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Important Covid-19 safety guidance
Covid-19 infection rates continue to be high in our district so it is critical local businesses act upon the government guidelines to keep staff and customers safe.
These guidelines are designed to save lives and could prevent greater restrictions resulting from an increase in the spread of the disease.
Please remember social distancing remains a powerful way we can all reduce the spread of Covid-19.
Guidance on maintaining social distance in common areas includes:
- Staggering break times to reduce pressure on break rooms or places to eat and ensuring social distancing is maintained in staff break rooms.
- Using safe outside areas for breaks.
- Creating additional space by using other parts of the worksite or building that have been freed up by remote working.
- Using protective screening for staff in receptions or similar areas.
- Providing packaged meals or similar to avoid opening staff canteens, where possible.
- Reconfiguring seating and tables to maintain spacing and reduce face-to-face interactions.
- Encouraging staff to stay on-site during working hours.
- Considering use of social distance marking for other common areas such as toilets, showers, lockers and changing rooms and in any other areas where queues typically form.
Current government guidance also includes:
5 steps to working safely
Construction and other outdoor work
Factories, plants and warehouses
Offices and contact centres
Other people's homes
Restaurants offering takeaway or delivery
Shops and branches
There is also a useful government tool giving step by step instructions on how to reopen your business safely during coronavirus.
Read the full guidance.
Coronavirus links for businesses
Bradford Council’s Invest in Bradford team can help with guidance and support with all aspects of business planning and grant funding. Email: info@investinbradford.com, or call 01274 437727.
For local advice visit Bradford Council’s Covid-19 business support page.
For national guidance visit the UK Government website.