Council Housing News for September

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In this newsletter:

Gas Safety Week

gas safety human Animated characters that are staring to the screen.

As your landlord, Broxtowe Borough Council has a legal obligation to ensure that gas appliances and pipe work in your home are checked for safety at least once every 12 months. 

Our in-house Gas Safe Registered Engineers will carry out these vital checks to ensure they are safe for you and your family to use.

grey and yellow photo with animated character staring at the camera. Do you know how to be gas sfae?

We will contact you when your annual gas servicing and maintenance is due, with an appointment. If for any reason you are not able to keep the appointment, please contact Housing Repairs, who will be happy to rearrange this for you.

For further information about Gas Safety, visit our website where you can download our Repairs Handbook.

Gas Safety Week

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Test it Tuesday

SMOKE ALARM being pressed.

Test it Tuesday is to encourage everyone to take time to test not just our own smoke alarms, but the smoke alarms of family and friends as well.

Working smoke alarms as we all know save lives, but from time to time we all need a gentle reminder that we need to make sure they are in full working order.

Fires can start at any time and for many reasons. Having a working smoke alarm can make the difference between getting out safely or not at all.

Regular testing of your alarm will give you the peace of mind that should fire start, you will be given the warning you need to escape.

Test it Tuesday

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Join us on an Neighbourhood Inspection

People walking on pavement in neighbourhood on a sunny day

Broxtowe Borough Council tenants and leaseholders are invited to join their Neighbourhood Coordinator and local Councillors on a Neighbourhood Inspection. 

This will enable you to have your say on what matters most to you, such as highlighting areas that may require improvement.

  • Ribblesdale Court, Chilwell at 10am on Friday 1 September
  • Croft Crescent, Awsworth at 10am on Tuesday 5 September
  • Abbey Road, Beeston at 10am on Wednesday 6 September
  • Webster Avenue, Eastwood at 10.30am on Tuesday 19 September

You can find the full list of September Neighbourhood Inspections here. 

very overgrown garden with sofa fly tipping

Neighbourhood Inspections are an important part of the work we do as they give us knowledge of local issues. They help to ensure general areas of the Borough are kept tidy, fly tipping is removed and repairs are reported.


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Independent Living Open Days are Back!

people walking around gutersloh open day

The Council’s Housing Department is pleased to announce that our Independent Living Open Days are back! 

During October we will be opening up some of our schemes and inviting residents of the Borough to drop in and meet us. 

Also, for anyone providing care or support to older people wanting to find out more about the service. 

During the Open Day you will able to be able to:

  • Tour the scheme, including available properties, guest rooms and communal facilities
  • Discuss the accommodation with officers, including how to apply and the service provided to tenants
  • Meet current tenants, so they can gain first-hand experience of life on our schemes

We would like to invite partners to be part of the events, with information stalls available for those that provide services to older people. Places are limited and stalls will be allocated on a first come-first served basis.

The Open Days will take place as follows:

  • Regency Court, Beeston, Tuesday 3 October at 10am-12pm
  • Cloverlands Court, Watnall,  Wednesday 11 October at 10am-12pm
  • Gutersloh Court, Stapleford, Tuesday 17 October at 1pm-3pm

If you would like to have an information stall at any of the day or require further information, please email or call 0115 917 3935.

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Scan Prevention Talks on Schemes

Age UK Nottingham staff member standing holding scam prevention

Recently, Age UK Nottingham visited The Willows in Beeston and ran a workshop on Scam Awareness.

John Bryan, Scams Prevention & Well-being Advisor said 'I attended The Willows, an Independent Living Scheme and presented a scams awareness Powerpoint presentation.

This aims to educate older adults on how to be aware of not being a victim of crime and how and where to report the scam. I also had an information table with lots of service leaflets and the feedback was very positive.

Together we can fight back and stop ruthless criminals from living the good life with the money they have stolen from trusting people.

Scammers are sophisticated, cunning, and clever, employing many devious ways of collecting people’s personal information. This enables them to know exactly who to target, and which type of scam those people are more likely to fall for. They contact potential victims by post, phone, email text and on the doorstep.

age uk employee standing next to table with lots of flyers on support for scam and other areas

Age UK and the 'Safe and Sound Team' have passionately delivered this vital service in the past and would like to continue to educate and serve the local community to combat the fear of crime and prevent them from being a victim or repeat victim.

I'm looking forward to running more of these talks at different Independent Living schemes'

Find out more about Age UK's Scam Prevention here. 

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Where are Housing this September?

Housing will be at the Stapleford Job fair on Thursday 7 September from 9.30am - 11am at Stapleford Community Centre, Cliffe Hill Avenue, Stapleford, NG9 7HD

Furthermore, we will be hosting two 'Resident Involvement Group' (RIG) meetings that are open to all Council Housing tenants and leaseholders. 

Daytime RIG

This group of tenants and leaseholders look at service areas in more depth and provide recommendations which will be reported to cabinet. 

When: Tuesday 12 September

Where: Council Offices, Beeston, NG9 1AB

Time: 10am - 12pm


RIG 'On the Move'

Join us for our next evening 'RIG on the Move' meeting on Tuesday 26 September at Venn Court in Beeston from 5.30pm - 7pm.

Get the Government download on Housing, hear from the Housing team and Let's talk local! Whats happening in your local area?


green festival poster - green with tree background

Housing will be attending the Green Festival on Saturday 23 September from 12pm - 3pm at Coronation Park, Eastwood, NG16 3LQ. 

Green Festivals are a great way to spend some time with the family while learning about the ways we can all make small, simple lifestyle changes to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Residents also won’t want to miss the dog show hosted by Broxtowe Borough Council’s Neighbourhood Wardens. Whether your pup is perfect for the ‘best trick’, has the ‘waggiest tail’ or fits best in one of the other charming categories, residents are welcome to enter the contest. It’s sure to be a delightful show!

Read more here

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Do You Have Contents Insurance?

Home contents insurance wording inside a selection of furniture

As a tenant you may believe we automatically insure your furniture, belongings and decorations against fire, vandalism or water damage such as burst pipes but this is not the case.

We strongly advise you to take out household contents insurance. You can do this either through making your own private arrangements or by printing and completing the application form below. Once complete, the form needs to be returned to RSA – Uris Group directly using the details on the form.

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Do You Know How to Make Complaint?

complaint button on keyboard

In August's Housing News bulletin, we shared information about the Housing Ombudsman.

Did you know you can make a complaint directly to us online?

A complaint is defined as “an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organisation, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.”

Make a complaint online

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Housing's Jargon Buster

jargon spelt with word tiles

Complaint: A customer complaint is defined as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction with the quality of services provided’.

Consumer Standards: A set of standards set around Tenant Involvement & Empowerment, Home, Tenancy and Neighbourhood & Community enforced by the RSH (Regulator of Social Housing) as regulator of registered providers under The Regulatory Framework for social housing from April 2012. These are currently in consultation to be renewed.

Housing Ombudsman: The Housing Ombudsman can investigate complaints referred to them by residents.

Regulator of Social Housing: A government body that regulates registered providers of social housing to promote a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver homes that meet a range of needs.

Request of Service: A service request is when a customer brings a matter to the Council's attention for the first time. They may be unhappy about a situation that they wish to have rectified. 

Are there any more phrases you've heard and want to know what it means? Send us an email at 

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Join the Housing Team

Customers looking at our information stall under a gazebo at a playday

Become part of the Housing Team!

We're recruiting the following roles:

You can view all the latest Council vacancies here.

We’re contacting all households to make sure that the electoral register is up to date.

When you receive your letter or email, just follow the instructions so we know you’re registered and ready to vote.

all in orange - mobile, letter, old telephone and laptop