Housing Updates this October

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In this newsletter:

Share Your Views on the Consumer Consultation

consumer consultation wording with stick building

The Regulator of Social Housing are seeking views on their proposed updated consumer standards which set out the specific expectations and outcomes that all registered providers, including the Council, will be expected to achieve.

The Regulator will be seeking assurance against these, and anticipate that they will apply from April 2024. 

The four proposed standards are:

  • The Safety and Quality Standard
  • The Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard
  • The Neighbourhood and Community Standard
  • The Tenancy Standard

As part of the consultation, they would also like your views on a draft Code of Practice. This will give examples of the sorts of things landlords should be doing to ensure they meet the standards.

For further information, please visit the Government’s consultation page (Opens in a New Window) 

Who can share their views?

Tenants, leaseholders, those in temporary accommodation and any organisation with an interest in social housing.

How can you share your views?

When is the deadline? 17 October 2023 at 6pm.

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Visit Our Independent Living Open Days

information about the open days - tenants dancing in the background

Interested in Independent Living accommodation and want to find out what it can offer you, your family or friends? 

people sitting in a communal lounge chatting

Join the Housing Department at our Independent Living Open Days to view the accommodation and find out about what the service can provide.

Tuesday 3 October at Regency Court, Beeston, NG9 1DS from 10am - 12pm

Wednesday 11 October at Cloverlands Court, Watnall, NG16 1JQ from 10am -12pm

Tuesday 17 October at Gutersloh Court, Stapleford, NG9 8QD from 1pm - 3pm

This event is in partnership with the Communities Team

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Celebrations at Grove Court

band playing and deputy mayor talking to tenants

This Summer the tenants and staff at Grove Court welcomed Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sue Paterson to officially open their new lounge area at the Independent Living Scheme in Chilwell.

The previous lounge was very much in need of a refresh and not an inviting environment, so the tenants, together with Independent Living Coordinator Sally Hanson got together and chose a new colour scheme and furnishings to make the lounge more inviting. So to celebrate the completion, an open day was in order.

The special event was officially opened with a few words from Councillor Sue Patterson and Independent Living Team Leader, Rachel Stevens. This was followed by entertainment from the fantastic Hucknall Ukulele band who had everyone singing and dancing along from start to finish.

The tenants thoroughly enjoyed the event, especially having the company of Councillor Sue Paterson who spent lots of time chatting and getting to know everyone.

A great time was had by all.

deputy mayor sitting with tenants and chatting to team

Thinking about Independent Living? Hear from our tenants about the benefits. 

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Hopping at Hopkins Court

women playing violin to tenants under a wooden gazebo in the sunshine

Tenants at Hopkins Court enjoyed the sunshine under their new wooden gazebo.

Tenants and Activities Coordinators hosted a party for the newly erected gazebo at the scheme. The gazebo was built after they were successful with their Community Fund application. 

'It's so lovely to sit outside in all weathers. We love getting together and enjoy being the communal gardens.'

Do you have any idea for your local community? You can apply for up to £1000 for your project. It could be for planters in a communal space, bollards to stop parking on the grass or even to host an event for your community!

Community Fund

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Talk to Your Tenancy Services Team

Talk to you tenancy services team

Come and meet your Tenancy Services Team at one of our Housing Surgeries.

Council tenants are invited to meet their Housing Officer and Housing Assistant in their local area to discuss issues and ask questions around their tenancy.

Tenants can also find out the ways they can get involved with Housing:

  • Wednesday 25th October 2023 at 10am until 12noon at Yew Tree Court, Beeston, NG9 2LT
  • Monday 18th December 2023 from 1pm – 3pm at Glebe House, Linwood Crescent, Eastwood, NG16 3HD
  • Monday 25th March 2024 from 10am – 12pm at Southfields Court, Inham Road, Chilwell, NG9 4GA
  • Wednesday 26th June 2024 from 10am – 12pm at Westbourne Court, Trenton Close, Bramcote, NG9 3JX

These meetings are for our General Needs tenants only. If you are an Independent Living tenant, please look on your noticeboard for your next Housing Surgery or call the hub on 0115 917 3125.

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Warm and Wise

pink cartoon owl wearing a blue bobble hat with wings spread out

The Age UK Warm & Wise service is totally free and available to anyone 50 years of age or above, living on the City and County of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

The service is open to all tenures and seeks to empower and educate energy consumers, so they’re warmer and wiser about energy.

By increasing understanding and knowledge on how to be more energy efficient, consumers can reduce energy consumption and bills and maintain a healthy temperature at home. 

Their Home Energy Advisors can offer information, signposting and advice via telephone, email, or home visits.

During a home visit they will use an individualised whole house approach to give pertinent advice and information. They can install small measures such as draught excluders, light bulbs and timers. They may also be able to provide support with installing TRV’s, minor repairs and refer for support with boilers, central heating and insulation.

They also aim to help to maximise income through welfare benefit checks and reduce fuel poverty and ensure that fuel debt and disputes are addressed.

As the Cost of Living crisis is showing no signs of abating and they already have a waiting list in operation, we encourage individuals to get in touch now, before the colder months arrive.

If you require further information please email warmandwise@ageuknotts.org.uk or call 0115 8599 209.

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SpeakUpNotts Consultation

blue back ground and line drawing of person shouting through a megaphone

The Council want your views on preventing violence and making communities safer in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

#SpeakupNotts is an opportunity to share YOUR experience and what YOU think we can do to prevent violence and make our communities safer.

Whether you live or work in Nottinghamshire, we want you to take part and change how we tackle serious violence.

Take part, before 18 October 2023, by visiting: https://forms.office.com/e/ddfY29ZeV6  

how to sign up
