Bradnews Bulletin - 27 October

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Bradnews bulletin

Bradnews bulletin

27 October 2023

question mark

Staff Insight Survey 2023

This survey is your chance to have your say. Your first opportunity since the last survey in 2017.

The survey is being managed by a third party organisation called Qlearsite, they have created one unique link to the survey which everyone can use to complete the survey but no responses will be visible to anyone at Bradford Council, this ensures that your responses are completely anonymous so please be honest.

Once the survey is closed, Qlearsite will provide us with anonymised data that will give us a clear indication of what we’re doing well and what we can improve. We will share the survey highlights as soon as possible.

Take part in the survey

Service Excellence Awards - trophy


Since our last bulletin there have been several awards in which our staff have shone!

Excellence in Innovation - our Council Tax team won the IRRV Excellence in Innovation (Administration) national award in Telford a few weeks ago. They won the award for the customer contact campaigns carried out using the Telsolutions product to maximise contact with residents using a multi-channel, low cost approach to improve many processes for the team including recovery, take up and reviews. Great news!

Service Excellence Awards - a fabulous night was enjoyed by everyone. Thanks go to those who took the time to nominate colleagues, nominees, winners, the sponsors of the event and colleagues who worked on putting the awards and event together. 

Act as One Celebration - our colleagues Jody Leach (RESPECT) and Tim Howells (Food Strategy) were successful in the first partnership awards. Well done!

If you know of anyone else who may have won awards for their work please do make sure you let us know! Email and we'll make sure their achievements are celebrated.

City of Culture logo

Email signature

As we move towards City of Culture 2025 we are asking you to make sure that your email signature is up to date and contains the correct City of Culture branding and link.

The logo changed after we were successful but sometimes the old bid logo is still being used.

You can find out more information on BradNet where you can download the correct logo and layout for your signature.



Training opportunities

Menopause Training - One third of all women in the UK are currently peri-menopausal or menopausal. Could you afford to lose up to 40% of your team? Research shows that women who can talk openly about their menopause see up to a 70% reduction in physical symptoms which means menopause is a workplace issue.

Menopause sessions:  

Wednesday 15 November 10am

Tuesday 12 December 2pm

Monday 8 January 11am

Thursday 15 February 1pm

Wednesday 6 March 10am

 Book your place


Misogyny Training - What is Misogyny?  Learning session open to all staff.  The Women's Voice staff network lead, Michelle Taylor, will be facilitating some workshops on sexism and misogyny:

This will include:

  • examples of some of the daily challenges still faced by women in the workplace and in society
  • discussions about how we can all be allies to women in the workplace 
  • ideas for how to challenge the inappropriate behaviours that still exist.

The misogyny sessions are timed to launch for the global 16 days of activism to eradicate violence against women and girls (IDEVAW) which starts on the 25th November with the theme this year of “UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”.

The misogyny sessions:

  • Monday 27 November 11am – 1pm
  • Tuesday 12 December 11am – 1pm
  • Wednesday 10 January 11am – 1pm
  • Thursday 1 February 12.30 – 2.30pm
  • Friday 1 March 11am – 1pm
  • Monday 1 April 11am – 1pm

Read More

Empowering change: your role in building a fairer Bradford district and Craven

The Reducing Inequalities Alliance is hosting an event on Tuesday 7 November at Kala Sangam.

The event will be a hybrid of speakers and workshops, highlighting different approaches to reducing the inequalities we see in our district and sharing practical ways to take action to reduce them.

Read more


Get vaccinated poster

Flu vouchers for Bradford Council staff

You can get a free flu vaccination once again this year though funding from Public Health.

If you are usually offered the flu vaccination as part of the NHS scheme you should attend appointments at your GP surgery or local pharmacy.

If you work for the council and are not eligible for a free flu vaccination through the NHS scheme you can request a voucher by emailing

Some colleagues such as frontline health and social workers may also be entitled to a COVID-19 vaccine as well as the flu vaccination. COVID-19 vaccinations remain free for all those who are eligible and we would urge you to take up this offer as well as the flu vaccination to protect your family and your colleagues.

City of SAnctuary logo

City of Sanctuary

Bradford was formally recognised as a ‘City of Sanctuary’ by the national City of Sanctuary movement back in December 2021 and is one of a number of cities across the UK. National recognition helps raise the profile of the city as being a safe and tolerant city where migrant communities can flourish. 

This award shows the Council’s commitment to celebrating diversity and equality and builds on our proud history of work with partners. 

In July 2023, the Local Authority of Sanctuary Steering Group was established. This group helps deliver the promises made in the Council’s application for the Local Authority of Sanctuary Award.  

To find out more about our progress as a Local Authority of Sanctuary, and other work around cohesion, integration and equality, please visit the Bradford for Everyone website or follow Bradford for Everyone on social media. 

Keep in touch!

Subscribe to the Council’s public Stay Connected email service to keep updated about the district’s news.
