- Stock Condition Surveys
- Asbestos Safety Checks
Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)
An EPC is a report that assesses the energy efficiency of your home.
The report considers the insulation of the home, how it is heated, how energy efficient the windows are etc... This can indicate how much bills may cost and produce an energy efficiency rating and an environmental impact rating.
By capturing this information the Council can then carry out any required improvements to improve the energy efficiency of your home. This could result in a warmer home with lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions and footprint.
We have appointed Energy Assessors Nottingham to carry out the inspections. Tel: 0115 970 8866
Stock Condition Surveys
To ensure our information is up to date, we are carrying out stock condition surveys to our homes, so that we have accurate information about their state of repair. We have appointed Michael Dyson Associates to complete the survey. Tel: 01484 666888.
Asbestos Safety Checks
In order for us to carry out modernisation works we are required to carry out an asbestos survey. We have partnered with MCP Environmental to do this work. Tel: 01274 601 021.
If any of the companies make contact with you, please could you arrange an appointment at a mutually convenient time for us to carry out the visits.
All surveyors will be carrying ID. If tenants are unsure about letting anybody into their property, call the numbers above to confirm.
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Broxtowe Homechoice
 A new Choice Based Lettings portal has been launched. You can submit your application now by visiting:
Broxtowe Homechoice gives you 24/7 access to your application, as well as a chat function which allows you to communicate with us quickly and easily.
Existing Homesearch Users
Existing Homesearch users will still need to register with Homechoice, as we are unable to copy over applications to the new system.
All Homesearch applications will be closed by 30 June. To re-apply on the new system, you will need to know your current housing registration reference number. This is the number you use to log into your current Homesearch account.
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Four Million Homes Training
Did you know that tenants can access free guidance on their rights and the services that Housing are required to provide?
This covers a range of issues from repairs and maintenance, to anti-social behaviour and challenging your landlord.
There are free training events (including online) plus monthly webinars focused on topical issues in social housing, alongside a library of training videos to watch at a time of your convenience. This month’s events are:
- 4 June- 6:30pm-8:30pm | Know your rights to engage and be heard (Online)
- 18 June- 6:30pm-8:30pm | Equality, diversity and inclusion (Online)
See the link below for more information
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Hemlock Happening Returns!
The annual Hemlock Happening event is returning to Bramcote Hills Park (NG9 3JT) on Saturday 8 June 2024 from 1.00pm – 10.30pm.
Join the celebrations to mark the 80th Anniversary of D-Day with 1940s music and decorations. A free fun packed day for all the family, with the return of popular headline band the Oasis 2ribute band, and new for 2024 the famous Nottingham Our Dementia Choir!
Enjoy live music, inflatable fun and fairground rides, then cool off and enjoy the stalls with a drink from Gladstonian Mobile Bar and Events. Make sure you stick around for the firework finale at 10.30pm, you won’t want to miss it!
Residents are encouraged to walk, cycle, or use public transport. The onsite parking is for for Blue Badge holders only. Free event parking is available at Ilkeston Road Recreation Ground, Stapleford, NG9 8JL.
Come and chat to the Housing Team at the Hemlock Happening from 1pm to 6pm.
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Would You Benefit From a Benefit Check?
The Housing department offers financial inclusion advice to all our tenants with the aim of improving their income and living standards.
Our Financial Inclusion Service offers free, confidential and impartial advice and advocacy on benefits and tax credits. They can help with benefit claims forms and check to make sure you're claiming all you're entitled to.
It's never too late to ask for help. You can contact our Financial Inclusion team in the following ways:
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Where are Housing this June?
Come and meet your Tenancy Services Team at our Housing Surgery.
Council tenants are invited to meet their Housing Officer and Housing Assistant in their local area to discuss issues and ask questions around their tenancy.
- Wednesday 26 June 2024 from 10am – 12pm at Westbourne Court, Trenton Close, Bramcote, NG9 3JX
These meetings are for our General Needs tenants only. If you are an Independent Living tenant, please look on your noticeboard for your next Housing Surgery or call the hub on 0115 917 3125
Eastwood Health and Skills Fair
Broxtowe Borough Council are hosting a Health and Skills Fair at Eastwood Library on the 20 June from 11am - 3pm and Housing will be attending.
Come and meet healthcare, employment and skills providers to improve your employability, health and skill levels.
Caring Roadshow
Housing will be attending the Caring Roadshow at Middle Street Resource Centre, Beeston on Monday 24 June from 10am - 2pm. We will be sharing information about Independent Living Schemes and Lifeline.
It is free to attend and other stallholders include Beeston Library, Age UK, and Citizen's Advice.
Neighbourhood Inspections
Broxtowe Borough Council tenants and leaseholders are invited to Neighbourhood Inspections with Housing Officers in their local area.
Have your say on what matters most to you, such as highlighting areas that may require improvement, ensuring areas with Council housing in the Borough are kept tidy, fly tipping is removed and repairs are reported.
This month, join us at:
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Loneliness Awareness Week
 Connection matters. It's what makes us human.
Random Acts of Connection, encourages everyone to increase those simple, everyday moments of connection which help us feel happier and less lonely. Join millions of people across all societies taking part this year!
Join us at our next Tenant Information Network this month to meet new people in your area and make new connections. Details to follow, but for more information contact Housing Engagement on or tel: 0115 917 3935 or visiting our Upcoming Events webpage.
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Volunteers Week Celebrates 40 Years
Volunteers' Week celebrates the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK.
The celebration starts on the first Monday in June every year. We would like to take the chance to recognise and thank the incredible Housing volunteers in Broxtowe, including members of the Tenant Panel and our Neighbourhood Champions.
 Neighbourhood Champions provide much needed support to their neighbours, local area and community. They can chat to us to highlight issues and play an active role in improving their estates.
In this role you can make a real difference to your local area. You will have access to FREE training, skills development and support. We can help you to develop your skills and build your confidence, which can be used outside of this role.
You can choose what to take part in based on what interests you and how much time you have. Even a little time given can help to make a big difference.
For more details, or contact the Housing Engagement team for a chat about the role: 0115 917 3935 or
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