Welcome to the February Living Well newsletter!
This month we’re excited to tell you about the launch of our new campaign - Choose what works for you! There’s lots of things to do with the kids this half term from bug hunting and craft sessions to retro gaming! It's LGBTQ+ History Month and you can find out about all the events in Bradford district, and also find out more about volunteering for the Bradford 2025 City of Culture team. Read on for all of this and more!
Find out about training opportunities across Bradford district. You can learn how to improve both physical and mental health and wellbeing, get training for new skills to find a job and learn how to become an active bystander, helping to tackle racism in sport!
Choose what works for you!
 Our new campaign in launching on 1 March but we want you to know first!
We’re excited to offer 12 weeks FREE membership with one of four fantastic providers who can help you to achieve your weight loss goals! Whether you have a few stubborn pounds to lose or a bit more, we have offers suitable for everyone!
Learn about healthy eating, get more active and even make new friends along the way! You will be welcomed into a non-judgemental friendly environment and will receive all the support you need online and in person.
You can choose from mainstream providers like WW or Slimming World or try one of our new local offers; Brotherhood or APNA. The Brotherhood has been created with Bradford Bulls with men in mind, but everyone is welcome to learn about nutrition and take part in friendly sport-based sessions. APNA is designed for people with different cultural/global food requirements run by experienced dietitians who will offer supportive nutrition and exercise sessions in small groups of male or female only, they can also offer some one-to-one sessions too. All of the providers have unique methods of achieving weight loss in a safe and healthy way, all you need to do is choose what works for you!
The offer is open to all adults living in Bradford district who have a BMI of 25 or over. So long as you haven’t had an active membership for 3 months or more you can join for FREE!
If you’re not sure what your BMI is you can check it here
We will tell you more about each individual offer in next month’s newsletter but if you can’t wait till then to find out more, come along to one of our events and chat to our Living Well team!
You can find us at:
Airedale Shopping Centre in Keighley Tuesday March 11 from 11.30-4pm
The Broadway Bradford Shopping Centre in Bradford Thursday 13 March from 11.30-4pm.
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LGBTQ+ History Month in Bradford
 Bradford district will be celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month, in February, with organisations from across the district hosting a number of events.
LGBTQ+ History Month aims to bring together people to celebrate LGTBQ+ history and heritage and to help us learn from each other’s personal experiences.
This year’s theme is Activism and Social Change. The five historical figures being celebrated in 2025 are Octavia Hill, Ivor Cummings, Annie Kenney, Charlie Kiss and Olaudah Equiano. You can find out more about them at libraries across the district with displays about the five activists and change makers who left their mark on the LGBTQ+ community,
Events, organised by Bradford Council, University of Bradford, Out Together and Equity Partnership include an introduction to LGBTQ+ terminology; a lesson in the history of liberation and key activists; a session on Queer South Asians of the past, present and future; special exhibitions and activities at Cartwright Hall; a session on the history of the rainbow flag and a ramble across Shipley Glen and Baildon Moor.
A programme of the events, many of which are free, can be found by clicking the pink button below.
Libraries across the district will have a display about the five activists and change makers who left their mark on the LGBTQ+ community, the LGBTQ+ History Month flag will fly at both City Park and the University of Bradford and City Hall will be lit up in rainbow colours throughout the month of February.
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It’s National No Smoking Day: 12 March 2025
 This No Smoking Day we want to let smokers know that it’s never too late to quit and it’s the single best thing they can do to improve their health (and finances!). With the right support smokers really can quit for good and we can help!
The Living Well Stop Smoking Service offers free, confidential one to one support to help people stay motivated to quit. An expert advisor will create a 12 week personal quit plan designed specifically to work for each individual’s needs. To combat nicotine cravings they can prescribe Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and can also offer completely free 12 week vaping kits for those who use the service. Appointments can be over the phone or face to face.
The Living Well Stop Smoking Service has helped thousands of local people to stop smoking - make 2025 the year you quit for good.
To find help and advice to quit smoking contact the Living Well Stop Smoking Service today, call: 01274 437700 or email stopsmokingservice@bradford.gov.uk
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Epilepsy – what to do if someone is having a tonic-clonic seizure
 International Epilepsy Day was earlier this week, so we wanted share some information about Epilepsy and what to do if someone near you has a seizure.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes seizures. An epileptic seizure happens when there’s a sudden burst of unusual electrical activity in the brain. This disrupts the way the brain normally works.
Epilepsy can affect anyone, at any age, and from any walk of life – but studies suggest there is a higher prevalence of epilepsy in the most deprived areas of the country.
Many people think epilepsy is always triggered by flashing lights, but that’s not really true. Only a small percentage of people with epilepsy are photosensitive, meaning their seizures are triggered by flashing or flickering lights, or patterns in some cases.
Most people only recognise one type of seizure, what is known in technical terms as a tonic-clonic seizure. This is when the person loses consciousness, falls to the floor, and starts shaking. There are actually around 40 different types of seizures.
What can you do to help someone having a tonic-clonic seizure?
There are a few key things to do to help someone having a tonic-clonic seizure. We have summed them up using the acronym CARE.
