Latest news from the Education Partnerships Team

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Education Partnership Team logo; Work together, achieve together

Here's the latest Education Partnerships Team news. There's lots going on! You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram – just click on the logos below.



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Who are we?

We believe that the whole community has a key role to play in shaping the education and lives of children and young people. Our Education Partnerships Team works with businesses, community organisations and training providers to achieve the following objectives:

  • Skills – Offer fun and practical activities to develop a wide range of skills
  • Exceed – Offer activities that will support young peoples’ hopes and dreams, enabling them to have broad ambitions
  • Learning – Support individuals to understand the importance and value of their learning experiences
  • Families – Support families by offering opportunities that help them to engage with the education of their children.

If you have any events or programmes that you are currently doing to improve the outcomes of children and young people in the Bradford district, we would love to hear about them.

If you require any information about content in this newsletter, please email .


Welcome back

Snap Survey


Welcome back to the 2022-23 academic year. We are already heading towards the end of the first half term and I don’t know about you but the beautiful summer days and longer days of light seem a distant memory. In only a month the Education Partnerships Team have engaged with 50 education providers, just under a quarter of all establishments in the Bradford District – a fantastic figure when we are so early into the academic year!

We would just like to share with you a couple of updates for this academic year:

  • Outlook Calendar Invites: For every Education Partnerships Team engagement, both the partner and lead contact of the school or college will receive a calendar invite. This invite outlines a summary of the type of event or activity that is taking place. Please accept this invite at your earliest convenience so we can monitor bookings and engagement levels.
  • Partner and Education Provider Evaluation Forms: In the calendar invite, both the partner and education provider will receive a link to an evaluation form, in the form of an online Snap Survey. Please can we ask that you fill in the correct evaluation form within three days of the Education Partnerships Team engagement. By filling in this evaluation form, we are able to measure the impact of business engagement on our children and young people across the Bradford District.


Positive recognition

Following the Covid pandemic emergency period, between March 2020 and December 2021, where the Education Partnerships Team supported the emergency work around child food poverty, we relaunched our substantive remit in January 2022.

We were keen to specifically support schools and colleges with the barriers to learning that were transpiring for our children and young people across the district. Through the generosity of our partners and positive engagement of our education providers, we were able to affect real positive impact between January 2022 and July 2022:

  • Number of education providers that worked in partnership with the EPT: 97
  • Number of children/ young people who engaged with our partners: 32,495
  • Number of parents who engaged with our partners: 54
  • Number of teachers who engaged with our partners: 61

 We would like to thank our partners for the vast array of provision offered and delivered and we also look forward to supporting our education providers further this academic year.


Literacy offers

Literacy offers for schools


Money workshops and talks

The following partners currently offer talks or workshops to young people about money:

AFH Wealth Management: Inspirational and motivational talks about finances with Primary, Secondary and College aged young people.

Chartered Insurance Institute: My Personal Finance Skills Programme for 11 to 18 year olds. A series of one hour long workshops and assemblies: Opening your first Bank Account (KS3), Understanding Debit and Credit (KS4-5) and Loans and Mortgages (KS5).

My Bnk: Money Works programme for 16 to 25 year olds that focuses on supporting young adults who are moving into independent living, to confront their money worries.

Yorkshire Building Society: Money Minds programmes for Primary aged children: Keeping Money safe (ages 5-7), Wants & needs (ages 5-7), Project party (aged 8-11) and Vacation Venture (aged 8-11).

Provident Financial Group: Inspirational and motivational talks to young people about money.


Yorkshire Champions Group

Business Champions

Community Champions

Is your school or college looking for inspirational speakers to visit your educational setting to speak with children and young people to help raise aspirations? If so, look no further as the Yorkshire Champions Group has over 80 Community Champions available to visit your school. Please check out our website for more information and how to book a Community Champion or email .

Sports Champions

The Sports Champions are here to help motivate and inspire children and young people, focusing on their sporting achievements. They will relate their personal sporting journey to resilience, mental and physical health and well-being and the importance of leaving education with a full `Educational Bank Account ‘. If you are interested in booking a Sports Champion, please email .


Family and parent sessions


GEM Compliance Training

Family First Aid Flyer


Learning Curve Group: Digital Literacy Boot Camps and IAG information sessions.

Kitchen Table Teacher:  Free parent taster sessions to support them with developing the reading, writing and phonics skills of their children.

Skills for Work: Offer a range of adult learning courses, including Essential Digital Skills qualifications, functional skills, ESOL courses.

Wizzy’s Words: Free parental engagement taster sessions about early year’s language and development.

Woodspeen Training Ltd: Offer a number of courses to adults over the age of 19, for example: Children mental health courses, Autism awareness courses, LGBT awareness, Digital skills, ESOL courses, functional skills and teaching assistant courses.

People Plus: Adult learning courses relating to customer service, construction, security.  


Upcoming events

  • Thursday 17th November – Business Workshop Carousel at Bingley Grammar: 8.45-2.50pm.

If your business is interested in participating, or for more information, please contact 

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