September news

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SEND partnership newsletter

Hello and welcome

Hello everyone, we hope you are all keeping well and those of you with children at school or further education or training have settled into the new term well. The Bradford Local Offer website is designed to support families, parents and carers with children and young people with SEND and can help you find other services and provisions that are available to you in the Bradford District and surrounding areas. You can visit the Bradford Local Offer website here.


Family Leadership Programme

A new programme will be rolled out from 3 November for parent and carers with children and young people progressing towards adulthood. The aim of the programme is to ensure that parents and carers are well informed about opportunities and support networks that are available in Bradford district, and to promote the importance of planning for adulthood as early as possible.

The programme will focus on preparing for work, gaining independence, accessing opportunities in the community and planning for good health. The course is delivered through six, two hour modules by people with first-hand knowledge of these themes to help you support your young person.

Please see more information on our dedicated Local Offer page, Bradford Family Leadership.

Module 1 will take place on zoom. Please register your interest by clicking on this Eventbrite link.

If you have any questions please contact Debbie Jowett at SENDIASS, email:

something new

Have you used the new SEND portal yet?

 We are now encouraging everyone to use the SEND Portal for all EHC Assessment referrals. This will improve communication and allows parents to track the progress of an application. If you wish to submit a referral or track the progress please go to the following section of the portal:

If you experience any difficulties, please phone 01274 435750 or email:

We understand not all parents have access to technology and have agreed to support where we can and in these cases we will continue to accept referrals manually. 

If possible we would hope that families can work with their SENCo and other support networks, to submit a referral via the SEND Portal.

Short Breaks

Short Breaks funding secured

Additional funding has been gained to allow more children and young people with disabilities to get a short break. The additional funding was agreed earlier this month after a district wide consultation with parents and carers to review current provision. The new funding will allow for a new Short Break assessment team and will increase the budget available for short breaks across the district.

Short Breaks cover a range of services and can be provided by both the voluntary, public and private sector. Depending on the needs of the child, families may access universal short breaks, targeted short breaks or specialist short breaks. It is hoped the new assessment team will be in place early 2022.

Thanks to all the parents and carers who were involved in our consultations and listening events last year. A fuller report will be shared with the group involved in the near future.


support with school attendance

Getting back to school is not always easy especially after the last year and not all our SEND children and young people cope well in a school environment.

If you are struggling to get your child or young person into school the National Autistic Society have developed this handy guide with some useful top tips which can be used for all families who have a child or young person with additional needs.

or if your child or young person is over 16 please this website has some useful advice. 

Help with your EHCP annual review

As the new term starts, many of us will be thinking about our child’s progress in school and what we can do to support them. Please remember there is information and support to help you in our one minute guides.

SEND complaints 

We know not everything always works to plan and sometimes parents and carers feel their child’s needs are not being met in their current provision. If this is the case please see this handy one minute guide on how to raise any complaints with school.

SENDIASS are here to help 

Just a little reminder SENDIASS are the independent advice service for parents and carers who need any advice or support on all things to do with SEND. They are part of many parent/carer support networks in Bradford set up to support families.

SEND Inspection

Bradford is still awaiting its SEND Inspection from Ofsted. Thank you to all the parents who have expressed an interest in supporting us during this process. We will be in touch when we hear when this will be taking place. 


If you would like to send in any comments about this newsletter or the contents or have any suggestions of items you would like to see please email: