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 Stay safe in the hot weather
The next few days will see hot weather temperatures that might make it difficult for some people to cope.
Please look out for anyone you know with young children, a medical condition or who are elderly; particularly in these times when we may not see family, friends or neighbours as often.
The key thing to remember are to:
- Slip on cool, light clothing
- Slop on suntan lotion (factor 15 or more) if you're outside in the sun
- Slap on a hat or find a cooler, shaded spot.
It's also important to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Advice for those with learning difficulties
We are also providing more accessible information through a series of easier to read guides on the Council’s coronavirus advice page for people with learning disabilities In partnership with BTM, and with advice from our public health team.
Cervical screening tests resume across the district
Bradford residents are being encouraged to attend their routine cervical screening appointments at their local GP practices for the potentially life-saving test.
Women due for a cervical screening test will start to receive letters asking them to attend after being temporarily paused for eight weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic.
If you are overdue for your cervical screening test or are not sure when you are due, people can get in touch with their GP practice. Information about cervical screening is available on the NHS website: www.nhs.uk/conditions/cervical-screening/.
Support for domestic violence and abuse victims
Victims of domestic violence can contact the following organisations if they need help and support in the Bradford district:
- Bradford Survive & Thrive - 0808 2800 999
- Anah project - 08459 60 60 11
- Men Standing Up - 03003 030167
- Bradford Rape Crisis - 01274 308270
If a victim is in immediate danger you can secure help from the police by calling 999. A victim can get help without speaking to the police by using Silent Solutions.
During the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, families may need additional support to stay healthy. The following is a series of guides which will help you and your family remain healthy and safe:
Do you need help or support?
 If you need help or have a particular need please ring and talk to one of our friendly team who will take some details and pass them onto the relevant service. Call 01274 431000 or for BSL text 07790 347389.
We can help by:
- helping you get a priority shopping delivery slot
- arranging food parcels for people on the government shielded list who need them
- ringing for a friendly chat
- referring people who are not shielded who need emergency food to one of the district's food banks
See our website for more information about local support and volunteering to help others.
Are you concerned about someone's safety?
If you have a concern about the safety of a child or a vulnerable adult, do not keep it to yourself. Report your concern on the Safer Bradford website. We’re available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Or call:
- For children 01274 435600 (01274 431010 out of office hours)
- For adults 01274 431077 (01274 431010 out of office hours)
- If someone is at immediate risk of harm call 999
Don’t think, “What if I’m wrong?”. Think, “What if I’m right!”
Stay at home as much as possible

- Work from home if you can
- Avoid public transport if possible
- Local parks and green spaces are available for your daily outdoor exercise
- Always keep your distance in public (at least 2 metres apart)
- Wash your hands regularly
- If you or anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms, you must all self-isolate
See the latest Government guidance on staying alert and safe.
Stay safe while out for exercise
Please follow the Government’s advice when leaving your home for exercise and observe the 2 metre rule for staying a safe distance apart. For more information about where you can walk in the Bradford district, and how to stay safe while you do so, visit our public green space and rights of way guidance page.
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:
- you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
- your condition gets worse
- your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
Helpful links
UK Government guidance and support
NHS coronavirus advice and information
Bradford district coronavirus advice and information
Support for local businesses