Free family fun day at Nell Bank!
Friday 2 June 2023 (11am to 3pm)
Booking needed: call Tracey on 07929 747390 or email
The Specialist Inclusion Project and Nell Bank Charitable Trust are delighted to invite you to the Nell Bank family fun day!
Come along for a day of fully inclusive fun in nature. The site includes pond activities, play ground, water play site, toilets and lots of outdoor space in a beautiful setting.
The site is fully accessible with its own hygiene suite available for use. The wheelchair swing and Nellmobile will be available on request – please ask when you book.
Free tea, coffee and juice on the day – don’t forget your picnic!
SEND children’s participation officer
We are pleased to let you know we have appointed a SEND children’s participation officer for the Bradford district, Matt Elliott.
The new role will, as part of our ongoing development, make sure the voice of children and young people with SEND remains at the forefront of our work.
The Council for Disabled Children and the Department for Education have encouraged this approach as good practice in line with the SEND Code of Practice.
Matt joined the team this month.
'My name is Matt Elliott and I have recently joined the SEND Transformation and Compliance team as the SEND children’s participation officer. For the last five years, I have worked at the University of Leeds supporting young people from a range of backgrounds make an informed decision regarding the opportunities that Higher Education can provide.
'As a SEND children’s participation officer, I will be making sure that children and young people with SEND in Bradford have opportunities to have their voices heard and are able to be involved in the co-production of services that support them across the area.'
Matt can be contacted by email:
SEND marketplace lead
Mohammed Shamrez started work within the team last month as part of our transformation journey within SEND.
The new role will help to map out and develop the range of services available throughout the district.
'Hi, my name is Mohammed Shamrez and I am the new SEND marketplace lead. This is a new and exciting role introduced in Bradford, and it will help to develop services needed in the district.
'I have spent the last month meeting with professionals and partners to gain a better understanding of Bradford’s current marketplace and what partners think our priorities should be. I will be engaging with parents, children and young people to involve them in the process. I am keen to hear from you if you want to get involved in this exciting work.'
Mohammed can be contacted on email:
Sleep seminars via Zoom with Cerebra
There are sleep seminars available for understanding and supporting children’s sleep for parents and carers of children with brain conditions.The sessions aim to:
- Build on your knowledge and understanding of sleep and what impacts/improves it.
- Increase your skills when addressing issues of settling, night waking, early rising and sleeping alone.
- Improve your confidence to apply information gained to your own situation.
Upcoming Seminars: Thursday 27 April, Tuesday 27 June, Thursday 30 November (10am to 12.30pm)
Book here.
Child’s comic strip graphics provide insight into autism
These comic strip graphics have been developed by 10 year old Ruby to highlight how it feels for children with autism. Using the concept of having a mask, Ruby has highlighted how she feels when she has to wear her mask and how hard it is for her to keep it on at all times. Ruby was diagnosed with high intellect autism around two years ago and has used her creative skills to share her experience with her family as well as her school.
Ruby’s family wanted to share these graphics so that it helps others understand what it feels like for children and young people living with autism.
You can also find this on the Local Offer webpage here.
Preparation For Adulthood
The SNOOP staff have been busy organising a number of workshops for parents, carers and family members interested in next steps for young people with SEND as they enter adulthood. Please click on the link for more details.
All parent/carers of a young person with learning disabilities or autism are welcome. The team at SNOOP would love to hear your lived experiences of the preparation for adulthood journey through the transition process too. There will be opportunity to ask questions at the zoom meetings.
If you would like more information, contact Sophie Turnbull on 01274 292126 or email:
Learning disability registers in GP practices and annual health checks for young people with learning disabilities
Did you know? Your GP practice has a learning disability register and anyone with a learning disability should be flagged on this to help ensure they get reasonable adjustments made by the primary care team.
If they are on the register, it will also mean they get invited for an annual health check once the young person becomes 14 years of age or over. We have some easier to understand leaflets to help explain this.
