Local Offer - Summer fun

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August - Local Offer

Local Offer - August 2021

Hello everyone,

Some of you may be aware Bradford is one of the few areas not to yet have had a SEND Inspection by Ofsted. SEND Inspections will start again in September and we want to say thank you to all partners, parent/carers and young people who have offered to support in this area. We will be in touch when we hear of the date it will take place.

As you know the rules are starting to change nationally around Covid 19 guidance. If you need further information and are unsure what the current rules are please click here.

We hope you have a safe and happy summer school holidays. We know the holidays are not always an easy time and not all our children enjoy the break from school but hope you are all able to have a break at some stage. We have shared some activities that we hope might be of interest to you in this newsletter. 

news update

what do you think

Annual Reviews Survey – could you share your thoughts?

For those of you with a child or young person who has an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) you may be familiar with the Annual Review process. Many Annual Reviews are completed in school with the support of school staff and we would like your feedback of what you think of the Annual Review Process. Please click here to complete a short survey.

school transport

Travel Assistance School Year 2021/2022:

The travel assistance team are busy dealing with applications for school travel assistance for next year. If you need to complete a new application, please download the application form available on the Bradford Council webpage here.

Completed forms should be emailed to schooltransport@bradford.gov.uk

When the team know where a young person will be going in September and where they already receive travel assistance, the Council has agreed to assess automatically and have written to the families concerned. If you have not heard from the team and believe your child is eligible for travel assistance and have not yet applied, please can you apply using the form available here.

The travel assistance team can be contacted on 01274 439450 or email: schooltransport@bradford.gov.uk

something new

Preparation For Adulthood - group for parents

Many parent/carers find it quite a challenging stage to think about their child or young person leaving school. From the age of 14 onwards the EHCP and Annual Review process should start to focus on a child and young persons views beyond school both around independence, health living, education and employment.

The preparation for adulthood section of the Local Offer has lots of information about this stage and local group SNOOP have also set up a closed Facebook group to help parent/carers who are at this stage.

Schools Out!

schools out

what's on, and where to go this Summer!

Bradford’s Schools Out publication is now available with ideas for activities this summer. Distributed directly to schools across the district you may have already received a copy - but if not click on the link below to view online. 

Read more

Summer day trips 2021

Specialist Inclusion Project

The Specialist Inclusion Project run trips for young people aged 8-18 years with a diagnosed disability.

The team support young people who do not have a package of care by social care or a social worker.

This Summer, the team have limited spaces - please contact asap to book your space. Email: Specialist.Inclusion.Project@bradford.gov.uk

Tuesday 27 July - Nell Bank family fun day! (Free to attend) 

Wednesday 28 July - Ingleborough Hall Day (£25)

Thursday 29 July - Brimham Rocks (£25)

Tuesday 3 August - Haworth Moor (£25)

Wednesday 4 August - Ingleborough Hall Day (£25)

Thursday 5 August - Brimham Rocks (£25)

Tuesday 24 August - Haworth Moor (£25)

Wednesday 25 August - Ingleborough Hall (£25)

Thursday 26 August - Brimham Rocks

Tuesday 31 August - Nell Bank family fun day! (Free to attend)

Wednesday 1 September - Ingleborough Hall (£25)

Thursday 2 September - Brimham Rocks (£25)

summer camp

Pineapples Summer Camp 

There are some spaces on Pineapples Summer Camp – a five-day residential run from Ingleborough Hall. The cost is £300 per week. 

Young people join the fun on the Monday and go home Friday. There are two weeks planned for the camps. It is run as an American style camp, with daily activities and evening activities, house teams, and lots of water, messy, fire and adventure play. We are running two separate weeks this year, and it is always very popular, so spaces go very quickly!

Week 1:  Monday 9 August - Friday

Week 2: Monday 16 August - Friday. 

Please contact the team asap to book your space! Email: Specialist.Inclusion.Project@bradford.gov.uk

play in the park

Play in Parks events (no need to book just turn up!)

Bradford Council will be hosting a series of free activity-packed fun days in parks across the length and breadth of the district over the school holiday.

Activities are aimed at 5 to 14 years-olds and will run from 11am to 3pm every day.

The Play in Parks events will feature bouncy castles, giant games, climbing tower, sports, dancing, adventure play, art and crafts and lots more. Story-telling and performance arts will feature at some venues. The programme adds to additional performance, music and theatre acts as part of council’s Summer Unlocked events programme.

Free, healthy packed lunches are available between 12.30pm and 1.30pm, subject to demand.

You can see the full list of dates for parks across the district here.

If you would like to send in any comments about this newsletter or the contents or have any suggestions of items you would like to see please email: sendt&c@bradford.gov.uk