The latest news from Broxtowe Borough Council

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3 March 2023

In this newsletter:

  • D.H. Lawrence Children’s Writing Competition Launched for World Book Day

  • Sustainable Investment and Growth for Broxtowe as Council Agrees Budget

  • Museum Visitors Can Get into the Spirit with Gin Tasting Experience

  • £75,000 funding to support Broxtowe Businesses – applications now open
  • Charity Fun Day 5 A-Side Football Tournament

  • The Mayor’s Charity Bike Ride

D.H. Lawrence Children’s Writing Competition Launched for World Book Day

An illustration of a stack of books

Short stories, poems and non-fiction pieces written by children could be in with a chance of winning a kindle and national book tokens, as part of the new writing competition which was launched by the D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum to celebrate World Book Day on 2 March.

The D.H. Lawrence Children’s Prize: Writing Competition 2023 will focus on the theme of ‘my neighbourhood’ and the judges will be looking for pieces of no more than 500 words, which are inspired by the local area and what makes it special.

As one of Nottingham’s most famous sons, the award is named in honour of the Eastwood born writer, D.H. Lawrence who often wrote about the local area in his own works.

Read more here

Sustainable Investment and Growth for Broxtowe as Council Agrees Budget

A calculator, a budget sheet and an uncapped pen

An expanded, diverse programme of continued investment in Broxtowe’s town centre regeneration, housing and parks and open spaces have been agreed as part of the Broxtowe Borough Council budget for 2023/24.

The Council approved the budget at a Council Meeting on Wednesday 1 March with funding for community and safety initiatives also agreed.

Highlights from the budget include:

  • No compulsory redundancies or cuts to front-line services.
  • Investment in excess of £24m for building new homes which will enable people to live well.
  • Below inflation increase in Housing Rents of 7% and no increase in garage rents, allowing more money to be invested back into housing stock.
  • Below inflation increase in Broxtowe’s element of Council Tax of 2.94%, which for a Band D property is an additional £5.21 for the year.
  • Economic Development budgets includes significant local investment with the Stapleford Towns Fund (£21m investment plan), UK Shared Prosperity Fund (£3m) and the recently successful Kimberley Levelling-Up Fund bid (£16m).
  • Community activities to mark the King’s Coronation in 2023.
  • Continued funding to help support the Climate Change and Green Futures Programme to tackle climate change and reduce our carbon emissions to be carbon neutral by 2027.
  • Continued support for people with disabilities through the Disabled Facilities Grant scheme.

Read more here

Museum Visitors Can Get into the Spirit with Gin Tasting Experience

D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum at Night

A gin tasting experience with a difference will be on offer in Eastwood this April, as the D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum’s Gin and Gaslight events return for 2023.

The next event, on Friday 14 April will give guests a taste of Victorian decadence, with a chance to learn about and sample five gins, whilst experiencing this award-winning museum at night.

On arrival guests will be greeted by their Victorian hosts with an aperitif, before taking in the magic of the museum and its historic rooms and exhibitions by gas light.

Find out more

£75,000 funding to support Broxtowe Businesses – applications now open

UK Government and Levelling Up Fund Logos

£75,000 funding is now open for applications to support businesses in Broxtowe as part of a new grant scheme from Broxtowe Borough Council.

The scheme will fund grants of up to £2,500 for things like:

  • Shop and business frontage improvements including signage;
  • Street scene or conservation area related initiatives
  • Environmental energy saving measures
  • Disability access improvements
  • Digital, productivity and ecommerce investments that improve productivity or create jobs

The scheme follows the successful recovery grant scheme which has been rolled out in Stapleford as part of the Stapleford Town Deal and which has seen over 70 businesses supported spending £1m and those businesses providing over £170,000 of their own money in co-funding.

Read more here

Charity Fun Day 5 A-Side Football Tournament

Charity Football at Chilwell Olympia

Bramcote Bereavement Services have organised a charity football event on 11 March 2023, 12-3pm at Chilwell Olympia. 

All are welcome to come along, cheer them on and help to raise money for their chosen Charity, Portland College and Day Services.

Crematorium and local Funeral Director staff will be going toe to toe, battling for the rights of Champions 2023.

Teams that have entered are Bramcote Crematorium, A W Lymn, Bespoke, L J Crawley, C Terry and local Ministers.

Tea and coffee is available on the day for a small donation, all of which will be donated to the Charity. So please come along, show your support, have a laugh and most importantly help to raise funds.

For more information, please contact 0115 917 3846.

The Mayor’s Charity Bike Ride

Mayor's Charity Bike Ride 11 March 2023 poster

The Mayor's Charity Bike Ride will be taking place on Saturday 11 March 2023.

Join the Mayor of Broxtowe for a charity bike ride to raise money for Mental Health in the Community. The site will be open from 9.30am, with the bike ride starting at 11am from Beeston Heritage Centre, Canalside, Beeston Rylands.

The ride is free to enter, but donations are welcome.