Hello and thank you to all the parents and carers, children and young people who inputted into our SEND inspection at the start of the month.
The inspectors met face to face and virtually with parents/carers and children and young people at several of our local schools and at support group networks during the inspection. The SEND Transformation and Compliance Team would like to thank everyone for their honest reflections and time. A significant number of parent/carers also completed the survey and sent in emails. Thank you.
The outcome of the inspection is likely to be available in May and will be shared through both the newsletter, the Local Offer and our parent/carer networks.
Thursday 7 April is World Autism Awareness Day and AWARE (Airedale and Wharfedale Autism Resource) are hosting a drop in event for families at Bradford City Stadium 10am- 2pm.
The event will have information stall on education, health, speech and language, support groups, benefits advice and others. Tickets are free, no diagnosis required and Urdu and Bengali speakers are available on the day. Book a free space here.
Stay and Play is back this Easter
The Specialist Inclusion Project (SIP) is pleased to announce the Phoenix Stay and Play sessions are back this Easter. Booking is required and parent/carers will be required to stay with their children. There are 6 sessions running during the Easter break – click here for further information.
Employment project update
The young people of SORM (School of Rock and Media) studios have been building their work experience during recent weeks and learning new skills to help with their independence. The students have been learning about money management, taking part in work placements and visiting local schools and meeting with the Ofsted Inspectors – to learn more about their personal stories please click here. To learn more about SORM please visit their website here.
Autism/ ADHD assessment update
All families on the waiting list for an ASD/ ADHD assessment should have received an update earlier this month from our health partners. If you have not seen this update please click on this link for further information.
Bradford Portage Team
The portage team gives support to pre-school children with additional needs until after transition into nursery at 2 or 3 years old. Portage home visiting can continue until 5 if a child is not able to attend nursery for medical reasons or for short specific pieces of early intervention work. The team provides a home visiting service and educational groups across Bradford to support families with pre- school children. Read more about the Portage team here.
Masking at School – update
The Parents Forum for Bradford and Airedale (PFBA) has been working with the AWARE Autism support group and officers at the Bradford Council to develop an action plan to support families with children who are masking.
The original report can be read here and the action plan is also available.
The PFBA would like to thank all of the parents and carers who have input into this so far.
What is masking? Autistic masking is a survival strategy for autistic people. It is used to hide autistic traits and to mimic the neurotypical. For many autistic individuals, masking is a way to avoid bringing attention to their neurodiverse behaviours and can help them feel like they can fit in better around people who have a limited understanding of autism.
Neurodiversity project
Parents and carers are being asked to contribute with their experiences and help to develop and co-design the new Digitally Acting Together As One …on Autism and Neurodiversity project.
The project aims to build a new Neurodiverse system in Bradford that is needs driven, provides faster more effective access to assessments and specialist support and a more skilled and aware ‘universal’ workforce. The pilot project focuses on the Holme Wood, Manningham, Girlington and Keighley Central areas. The schools in these areas have been asked if they would like to be part of the pilot.
There will be sessions during the coming months for parents to get involved at every stage of developing the pathway and processes. We will let you know which schools will be participating. If you would like to be involved this project, email supportnews@pfba.org.uk
SEND information Advice and support (SENDIASS)
SENDIASS is the local information and advice service for families with a child who has SEND. The team have worked really hard to update the website recently and have lots of new resources on there. Some of these include children and young people distance learning packs and online training workshops.
The team have also updated their casework offer to help clarify the levels of support they can offer. Please click here for further information.