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 advice (31 July)
We are urging people in the Bradford district to follow the new restrictions that the government has announced. One of which, if you have been shielding, please continue to shield beyond 1 August.
While those shielding had been told that shielding guidelines would change from the 1 August, the coronavirus rates have been rising in parts of West Yorkshire.
It is therefore advised, if shielding, for you stay home and continue to use the support options that are already in place if you can. These new rules are to be reviewed after a week. Don't take an unnecessary risk.
This is because if you have a health condition like diabetes, asthma or another serious health condition you might be at higher risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus.
Shielding is about protecting you. It is to cut down on the amount of contact you have with other people.
If you have been shielding, our advice is to please continue doing so.
Bradford Council will continue to offer support through the 01274 431000 number for those who are unable to leave the house.
- If you need medication you should ask someone to get this for you, who can leave it outside your house in a safe place.
- If you need personal support with your daily needs, like getting out of bed, or getting a shower then this support will carry on.
- Priority shopping slots will still be available so people are advised to continue to use these.
what do the new measures mean for all residents of Bradford district?
What this means for residents in our district is that you must not:
- meet people you do not live with inside a private home or garden, except where you have formed a support bubble (or for other limited exemptions to be specified in law)
- visit someone else’s home or garden even if they live outside of the affected areas
- socialise with people you do not live with in other indoor public venues, except where you are in a support bubble with people.
Read the full updated guidelines on our website.
The Council is urging that EVERYONE across the district follows our revised Covid Code:
KEEP YOUR DISTANCE: Keep at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone you don’t live with.
FACE COVERINGS: Always wear a face covering when in a shop, on public transport and when you can’t follow the 2 metre rule.
HYGIENE IS KEY: Wash your hands with soap and warm water often.
NO HANDSHAKE, NO HUGS, HANDS OFF: Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
THINK OF OTHERS: Cough or sneeze into your elbow.
GET TESTED: If you have a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss/change in your sense of taste or smell.
STAY SAFE: Do not meet people you do not live with inside a private home or garden, except where you have formed a support bubble.
DO NOT VISIT someone else’s home or garden even if they live outside of the District.
STAY INDOORS: Isolate at home for 10 days if you have symptoms and 14 days if you live with someone who has symptoms.
NO EVENTS: Do not socialise with people you do not live with in other indoor public venues.
DON’T SPIT: if you are infected, spitting will increase the chance of the virus and other germs spreading.
TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF: GPs, hospitals and other services are #StillHereToHelp
Do you need help or support?
 If you need help or have a particular need please ring and talk to one of our friendly team who will take some details and pass them onto the relevant service. Call 01274 431000 or for BSL text 07790 347389.
We can help by:
- helping you get a priority shopping delivery slot
- arranging food parcels for people on the government shielded list who need them
- ringing for a friendly chat
- referring people who are not shielded who need emergency food to one of the district's food banks
See our website for more information about local support and volunteering to help others.
Stay at home as much as possible
- Work from home if you can
- Avoid public transport if possible
- Wear a face covering on public transport and in shops and supermarkets
- Keep your distance from people who are not in your household (at least two metres apart if possible)
- Wash or sanitise your hands regularly
- Use cashless payment if possible
- If you are contacted by the NHS Test and Trace Service please give them the information they need to keep everyone in the UK safe and follow the instructions they give you
- If you or anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms, you must all self-isolate
See the latest Government guidance on staying alert and safe.
Coronavirus testing in Bradford District
Walk-in mobile testing units are available in community locations throughout the district. These testing units are a quick and easy way to get a coronarvirus test with or without an appointment.
The units are available for anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, such as a high temperature, a new cough, or a change in sense of taste or smell, or thinks they may have the virus.
Face coverings
Wear a face covering on public transport and in shops and supermarkets. This is now mandatory for everyone except children under 11 and those with certain disabilities.
Please see our website for more information about face coverings including a short video by Dr Amir Khan showing how to safely put on and wear a face covering.
 If you do not have to wear a face covering
People who have a reason for not wearing a face covering (if they are exempt) should not be routinely asked to give evidence of this. However it might be helpful to be able to show something on a phone, wear a badge or print out a card that can be shown to explain to others.
If you would like to use an exemption card, or an image you can display to people on your phone, you can download these from the GOV.UK website.
Are you concerned about someone's safety?
If you have a concern about the safety of a child or a vulnerable adult, do not keep it to yourself. Report your concern on the Safer Bradford website. We’re available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Or call:
- For children 01274 435600 (01274 431010 out of office hours)
- For adults 01274 431077 (01274 431010 out of office hours)
- If someone is at immediate risk of harm call 999
Don’t think, “What if I’m wrong?”. Think, “What if I’m right!”
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:
- you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
- your condition gets worse
- your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
Helpful links
UK Government guidance and support
NHS coronavirus advice and information
Bradford district coronavirus advice and information
Support for local businesses
Support for keeping your mind healthy