Easy Read - about the register
Easy Read - annual health checks
The Down Syndrome Training & Support Service
There are a number of training courses available to parents and families of a child with a learning disability. Please see the April/May newsletter for full details of opportunities.
How to teach children & young people with Down syndrome about their bodies, keeping safe, privacy, social boundaries and self help skills.
This course is over two days, Friday 19 & 26 May 2023 (9.30am to 3.30pm) and is free for family members. Refreshments provided but please bring your own lunch.
Education, Health and Care Plan workshops
The Parents’ Forum for Bradford and Airedale (PFBA) is offering three more dates this half term for the EHCP workshops. These are 25 April, 2 May and 10 May.
The workshops have a maximum of six parents in one session so it is a friendly, supportive environment, and there is plenty of time to discuss whatever issues you may be having in connection with your child’s EHCP. We provide a pack of notes, drinks and a light lunch.
The workshops run from 10.30am to 1.30pm and are held at the PFBA office in the Carlisle Business Centre, Carlisle Road, Bradford BD8 8BD.
Book a place HERE.
If you can't make a daytime workshop, but would still benefit from attending one of the sessions, please get in touch. The PFBA can occasionally arrange an evening session if there is enough demand. For this, and any other queries email:
Spotlight on supported internships - a webinar for parents and carers of young people preparing for adult life
Thursday 18 May 10.30am - 12pm (on Teams)
Join us to learn more about supported internships and how they can benefit a young person.
This online event is particularly designed for parents, carers, and representatives from parent carer forums. During the webinar, we’ll hear personal experiences from past supported interns and employers, and see how they benefited from the internship. We’ll also hear from a government representative explaining how the government supports more young people with SEND into work.
To book a place go to the booking form here
For further information go to the webpage here.
Bradford Children and Families Trust
Bradford Children and Families Trust became responsible for children’s early help and social care services from Bradford Council on 1 April. The Council committed to establish the Trust to stabilise, recover and improve children’s services. It is an arm’s length limited company, which is owned by and accountable to the council, but operationally independent from it, with an experienced and independent board to support its work.
A number of services have moved to the Trust including:
- social care for children
- fostering and adoption
- leaving care services
- child protection, safeguarding, reporting concerns about a child.
Visit the Bradford Children and Families Trust website
National emergency alert test on 23 April
On Sunday 23 April there will be a national UK Emergency Alert test at 3pm. This new Emergency Alert system is being rolled out by the government and will notify all smartphones with an alert sound - including when they are on silent.
This alert sound could cause anxiety for people with a learning disability or those with autism.
SENDIASS waiting times
SENDIASS is the local area’s Information advice and support services for families with a child who has SEND in the Bradford area.
The current call back time for duty advice is approximately 10 working days, and the waiting time for casework is approximately 8 weeks. Our new BAME caseworker Nimmi Johal has started with us this week and is undergoing her induction, and new worker Claire is now picking up cases and making duty calls, so soon we will be up to full capacity and hope to be able to reduce these waiting times.
In terms of new resources we are currently working on information sheets for Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) and Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) including the new guidance for supporting mental health needs in school. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for further details coming soon. The EHCP workshop on 8 May is now fully booked. However, we will be running a Social, Emotional and Mental health (SEMH) workshop in partnership with the local authority specialist teaching teams at the end of April/early May.
We are relaunching our parent steering group, and would be interested in hearing from parent/carers of children with SEND. If you are interested in sharing your views on the service and helping us to develop and grow, email:
Good news updates!
Medical Needs Hospital Education Service (MNHES)
There are currently over 150 pupils attending MNHES due to not being able to access school for medical needs. Working alongside families there has been over 40 pupils since Christmas 2022, who have successfully transitioned back into an educational provision.
Social communication interaction and learning team (SCIL)
192 schools have requested SEND specialist support across Bradford. This means a link Early Years, communication and interaction, learning support or social emotional and mental health specialist teacher has been allocated, collaborative plans are in place and the support is well underway often supported by a specialist practitioner.