C – Comfort
Cushion their head with something soft, to protect them from injury and keep them comfortable
A – Action
Start to time the seizure and clear the area of anything that might be harmful. You could also check if the person has a medical ID or bracelet with more information on how to help
R – Reassure
When the seizure has stopped, place them in the recovery position, stay with them and reassure them as they come round
E – Emergency
Call 999 if:
- the seizure continues for more than 5 minutes
- the person is not regaining consciousness
- the person goes straight into another seizure
- the person has trouble breathing after the seizure
- the person has never had a seizure before
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Volunteer with Bradford 2025
 Bradford 2025 are looking for more than 3,500 volunteers to help deliver an incredible year of culture. Perhaps you’d like to become an ambassador for one of Bradford’s diverse neighbourhoods – from Bingley to Barkerend, Ilkley to Idle, Keighley to Clayton. Perhaps you’re itching to be one of the faces of Bradford 2025, meeting and greeting the public at our events. Or perhaps you’d be happiest helping out behind the scenes. Whatever your preference, there’s a role for you on our volunteering team.
Volunteers will play a crucial part in the success of this year-long celebration. Experience a year like no other from the inside, be part of a passionate community of new friends – and have an all-round brilliant time.
Volunteers will be supported every step of the way. You’ll get full training for your role, with the opportunity to undertake everything from training in sight-assisted guidance and first aid to an accredited City & Guilds Level 2 Qualification in Customer Service. Bradford 2025 will cover your travel and food expenses for every shift you attend. Please note: you must be aged 18 or older to become a Bradford 2025 volunteer.
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Half term fun in Bradford district!
 Wondering how to keep the kids busy this half term? You can find lots of things to do with the Visit Bradford website that cover lots of interests!
There’s a Bug Trail nature trail around East Riddlesden Hall in Keighley for any budding David Attenborough’s, and for those feeling arty, there are sessions with artist Duncan Burnett at Eccleshill library.
In other libraries across the district there are drama performances, interactive storytelling sessions that bring characters to life, and art workshops for all ages!
You can join an astronomy expert, at Bracken Hall in Baildon, to discover the wonders of the night sky with an introduction to astronomy. You'll learn about major constellations, their stars, and the fascinating myths and legends behind them.
Step into a world of nostalgia and fun at The Broadway’s Pop-Up Retro Arcade! Perfect for kids and adults alike, this interactive event brings a mix of classic arcade games and exciting new features to the heart of Bradford. Challenge your friends, relive gaming memories, and experience the thrill of retro gaming like never before!
There’s lots of exciting events taking place across Bradford district to keep the children entertained this half term, click the button below to book your places and find out more!
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Focus on: Free training courses!
New Living Well Mental Health course
 This new course is for anyone who would like to learn more about mental health.
It’s an introductory 1 hour course covering what mental health is and includes an interactive quiz. You will find out about key communication skills when supporting someone with poor mental health and learn about self-help tools to help you look after your own mental health and that of family and friends too.
Thursday 27.3.25: 10 – 11am, Microsoft Teams (Course code: LWMH001)
Monday 28.4.25: 10 – 11am, Microsoft Teams (Course code: LHMH002)
You can book a free place on one of the course dates by clicking here
Or you can send an email with your full name, telephone number and email address to learning@mylivingwell.co.uk Please include the course code for the date you would like to attend.
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Free health training with the Living Well Academy
Helping people across the district to access learning and training. |
The aim of the Living Well Academy is to make it easier for people find learning opportunities, to develop new skills and the confidence to improve health and wellbeing.
Visit the website to find out about our training courses and other learning resources available.
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The SkillsHouse
Bridge SkillsHouse provides free, impartial information, advice and guidance helping people in Bradford district into employment and training. They will work with you to achieve your job and training goals.
They can provide useful tools and resources to help you overcome any barriers to achieving these goals, and direct you to other organisations if needed, such as housing and benefits.
Support includes
- Job search support and access to employment and apprenticeship opportunities.
- Access to free training to improve skills and employability.
- CVs and application support.
- Interview preparation.
- Access to pre and in work support services.
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Active Bystander Training
Training to help people take action against racism in sport. |
We want to help people take action against racism in sport and to create inclusive and safe environments. This free session will help people recognise, intervene and prevent racist incidents.
Sessions can be arranged for groups of up to 20 people (maximum) and are in-person, with interactive elements.
For more information or to book a session please email: nicola.holmes@yorkshiresport.org or call 07714 733650.
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Meet the Living Well Team
Living Well will be attending the following events! |
Pop along to have a chat and learn more about healthy eating, physical activity, weight management, stopping smoking, children and family health and wellbeing and more!
Our team of friendly advisors will be there to talk to you about all of the Living Well offers and they can also help you to find other local services that might be of useful too.
Relationships Matter - For Dads and male carers Saturday 15 February 2025, 10am - 12noon Bradford City Football Club Community Hub, 36 Valley Parade, Bradford BD8 7DZ
Health Checks Thursday 20 February 2025, 9am – 12.30pm Khidmat Community Centre, 36 Spencer Road, Bradford BD7 2EU
Try It, Like It, Do It! “Have a go” activities for adults with learning disabilities Friday 28 February 2025, 10am – 1pm Central Hall, Alice Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 3JD Booking required: email mailto:alex.craddock@mencap.org.uk or mailto:victoria.donnelly@bdct.nhs.uk
Wellbeing at Wesleys. Female only group Wednesday 5 March 2025, 10am – 12noon Wesley’s Café (in the alcove), Baildon Methodist Church, 16 Newton Way, Baildon, BD17 5NH
Living Well Shopping Centre Event! Come and celebrate the launch of the new Living Well ‘Choose what works for you’ campaign! (12 weeks FREE membership for Slimming World, WW, APNA or the Brotherhood)
- Tuesday 11 March 2025, 11am – 4pm
Airedale Shopping Centre, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 3QQ
- Thursday 13 March 2025, 11am – 4pm
Broadway Shopping Centre, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1JR
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