Housing Updates this November

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Talk Money Week

talk money week 2023

Talk Money Week takes place from 6th - 10th November and is a national event to encourage people to open up about their finances.

We know it can hard to talk about money, even with an increase in the cost of living. However, we are here to offer help and advice. The sooner we are aware you are having difficulties the easier it will be for us to help you.

Financial Inclusion Service

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Boilers and Cold Weather

Real life boiler, open to show dials

It’s getting to the time of year where you’ll be starting to think about switching your boilers on. To ensure your boilers are running efficiently, here are a few tips to help keep you warm during the colder weather.

Most combination boilers and many standard boilers are now installed as pressurised systems. There is no need to worry if your system does become over pressurised. All modern systems are designed with pressure safety values, which will release the excess pressure. You may hear a thumping noise while this is happening, which is nothing to be worried about.

If the pressure drops you can refill the system. Bleeding radiators will always cause the pressure to drop on the boiler. There’s a handy step by step guide in our Repairs Handbook to show you how to re-pressurise your boiler.

You can also find other useful tips in the Handbook for what to do if you have:

  • A burst or frozen water pipe
  • Radiator problems and how to bleed a radiator
  • How night storage heaters work and how to get the best from them

Repairs Handbook

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Wear a White Ribbon

White Ribbon Day 2023

Broxtowe Borough Council is a White Ribbon accredited local authority, working to end male violence against women. We’re helping to promote the campaign and encourage professionals and members of the public to:

'Never excuse, commit or remain silent about male violence against women'

We encourage all men to make the White Ribbon promise. By doing so, you’re becoming part of a wider movement to end violence and helping to make a difference to the lives of many people.

Make the White Ribbon Promise

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Where are Housing this Month?

neon writing saying christmas lights

Find out where you can chat to Housing in your local community.

Tenant Information Network

Join us for our next Tenant Information Network meeting on Thursday 26 October at Rockwell Court, Stapleford, NG9 8BZ from 5.30pm - 7pm.

Get the Government download on Housing, hear from the Income team, let's talk local and get together in small groups to share ideas as part of the Housing Roundtable discussions. 

Tenants Panel 

This group of tenants and leaseholders look at service areas in more depth and provide recommendations which will be reported to the Housing Portfolio Holder and other Councillors. 

When: Tuesday 14 November

Where: Council Offices, Beeston, NG9 1AB

Time: 10am - 12pm

Broxtowe Christmas Lights Switch Ons

  • Stapleford Christmas Lights Switch On - Saturday 25th November
  • Eastwood Christmas Lights Switch On - Tuesday 28th November

Housing Surgeries

Come and meet your Housing Officer and Housing Assistant at one of our Housing Surgeries.

Council tenants are invited to meet their Housing Officer in their local area to discuss issues and ask questions around their tenancy. Tenants can also find out the ways they can get involved with Housing.

  • Monday 18th December 2023 from 1pm – 3pm at Glebe House, Linwood Crescent, Eastwood, NG16 3HD

These meetings are for our General Needs tenants only. If you are an Independent Living tenant, please look on your noticeboard for your next Housing Surgery or call the hub on 0115 917 3125.


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Damp & Mould

dealing with damp and mould in your home

If you spot damp or mould in your home, you need to act fast.

Mould is a health hazard and needs to be treated before it causes harm to you or others in your home.

Condensation is the most common form of damp in homes. Mould growth can be caused when excess moisture in the air comes into contact with a cold surface, such as a window or wall and tends to be worse in winter.

Everyday activities like cooking, having a bath or shower and drying clothes can create moisture in your home. When doing these activities try and open a window or use the extractor fans.

You can report Damp and Mould to repairs by emailing damp&mould@broxtowe.gov.uk if possible please attach photos to the email. You can also call repairs on 0115 917 7777 option 2.

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Join the Housing Team

Become part of the Housing Team!

We're recruiting the following roles:

You can view all the latest Council vacancies here.

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Recycling Week

cartoon shampoo bottle with brush on blue bubble background

Did you get involved in the Big Recycling Hunt?

Last week was Recycling Week. While the week may be over, you can still get involved in recycling more of the right things, more often.

This year were on the hunt for items that we commonly miss. For instance, did you know that we often miss items that just need a quick rinse?

We can stop shampoo bottles and food tins from escaping the recycling. Once they’re empty and given a quick rinse, they all belong in the recycling bin.

Make sure you’re recycling right for Broxtowe by taking the Recycling Made Simple activity on Green Rewards. You’ll even earn 500 Green Points and the chance to win a £20 gift voucher just for testing your knowledge.

For more information about recycling and the environment, check out our environment bulletin.

Green Rewards

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Annual Budget Consultation

Man sitting on seat in office building. It is a still from a video

We want your support to shape spending

How satisfied are you with our housing services? Do you have suggestions on how to increase income, reduce costs or make savings? What are your views on the services we provide?

Share your answers in our survey so that we can consider your input as we make decisions about the budget.

Councillor Greg Marshall is here to tell you more about this consultation in the video above.

Read more here

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